Wednesday, February 4, 2009

reflections, confessions, and overbaked cookies.

confession time.

i love facebook.

i have a couple ex boyfriends/people i made out with , as friends on there. ( i should count them up, hmm only 5 ) not that there is much to our facebook friendships. just so we can see profiles really i guess (lurk on blogs) . i figure if i would say hi at the store to them, we can be friends on facebook.

and i may or may not have snagged a picture of one of them , from either back in the day.

or currently.

(we aren't actually friends on facebook but his brother and I are so the posted pictures are there still for me to SEE!)

and HOLY CRAP! one in particular is not looking so good.

just one really is bald. and looks like super crap from his hard livin' .

and he's got a parole officer. are you KIDDING ME?

honestly i have no idea why i was so into him back in the day. but the choices he made back then were stupid, and the ones he apparently has made made semi recently? extra stupid!?

not an easy life.

not smart.

pretty pathetic.

sometimes glimpses into that are good.

and a little sad that his life is what it is.

( if you wonder who? it's C.K. if that rings any bells you know who i'm talking about otherwise you don't know him)

and i may or may not have been bummed he was in town recently but didn't look me up. just because i want to know how he is. and what he's been up to.

dang it he needs to get on facebook like his siblings. so we can be friends.


it's not often i think about some of those old boy friends, but when i do i wonder what they are up to, how are they doing? how many kids do they have? what has their life been like over the years?

maybe i'm wierd in that way, i consider them just old friends at this point. just like i wonder and worry about my girl friends from back in the day.

and I like to catch up. and keep in touch. with everyone.

i have loads of friends, sometimes more than i know what to do with, or how to juggle all of them.

but if they were my friend ever , they are still my friend.

sometimes i think about them. or miss their friendship. sometimes i have guilt because i wasn't as good of a friend as i could have been or should be.

and even the friends that i realized weren't good friends to me. or good for me? i still wonder what they have going on.

maybe i'm just nosey!?! that could totally be it.

but ususally it's just a passing thought. once in a blue moon.

How is ___?

i wonder what ____ is up to?

maybe that is why i love blogging and facebook so much. i've reconnected with more than a handful of old friends i'd totally lost touch with. Friends that i'd thought about over the years. Friends that i've missed.

i'm glad to know they are doing well in life.

that they are happy and successful.

and it's fun to know they have thought about me over the years too.


about the cookies that where over baked in the last post? i got the story from Lance.

we had a package of sugar cookie mix. Liberty decided to mix it up and bake them last night.

it said on the package, made in 20 minutes. she thought that meant bake for 20 minutes.


i should take a picture.

anyway. the others that weren't black were over baked but not disgusting. apparently someone stepped in, and helped at that point.

she should stick to brownies. she's got that one down.


guess what?

i have 7 messages. the oldest is from 2 weeks ago. NICE . my house phone is virtually worthless.

anyway those are what's going on in my head this morning.

i better go get ready. have a FABULOUS DAY FRIEND!

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Rebecca Irvine said...

I bet she knows pretty good now not to bake sugar cookies for 20 min. It is probably burned into her brain! (heehee). Lousy for you to clean up, but a lesson she won't forget.

Ruth Anne said...

See I have learned to master cookies because I have mad cravings for sugar.

My old bf from fb just moved to AZ from WI and then got in touch with me.

The problem is I see update from all friends even my not in real life friends. But you definitely can't unfriend, right? Too un-kosher?!

Hey, are you going to post or do a Valentines craft?

AutoSysGene said...

I just can't get into FB. I'm not really looking to find anyone so for me it's just keeping in touch with my close friends...and I can do that by email or phone.

Kimm said...

You sound like me reconnecting with old boyfriends, and I do have to say that "I won" in the husband department. (yeah me)! :) I am always wondering "what happened to" as well, Facebook has let me reconnect with those people. I love it!

Ally said...

Hi, I am glad that you put the comments back up, so I can respond to one you left on my blog! Yes, I totally am a lurker, I can't remember how I found you, but I really like your blog. I like that you seem to just say what you are thinking. I try to do that sometimes, but I really am too much of a wimp. Oh, and I totally look at old bfs and guys I had crushes on, but there are some I just can't be friends with yet, so I look at them through other friends. I know, lame. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for your fun blog (and I am glad you didn't go private a few days ago!)

SuperCoolMom said...

I'm lovin' finding old elementary and HS friends on facebook!

The Ayers Family said...

I should copy and paste that post to my own blog! You took the thoughts right out of my head! I too, love to find old boyfriends... my husband tells me I have a serious addiction...

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