Monday, March 2, 2009

teaching my kids the fine art of procrastination

okie dokie.

Liberty has a book report due tomorrow. she has been begging me to do this since she got the information and requirements . she's been talking about it since she finished the last one back in DECEMBER.

What do i do? i say ..."when is it due? talk to me two days before."

two days before rolled around this weekend and i couldn't be bothered.

we did it tonight after 7:30.

i am rad.

at least we read the book last week. talked about it. had the cereal box.(it's the "design a cereal box " about a book.) i pre wrapped that sucker this afternoon with FUCHSIA wrapping paper to give it that clean slate look.

and then i typed it all on the computer and printed it for her.

she 'dictated' the thoughts she had about it. and i may have embellished it to my own liking.

what is that about?

Peyton has book reports galore. and i leave him to his own devices. he has to type it all himself and come up with everything on his own.

and then there is Liberty. i do the whole freaking thing for her. including coloring the thing.


So anyway. Lance gave me the lecture today that as soon as something is assigned , i have to help them do their reports WELL IN ADVANCE. no more training them to think Procrastinating is fine.


it did turn out pretty fabulously if i do say so myself.
even if it was last minute. we all know i work best under pressure.

Then tonight we had Family night with my siblings at the park. it went great considering i left it to the LAST MINUTE. including deciding on the refreshments and cleaning the bathroom for emergency potty use , since our neighborhood park does NOT have toilets.

but i like our park. it's close. it's clean. and i usually run into people i know. tonight though since we were pressed for time at least 3 kids were complete URCHINS!

Pierce arrived in a diaper and a polo shirt.( i had shorts with me in the Van but he got out of the van without them, at least we put them on later)

Joy had Popsicle residue. Green all over her face.

Hope had yesterday's outfit, with yesterday's falling-out-and oh- so-ratty-pigtails, with ONE bow on one pigtail. just one. you know pigtails involve 2 pony tails. yeah just one bow. TRASHY!

I'm not even mentioning the grime and the filthy faces. i am awesome!

I'm totally not maximizing my potential these days.

i know it and now everyone else does. FREAKING AWESOME!

well that was my Monday. Whee! have a rad Tuesday!

i'm gonna try to maximize something here soon.



Supercool Hotmama said...

FHE was great! I wish we could have stayed longer, but the concert was awesome. B. had a solo that he'd forgotten to mention to us. Good thing we went!

Cecily R said...

Heh. I feel a bond with you that can never be broken. :)

Devri said...

I am worse, one today had a county report, guess what I am suppose be doing at this moment.. and I am doing it for her...

Eliza said...

It's so good to know that I'm not alone in the procrastination department. I'm setting the worst example for my kids. At least they will work well under pressure!

Eliza said...

It's so good to know that I'm not alone in the procrastination department. I'm setting the worst example for my kids. At least they will work well under pressure!

andrea said...

At least you had FHE. :)

I like that thought...."maximizing my potetial". Maybe I'll do something about mine today. There a few clutter piles around here with my name all over them. And laundry. There's always laundry. Hubster is home sick with strep. I guess I better let him see me do something maximizing! :)

onehm said...

Sounds successful to me. :)
Good luck with the maximizing. I can't WAIT for bunko tonight!!

Daisygirl said...

your crack me up! have you ever thought about sharing your story with in the motherhood and having a show made out of one of the days in your life????

Rebecca Irvine said...

I put Katie's outfit together last night for her biography book report. And then this morning I found the rubric for the written report. She had left some things out, so she had to completely redo it. So I would not feel so bad if I were you for procrastinating... you certainly were not alone!

Micah and Jen said...

Isn't it amazing how once you have kids in school you feel like YOU are back in school? That is the feeling I am getting this year! :)

Leslie said...

You are not alone!! We do the same thing, and we did that with Landon's sience Project...we started the minute he got home from school and worked on it till 12:30AM. And then on top of that he still had homework!! Sometimes I think they ask way to much of these kids!!

KATE said...

I am so the same!

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