Thursday, April 23, 2009

WHAT DID HE HAVE ON UNDER THAT KILT? memories and regrets.

Do you ever wonder about what people remember about you from back in highschool? or Junior High? or even elementary school?

yeah. i wonder sometimes. especially what guys thought in regards to Me.

semi-recently i've heard from some 'old friends' and even kind of discussed some memories.

it was enlightening. it might have been flattering. or embarrassing , depending on who we are talking about. (embarrassing , like when i heard about me making out at the movies in front of someones little brother who still remembered. YEAH PROUD MOMENT, excuse me while i hang my head in shame)

what's super fun is hearing from old boyfriends, or old crushes.

i have a friend that has an old boyfriend that still sings her praises. she is THRILLED to have dodged that bullet, (he is a major LOSER now and has a wreck of a life) while he remembers her only in the best light. we love to hear what he's had to say about her recently , so we can giggle to ourselves.

what's even better is hearing someones BAD memory about a mutual friend, from his perspective. (as opposed to hearing bad memories about me)

of course this is now when i know what kind of CRAPPY friend she really was to me and what a tease she was to every guy she ever went out with.

my perspective about her has changed. so i see her in a different light anyway.

plus the fact he can recall details from back in the day, answers a question I've always had. Which is...Do guys look back and remember too?

how much do they remember?

so it's funny to me.

but reliving some of the memories brings up guilt or regrets.

wanna know my regrets from back in the day?(here are just a few)

  • i regret being so devoted to a less than fabulous friend.
  • i regret feeling less than fabulous about myself back then.
  • i regret treating the nice guy less than fabulously.
  • i regret my long term devotion to certain guys. and lack of devotion to others.
  • i regret always making a silly/ugly face in pictures. seems like those are the ONLY ONES I CAN FIND! WTH?
  • i regret not realizing/maximizing what i had going for me.
  • i regret never finding out what that guy (that i made out with in CA) had on underneath his kilt. (he was wearing his kilt when i met him), this is a new regret just since I've been reading a trashy highlander novel.

regrets? do you have any?

about how you treated people ?

about how you handled your adolescent relationships?

ever wonder what people recall? especially the old boyfriends?

got any regrets you wanna share?

what about memories?

for what i lack in wedding and overall pics , somehow i have an abundance of silly pics!

care to see the wonder?








what was i thinking?

and i just may regret this another day. for showing everyone

proof that i was a dorky 17 yr old.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6


Daisygirl said...

haha love this post! And the pictures are hilarious but very cute.
Ya know I remember you being very adventurous when we worked at the Pizza Restaurant...I seem to remember a piercing??!! am I remembering correctly because lately my brain is quite retarded.

Crazymamaof6 said...

i totally had my tongue Pierced when you knew me. i have a pic somewhere. maybe i'll hunt it down and post it.

jes said...

i am kind of shocked that you did not find out what was under that kilt!

Jen said...

LOL Now I want to know who the less than stellar friend is! You need to email me with the info asap!! And I am giggling at wreck of a boyfriend story right now! LOL I think you are one of the few friends I have pics of, I regret not taking more pictures with friends, I have almost none.

CassiB said...

I totally regret not having more pics. Even now there are hardly any of me, got to get going on that.

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Weren't we all dorky 17 year olds? I mean come on! My friend came over the other day and we were telling stories and we were so lame back then! Doing dumb stuff. Who would have thought I would have turned out so great? (ha-ha)

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I love the pictures!!! :)

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