Chatting , and summer bedtime rules
first off. Summer bedtime. it's freaking killing me. these people think since it's summer they can stay up all hours and in turn BUG THE CRAP OUT OF ME!
so tonight I'm laying down the law.
8:00 it's basement time. they have to go, read, watch TV, whatever, and NOT BUG ME! i can't see or hear from them after 8:00 pm
the constant talking in my face, next to my head. looking over my shoulder . it's driving me CRAZY!
NEXT. do you ever 'chat' with your husband/wife/friend? while you are both in the same house/building at the same time?
i do. he's in the office and i'm in the kitchen. usually it's generic. sometimes it's more but rarely.
so tonight. i go to chat the HUBS just totally generic chat mind you, and accidentally chat his mom.
WOW , that could have been embarrassing.
i'm just sayin'.... what if i wasn't going to just chat, hey what are you doing?
what if it was MORE?
in fact it was my brother in law.
he was on fixing her computer.
the conversation went like this....
me: whatcha doing?
MIL: this is FUNNY Brother in law(FBIL) ... I am fixing mom's sweet. sorry i thought i was chatting the hubs. that could have been embarrassing
FBIL: Yeah ... it could have been.... So what are you wearing? (says CRAZYMAMA)
me: LOLFBIL: (HUBS replies)the yellow k bye FBILFBIL:Bye
at least i have to pay serious attention to who i'm clickin' on. sheesh.
hubs thought it was Hilarious.
so late night last night is kicking my trash, (i went to bed around 4am and got up at 8:30am. with no nap) how do you think the evening has gone?
summertime is kicking it extra hard.
seriously? it's gonna be a long one.
What is your bedtime rule?
do you Ever chat anyone while in the same building?
© 2009 crazymamaof6
Now that we have swim team, bed time is at 9 no later, before it was between 9-10 and Corb could read in his bed until 10 if he wanted. We may make it earlier depending on how this week goes in waking him up.
We only have one computer so no, no chatting :(, if I want to talk to him I have to get off my butt to do it or yell really loudly, which one do you think I opt for most of the time?
Since we are only a week into summer break, there are no rules. But that is all about to change. After the fit I had to endure from the 3 yr old that went to bed at 10PM for 2 nights in a row, yet still gets up BEFORE 7AM (heaven help me!)and doesn't nap, her bedtime is about to be enforced. I'm thinking 7:30PM.
And since summer school starts tomorrow for the 10th grader, and I have a 25 minute drive to get us ALL to by 9:45, and I don't want to do it in jammies, we'll ALL be getting to bed earlier since an alarm will be getting me up in time. Nice week I got off, eh? Good thing it only lasts 3 weeks! :)
hahaha! So funny that you would ask this question! I chatted YOU once and it was Lance. I felt dirty.
K, but not that I SAID anything dirty.
I was just all excited to chat up my crazymamafellowinsomniac and it was your hubster. Startled me for sure.
I hardly ever chat. I have no one to chat with, really.
As for bedtime rules, I can't function well after 9 pm, so they are down or I go in my room, close the door, and let my husband put them to bed. They want to stay up later in the summer, but I hate that.
That whole FBIL chat could have been really embarrassing. Luckily it was just funny.
Yeah, since my laptop is usually in the kitchen and Luvpilot is usually in the den, we chat/email each other all the time. And we'd even do it when we were in the same room together too.
I'm always ready for bed way before the boys. I've been making them go about 10:00 and then they can watch TV for a half hour. Then I get my quiet time in the morning before anyone wakes up.
Wishing I had a basement to ban my children to. They are seriously breaking into my alone time. WHich I need. SO I stay up later. But the baby doesn't wake up later. It is bad. I need to do something about it...
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