Sunday, October 25, 2009

Let's play "What if?"

What if you suddenly had more money than you ever thought possible and you got everything you ever wanted...

what would you buy? do ? etc?

would you be happy?

would it magically fix everything you're worried about?

*Note: i'm not talking fantasy, fairy wishes or lottery winnings money here, I'm talking legitimate job that suddenly made more money in a month than you currently make in a year.*

and no we haven't hit it big. No it wouldn't solve any real issues other than money stress. and yes it would cause it's own problems . Yes, it would be a fabulous distraction for awhile.

  • I would buy a Red convertible.
  • a Van that runs and could take us on a long trip.
  • a rabbit poop ice machine AND a soda on tap. (although if i had that? where would i go in my red convertible? my sonic friends would miss me.)
  • a fabulous cruise with the hubs
  • a fantasy vacation with the family.
  • pay off every debt we have.
  • pay off the house.
  • finish the house remodeling.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6


Debra said...

How did I get first on here? WOW! LOL

Really the only things I would do differently is:

1. pay off my van and buy dh a new to us truck (even with a ton of $ I would never buy new)

2. Buy a home that would fit us all or at least rent a home that is bigger than 1800 sq ft with no basement!

3. go back to college.

I was going to put maid and nanny and all that, but I didnt. I want to teach my kids how to clean because they need to learn life skills. And I really don't need a nanny if my kids were just trained better.

Oh and just ONE trip with just me and dh... NO KIDS. We've never had that. EVER! And maybe weekly date nights. We dont have the money for that.

CassiB said...

why did you suddenly come into some money? lol.
too many things to list! any extra would be nice right now just to feel like i wasn't drowning.

Serendipity said...

Well, my list is a little to I'll save you my "wish" list.....however, I know it would not fix the real things I'm worried about. BUT it could be a great distraction.

Devri said...

Too much money..nah- I just want to be able to pay my bills again, and help people out in need.. too much to ask.. yeah, I didn't think so ! :D

Jen said...

It would solve some of the problems, but nah I would rather have a regular steady job for Jeff.

Frolicking Night Owl said...


1. I'd buy Joel a practice that is already thriving and has lots of patients so he has something to do all day!

2. Buy a house with a BIG yard for the kiddies.

3. Pay off student loans.

4. Dance classes for the girls.

5. An outfit or two for myself. :)

Jenifer said...

a RED convertible? Not fuschia? It's fun to dream, isn't it? I would buy straight hair. A weave if I must.

jayna said...

i'd pay off all of my student loans and buy a house. not an over-the-top house, just a great house that i could design how i wanted. ;)


janna said...

buy a new van
finish the basement
buy new furniture
redo the upstairs.

Serendipity said...

Okay changed my mind........ car classes for the girls
3. endless sports for colin
4. new clothes for ME ME ME! PLUS a sinful amount of shoes.
5. cook./maid/nanny
6.personal trainer
7.a pedicure every friday forever!
8. take the kids the disneyworld

Laura said...

New car.
Pay off debt.
New house.
Charity (find ways to help).
to name a few......

Anonymous said...

I knew you would put a rabbit poop ice machine on there!

Money is I think the scariest thing to me. We have gone through periods in our life where we had extra money to spend and didnt' feel bad about spending it, to having to budget to even by milk....sad thing is you have to have money to survive...kinda wish it could be like the olden days where you could pay your bills and mortgage in rice or pepper!

But if I had more money today this is what I would do...
1. pay of student loans
2. buy another house
3. start college fund accounts for all the kids
4. pay off car loans
5. go on a disney world vacation for a whole week and stay in a disney hotel.
6. I then think I would have a tummy tuck

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