Monday, November 23, 2009


Loves...the look of a fresh mohawk on my littlest punk.

Loves...the smell of wood fireplaces burning, outside after dark.

Loves...the taste of rocky road out of the carton after bedtime for the chillun's

Loves...the thought of checking things OFF her list.

Loves...Planning the black friday strategy.

so, tonight was one of those nights, where wherever i went people stared at me.(do you ever have that problem?)

SERIOUSLY? it left me wondering, did have some something dangling from my nose? did i forget to do my hair? did i fail to wear a shirt? i don't know what it was but either there was something wrong with me, or I looked totally HOT and people couldn't get over how attractive i am.

yeah that's it. ;)

the guy at sonic was extra weird. stare, long pause, stare and smile. "hey, thanks for coming in we really appreciate your business". smile, and stare.

really? it was weird. not normal sonic behavior.

and the long pauses gave me flashbacks from back in the day when a guy would wanna ask me out but not know how to go about it.


if you stare at someone what do you stare at?

do people stare at you?

what do you love to smell? taste? touch? think about?

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© 2009 crazymamaof6


Flea said...

So did you ever figure out what all the staring was about? Sounds like you looked like some celebrity or something.

CassiB said...

LOVE the new banner.
i usually just stare off into space! lol. i hate that feeling that every one is staring and looking at you. i second wood burning outside. we've been using our smoker/bbq for a fire pit. love sitting out there with the hubs. and the kids too, seems to calm everyone.

Rebecca Irvine said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoy a beautiful day in the company of friends and family.

I love to to touch smooth things. I love to taste warm, creamy things.

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Gosh, if people stare at me it's usually cause I'm being extra crazy and causing a scene! I'm good like that! haha

I am so excited for Thanksgiving Dinner it's all I can think about! It's my favorite meal of the year!

Daisygirl said...

Weird....maybe you did have a booger??? did you check?
The other day we were all out and saw a Grandma staring at this really white guy with tattoos...she seriously ran into a plant because she was staring so hard! And then everyone was staring at her...serves her right I guess...haha!
Fav smells are vanilla and baby powder, I have a weird tongue and love sour stuff! I love the feel of pottery barn kids baby blankets!!!
I hope you and your fam have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

onehm said...

I bet they ALL read your blog and were just mesmerized by being in your presence.

sherry said...

I don't stare at people. It's rude.

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