Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I psssss'd on you too mom!

Hey, four eyes! yeah i'm talking to you!

what? you wanna see the board?

and you can't see the screen at the movies?


wow! then I'm glad you can see now!

Peyton and Liberty just got glasses! and they finally came in!

this is Liberty's 2nd prescription in 6 months. yeah she's going blind fast thanks to genetics (just like her dad)

AWESOME! ( I should have interviewed better)

Peyton went for the half rimless, anything kinda round and he looked like Harry Potter.
and yes he needs a haircut. but i've noticed shaggy haired boys are running rampant at school these days . the first thing he said when he put them on? "WOW now everything isn't blurry! and " i can read the clock on the microwave!"


Aren't they cute? he's older. she's taller. i used to think people were stupid when they'd ask if Peyton and Liberty were twins, now they look like they could pass as twins. funny how that's changed.


and Liberty's are black with hot pink trim and butterflies or flowers on the sides. FAAANNNCCY.


in other news...

the maid came yesterday. and within an hour, milk was spilled on the table and leaked onto the floor.

then ...

Pierce sprayed the hose into the house through the dining room door TWICE. you can imagine how mopping right after i've paid someone to mop chaps me.

Pierce streaked down the street with ONLY a shirt on. and danced half nude on the neighbors pillar. (while i laughed and tried to snap pics on my camera phone)

he rode down the middle of the road on his scooter as fast as he could while dad yelled at him to come back , in a shirt and a pull up. CLASSY!

Pierce likes to pretend to pee on people. the other day he was in the bath and one of the girls walked by so of course he pretended to PSSSSSSSSSSSSSS on her, i told him to stop PSSSSSing on people and he said," I psssss'd on you too mom!" then he laughed his thrilled with himself laugh. it resembles a cackle not unlike my own.



Hope told me she wished it was christmas already. i asked her why, and she said because she likes turkey. apparently she was momentarily confused. she's very excited about thanksgiving and playing with cousins at the park. (I'm not even sure she eats turkey but hyping it in Kindergarten has her excited.)

glasses? do you wear them? used to? need to? any kids of yours wear glasses?

do you have any streakers?

kids that like to pretend to pee on people? typical boy behavior?

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© 2009 crazymamaof6


Andrea said...

hahahaha I love your title {and the fact that he said that to you too}! Of course we have Psssss'ers in our house too! Especially after watching the Scooby Doo movie a couple years ago (the whole Scrappy Doo part in the car before they kick him out) have my kids laughing every time. Then they re-enact it over & over! UGH!

Awwww Peyton & Liberty look so CUTE & studious in their new glasses!!! They could totally pass for twins now. Isn't that funny?

My mom wears glasses pretty much all the time now, my dad wears 'em for reading, so does my sis & brother. I'm the ONLY one in my family NOT wearing glasses. And no one in my house wears glasses. Ben thinks he may need them, but he also thinks he is horrendously old and has one foot in the grave already! HAHAHA Guess that's what happens when you turn 35. LOL

Andrea said...

whew! just checking to see if my comment posted. yay it did! I got an error as soon as I hit publish. ok I can go to bed now. :)

Kimm said...

My two younger boys always pretend to pssssss on people. Mr. K tries to prolong putting clothes on after the bath walking around or lounging, whatever.

I found out I needed glasses in college when I thought the teacher had bad handwriting because I couldn't read the board! I wear contacts and sometimes glasses when I want to give my eyes a rest or it's too windy outside. Bob's eyes are getting bad, but not bad enough to wear glasses yet.

Your kids look good in glasses!

See you tomorrow at the park!

onehm said...

You know we have a bit of a crazy boy here ourselves, and lucky for us he hasn't tried to psssst on anyone yet. :)
Glasses, only Sweet G so far, and DH when his eyes are really tired...

jayna said...

i love the glasses. and they could totally pass as twins! my brother and i used to get that all the time!

i used to wear glasses, but don't any more... long story. and you can have it in person when i see you in a couple of weeks!! can you email me your phone number?

Ruth Anne said...

I had glasses at 5, but I never wore them because it wasn't pretty. Then we moved to Arizona in 4th grade, and I remember being so depressed about that move that I said nothing matter, and I just wore the glasses. Funny. I enjoyed seeing.

The peeing thing. Totally Ethan!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

they look adorable in their glasses!!

love pssssssing :)

The Ayers Family said...

I wore glasses from 3rd grade until I went to Jr. high and I've worn contacts ever since. I was legally blind at one point, with double astigmatism. My four-year old SAYS he needs glasses, but I tell him he really needs a hearing aid, and he's also the one who farts at people rather than psss on them.

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