Friday, August 31, 2007

frantic friday! all the delights of my day!

today i was efficient and got dressed and drove the kids to school myself instead of sending lance. he had a conference call at 8am. yay

so i got everyone dressed including Hope and Pierce, Loaded up and ditched the big kids at school.
then i headed to Walmart. Hope hadn't been changed, or had her hair combed and i didn't happen to have any diapers or wipes in my purse or the van, and i didn't have any shoes for her. I am rad. but i combed her hair in the bathroom, and washed her grubby little face and she looked less like an orphan. street urchin perhaps but full on orphan no more. we were on a mission to get Jenny's birthday present! a tiara! Just a tiny one for everyday use. heehee! and i was not thrilled with the selection at Walmart. but i was on the phone with my friend shar, and she informed me her mom;s baby boutique had then there. so we left and went to Crismon's baby boutique to see what they had. i picked the one i liked best. and off went went on our merry way. Hope had now been inside two stores barefoot! by 9:30 white trash fo' sho'! and really i didn't give a rats . it was that kind of day.

we cruised home i grabbed diapers, wipes, and shoes for the urchin and we were off again to the pediatricians office for Pierce's, one year well visit! and this guy is a tank. 26.8 lbs and 32" tall. he had grown two inches in a month, and gained 4+ lbs. i knew he was growing but not that fast!and he has a rockin' case of pink eye. poor guy!

so then we rush to McDonald's where we were late for a lunch date, with Jenny, Lindsey and Julie. where we had a great time talking about horrifying stories. that are secret and not to ever be discussed! the best kind of stories Julie says. and thennnnnnnnn, i hit Walgreen's to drop off the prescription for pink eye meds, and to sonic for happy hour, and to the drive through car wash. i got home around 2:45 long day. i was seriously home for only 15 minutes before the big kids come running in, fighting and carrying on about slow walkers, and home work and blah blah blah. yes the highlight of my day!


Webb Family said...

He weighs the same as Kennendi!! What a day! I stay in my pj's until about 4 this afternoon. At least you got dressed & did stuff!

Jen said...

Thanks again for my Tiara, I came home and put it on last night and Jeff just laughed and laughed. It's great!

Katie said...

wow! you did a ton! I stayed home dressed, but braless(the best in this hot summer heat, esp. since my boobs have gone tiny, it doesn't matter) and cleaned and read eclipse! I started it like 2 days ago and am nearly to page 300. I like to read every word and my kids are such the interrupters! and chris is annoyed and wanting me to pay attention to him at night...

blah, blah by lindsey said...

that is how much caleb weighs, big guy!! glad you made it to lunch. it was a blast and jenny looked awesome in her tiara.

Crazymama's RAD Followers

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do you ever feel like............