Thursday, September 13, 2007


umm-yesterday we went to Lunch with Lance's brothers and sisters for their dad's birthday. we went to Applebees for Lunch and all Jammed into a large booth there were 9 adults and 7 kids. all the kids were preschool or under. we got one picture , then my camera died, i forgot to change the batteries.

then i dropped lance off at home and went and got myself a new Library card. whoohoo!I grabbed 4 giant books (the next in my series) and rushed home. i may begin to enjoy the Library after all.

normal after school and evening stuff occurred, and when it slowed down a little i went upstairs to read my book, around 8:00 and pretty quickly fell asleep! Lance insists it was 7:30 but i know it was after 8pm. and woke up only for a little while around midnight, to take off my clothes( i was hot, and by hot i mean sweaty) and read a little more.

anyway yeah. that explains my absence yesterday/last night. and my lack of comments everywhere. i am obviously stressed about my lack of posting and commenting. and the compulsion to do it is huge. truly addicted to blogging, what can i say!?

somehow we were all under the impressions we'd get so much more done during school. i think everyone does at home and elsewhere, just less time to blog. since we have to maximize our days.

it is getting down to the wire on my house prep for snack night on Sunday. not totally but less time with out kids home and in the way. so i aim to hit somewhere that sells paint and get some.

Liberty turns 8 in October, i need to be ready for her baptism shindig too. so this will get me going in the right direction. she reminds me everyday she only has __days until her birthday.
I totally did that too, as a kid. no one was ever gonna forget my Birthday. if i could help it. LIBERTY IS ALL OVER THAT PLAN TOO. bugging me every day. now i know what i was like, annoying! but it is a great thing because other wise her birthday would sneak up on me and this is something i need to prepare for. not to mention this is what gets our holiday season rolling.
I'll list it. for you. it overwhelms me.

  1. Liberty's birthday Oct. 4th and Brooke and Paige and Bentley
  2. her baptism is sometime after that in Oct.
  3. Halloween
  4. Peyton's Birthday November 19th
  5. Thanksgiving
  6. the best day of the year-shopping the day after Thanksgiving-black friday! (HUGE GRIN)
  7. Lance's Birthday Dec. 8th
  8. Paxton's Birthday Dec. 16th
  9. Christmas
  10. NEW YEARS!
  11. Ashley's Birthday
ok and those are the only things set in stone so far. throw in Family Halloween parties, Christmas parties, ward parties, friends parties, bunko gift exchanges etc. etc.
and yes i start planning for these things now. planning /fretting, they are all the same thing right? and i need to inform the in-laws who the have for Christmas on Lance's side. they used to draw names( on thanksgiving when i am most of the way done or ready to be done shopping) so i made them start rotating families , so technically you'd could have all year to plan ahead. and shop ahead if you needed more time to be creative. so i still email them to remind them who they have. i need to do it. i figured it out last week but have forgotten again. i will do this today!

I am dying to go shopping. why i don't know but TJmaxx in Scottsdale beckons. i better hurry and get dressed. i could have a couple hours if i prepared now. and hit it! so that urge will be over. i just need to go look. the preparing by shopping urge is strong.
otherwise I'd lay in bed all day reading anyway. the fine art of procrastinating.


Jen said...

Wow, good list, you can do it!

Webb Family said...

Hey October 4th is me & Paige's birthday! You are kinda stressing me out with all this talk of the holidays! This will help me start thinking about it, thanks.

Dylan said...

Hi there...

I saw you mentioned Black Friday shopping (and, I assume with the grin that you are ready to go all out this year) :)

I wanted to mention to you. They've got an awesome Black Friday section as well as some cool deals every day on there.

Thought it might be helpful!

Brandi said...

Hey, Liberty & Bentley have the same birthday! You learn something new every day.. Good luck on getting things done & your house prepped for upcoming festivities.. I just spent all morning trying to clean up this place a bit..

onehm said...

You forgot my birthday on Jan. 1st...I think that should also be on your list!!
I wondered if you were doing something fabulous! I missed you, if it counts for anything!!

ZB said...

And she's back! Now you know how the rest of us feel when we can't blog. It's like you feel like you've been MIA for weeks with the amount of blogging you have do to play catch up. Good to have you back.

kay said...

i told you those books would suck you in....

Supercool Mom said...

Yes, Libby is a girl after my own heart. I still don't let anyone forget my birthday - it's just too cruel, because then they would have guilt and we wouldn't want that. Plus, I like to celebrate for a week or two - family party, friend party, girls lunch, date night, etc. I milk that one for all it's worth.

little jill said...

The best thing about the library, I've found, is that you can pick your books out online, request a hold and then you just have to run in and they have them set aside for you on a shelf. You just grab, check out and go. It's revolutionary

little jill said...

Oh, and I'm sorry you went to Applebees. My husband and I dont' like it. We call it Crapplebees.

Crissybug said...

I love that you posted that picture. I knew your last name was Wheeler, but I never made the connection with Matt. I went to H.S. with Dani. When we were in junior high we were really good friends. She is lots of fun. You will have to tell her "hi" for me, and ask her if she is planning on going to our H.S. reunion.

Allison said...

Okay, who is the person sitting next to Lance in the photo. She looks real familiar to me. Anyway, fun things are coming your way starting in October. It is our time too when fun times begin. Only I get to start in the middle of the month. I will get two more weeks of reprieve before you. :)

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