Tuesday, October 23, 2007

i am avoiiding my reality again.

i should have mopped my kitchen and put away the laundry in the front room, i know no one else is going to do it. instead i watched dancing with the stars on Tivo . holy cow Marie! scared me for a minute!

invites for girls night out group? not happening. i am canceling this week. i just can't seem to pull it together . and i can't hack it either. so yeah not having Girls night out this week. i am afraid heads will roll! but htat is something i am willing to face.

I feel like a slacker

and a failure.

tomorrow Hope has a special Ed preschool Home visit. i dread it and i am not prepared. my house is a nightmare and this women wants to come in and visit.

and what do i do when i am stressed ? I avoid reality! nap, read books, blog, watch TV, go shopping. when i should really buckle down and clean clean clean! i hate home visits . and really i should stop procrastinating.

tonights plans, jewelry party. and cleaning. cleaning and jewelry party. maybe i should not go to the jewelry party and just clean. depends on how helpful the kids and hubby are i think.

have I mentioned i am stressed, and in a funk? it seems contagious! everyone is in a funk! maybe not everyone but it just seems like it since i am and i am putting a damper on everyone else's fun!

the reason i don't like to clean is to mop I have the pick up and sweep. i don't like that part. i want to avoid the obvious cleaning and clean the bathroom, and i feel compelled to pick up dirty clothes and put them in the laundry room but never get to the putting away of clean clothes. even if they are folded. blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, BlahHhhhhhhhhhhhh
i suck at being a homemaker.


janna said...

dido.... I did do laundry, but it is still on the kitchen table for my kids to put away. But if do not do it, it'll end up back in the laudry room floor.

I hate the home visits. Brittany has them every month.

Enjoy th party!

Unknown said...

Oh we all feel this way Jules...don't beat yourself up about it...you gotta do what you gotta do! I tOo am NO fan of laundry! I can never seem to keep on top of it...it is such a huge stress for me tOo. So don't feel sO bad! Have fUn at that party...

If you ever need, or are willing to except help...give me a call...

Kylie said...

Ditto for me too!! I laughed yesterday, because I had pulled out the laundry from the dryer onto the floor and my son wanted to take a chair into there (because it's also the pantry) to get something, so he picked every single thing up off the floor and put it on top of the washer! Pretty pathetic that my 3 year old is picking up after me!

Brandi said...

Oh, believe me-- you're not alone!! I always feel guilty, cuz we are told that our job is to be good at homemaking.. I hAtE cooking, cleaning, & doing laundry!!!!!!! Does that make me a good homemaker??!! I SuCk at it!! :0)

Jamie said...

Cut yurself some slack girl... You have six LITTLE kids. I do understand the pressure, and it can be overwhelming sometimes. Hope you feel better soon . You know it is serious if a girl is willing to bail on a night out!

michelle said...

I think we are floating in the same boat! I am right there with you this week! I finally got the kitchen picked up, and thought I should have received an award! :) It has been a hard week or so. Maybe we can all get out of the funks that the wind has blown in! :)

Matchbox Mom said...

Honey,...all you can do is your best. Right this moment, my baby is crying, my little girl is supposed to be doing homework, and my little boy is running around with a broken arm trying to jump like a ninja turtle...and i'm supposed to be cleaning so my Father in law can come stay with us tonight. What am I doing? Reading your blog!!!
I feel better for reading, and knowing that others are struggling with the same things I am, but we're all in the same boat, and you can do it!!! You're awesome!!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

at least your hubby is nice about it.

Katie said...

ugh! I feel your pain. Trust me, you are not alone! Call me and I'll come and help. We need to hang out anyway. Seriously, I'm up.

Libby said...

I feel your pain with the laundry. I don't mind the washing-that's the easy part-it's the folding and putting away part that I don't love. Hey, get a broom vac. Way better than sweeping and using a dust pan. Good luck tomorrow.

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Don't worry we all hate to clean and we all avoid reality! You're not alone (should I break into the YW song?....even when you feel you're on your own!) someone stop me please!!!! I haven't done a lick of work around here since vacation! I need to step up! Don't worry, I still think you're just FAB!!

Melissa said...

I feel your pain. I've been in a funk lately also. I'm not a good homemaker either. I just don't like to do the things that make a good homemaker. I'd rather step over something than pick it up. oh-well, we each have our own things we're good at. I'm just trying to figure out what mine is. Hope your home visit goes well- how stressful!

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