Sunday, November 11, 2007

ok so last post was on friday! shocking i missed posting on saturday! that rarely happens on this blog! hmm,

so Friday night i confessed being a yeller. not surprising right?

well the reason i finally got to the point of yelling WAS...

actually many factors lead up to it. i will name just a few.

  • Peyton got in a fight at school and the principal called me. those are not my fave calls.
  • Peyton actually had the nerve to argue with me about a consequence.
  • my boys went to play at my sisters house and whined and stalled when it was time to leave.
  • the girls were gone at my mom's. i had just the boys, but they kept fighting.
  • when i went to pick up Liberty's prescription, it wasn't covered and our NEW insurance card weren't here yet. i was mad for 2 reasons. it was 70 bucks we couldn't afford, and they didn't write one last week when we had insurance that would cover it. this was the week we were in insurance limbo while we had coverage, but no cards. i hate limbo with coverage. and the office (supposedly) doesn't have antibiotic samples.
  • i hadn't been at home for more than 10 minutes all day before Lance needed to be dropped off.
  • i had to borrow a sleeping bag for him.
  • Lance was gone on a scout camp out. 3pm Friday until 2pm Saturday. and i hate the scouting program.
'nuf said!


andrea said...

Well, I'll admit on this post that I am also a yeller. My kids will readily attest to that little fact of life. I also don't like that I am a yeller. I have to figure out my parenting skills, or lack there-of, and improve. I love being called mean...I have to bite my tongue and remind myself to be the adult to not say the comeback that instantly comes into my head when they tell me I'm mean..."Well, you're being a brat."

It sounds to me like you'd had your share of crap by Friday night to rightfully snap. Don't you LOVE it when they argue with you about how you aren't parenting correctly?! WHATEVER! My 13 y.o. does that. It'll be entertaining to watch her deal with behavior issues someday.

Hope your Saturday afternoon, evening, and today was better!

Jenn said...

I've been just playing around and checking out other peoples blogs for ideas and stuff. I think I found you through Laurie... Anyways. I love your blog it is wonderful. And I just wanted to let you know I am a yeller too. Only on very rare occasions, but your list looks a lot like mine and I'd have been mad by the end of the day too!

Brandi said...

Yell on girl!!! :0)

Webb Family said...

I'm also a yeller! It takes a lot of me because I bottle it up & then boom I explode! Sorry you had a bad day!
It was so fun hanging out with you at book club and I can't wait for Bunko!

Mortensen Family said...

Hi miss Julie! My friend and neighbor across the street, Becky, told me that you wanted my blog address. Anyway, since it is private, just send me your email address to
and then I can send you an invite. Okie dokie! talk to you soon!
BTW- I was totally a yeller today! =0)

Michelle said...

Hey Crazy Girl...
I'm totally a yeller and it's hard for me to look at my neighbors this time of year - I'm sure they are looking at me wondering why I yell so much! Duh... they don't have 5 kids! :)
K- I have to get this off my chest. The Scouting Program. I totally feel your pain on this issue - having your husband gone when you don't have scouts yet. day you will appreciate the men that will be your sons scout leaders - the time they give to your sons - the things they teach them. I look at my 14 year old son and am so greatful for his leaders...AND their families for sacrificing their husbands/dads.
k - nuff said. just had to get it off my chest and defend a program that I believe in :)
I hope that's ok...

smithfam said...

You are not alone on the yelling part for sure!! I struggle with this all day every day. I hate to yell at my kids, but unfortunately that is how I trained them. It is my fault. I am constantly working n not yelling but fail miserably. I guess the imortant thing is that we are trying right?? I am with you on the campouts! They take my man away from me every month. I am trying to be supportive on that one also. It gets better when you have a child in the program that gets to go with dad. You will get there! Hope your Sunday is better!

onehm said...

So I read this earlier and blogger was hating me, so I couldn't comment.
Insurance stuff is the WORST! Hopefully everything is straightened out now, and you won't have those yucky $70 surprises popping up...

Andrea said...

I was sad you didn't post on Saturday. Anyway, sounds like your Friday was pretty sucky! i love it when my kids try to "negotiate" what their discipline should be. Also, hate the nasty insurance copays or lack thereof. Ouch! $70 that's expensive! Hope that gets worked out.

Unknown said...

Yeah those are all justified reasons for yelling! :) I worry about sending Caden to school, for the phone calls from the principal...I'll be doing my fare share of yelling Im sure!

Yeah, I feel your frustrations with losing your husband to scouts! I don't get it either!

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