Sunday, December 2, 2007

feeling a mega whiggy and stressed.

Holy cow, today was one of those days. Got home from out of town just in time for a visit from Aunt Flo, and for real, i am a super huge Bi-otch this weekend. not to be confused with my normal everyday witchy-ness. but today there was more than the average yelling, because in addition to my standard PMS , today is the day Lance picks to have a fight and to nag me about what i don't do. and i am not saying it isn't deserving but why did it have to be today? so i took something out to the garbage and slammed the door open on the way in, and low and behold a mega hole behind the door. OH yeah! fabulous! then later i am doing ok but i look in the fridge, and the mega size salsa bottle is laying on it's side, i pull it out and the lid hadn't been closed all the way, so there is spillage in the fridge, i am peeved, and am getting something to clean out the spill but I'm pissed beyond all reason, so i set it down too hard, (slam) and it explodes. OH yeah! all over the kitchen, then i scream for a good couple seconds, and am told to go to my room. hysterical , screaming mega beast! saying today was not a good day doesn't begin to cover it. and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i don't know what to do. and i had been feeling all holly Jolly about Christmas until that trip and now i am my normal bah humbug! and dread the influx of new crap. and the decorating hasn't happened yet, and if i wait to long it isn't worth it. and our budget is dismal and totally screwed and out of whack (just like my hormones). i finally did my playlist with Christmas songs, and revamped the blog page. and my family pictures? i don't love any of them , maybe it is just this hormonal whigging, that has led me to be unsatisfied with my life, house, family pictures, budget, body, life, family. yeah i repeated some because really i am that un happy about it. ahhhhhhhh I hate today. and hormones, and life. today Sucks A$$! and so does the monthly visit from aunt flo. PMS is freaking lame!



kay said...

i had that week last week. sorry i must have passed it west. i was so total wack-job bi-otch that my husband yelled at me. which he NEVER does. too much stress. poor thing. hope today is a better day!

btw i'm LOVIN' the candy canes and the new colors!! very nice!

michelle said...

PMS must be in the air. I have had it so bad I am begining to even feel sorry for myself! :) I hope yours passes super soon! It sure isn't fun! I do like the new colors, and background on your blog!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

love the new looks. hey if your house isn't decorated, at least your blog is...that is something right. there really must be something in the air, i have been a huge jerk for the last week and my husband informed that i was really pushing his limit and that he might be moving to his brother's before i decide to get over myself. nice, huh. hope things get better. sorry about sat.

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh, I hear you. I'm impressed that you redesigned your blog in your spare time (I mean after having PMS fits)! :) It is amazing how those little hormones can change us into someone else for a day. My throat is still hoarse, j/k. Hope today is MUCH better.

Jenifer said...

Why, why, why does PMS have to happen to us? Do we not have enough to deal with? I think all women should at least get December off. Hope you are feeling better today!

Frolicking Night Owl said...

Yikes! Hormones are a crazy thing. A crazy thing that men will never understand, but guess it's good everyone doesn't get PMS cause then we'd be a bigger disaster. Hope you're feeling better soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenn said...

Love the Christmas colors of your blog! Very fun.

On days when life is really hard for me I try to make a list of the things I am most thankful for so as not to FOCUS on the negative so much. Remember that what you think about and THANK about you will bring about.

onehm said...

AMEN to ALL of it, sister!!

(I think Aunt Flo is heading my way next...and that whole really crazy mom thing has been happening at our house ALL WEEK!)

;o) Good luck!!

Andrea said...

i hate those kinds of days/weeks. hope you have a better week!

AutoSysGene said...

Hope your feeling better now. I know sometimes once things start to go bad, it's time to lock yourself in your bedroom and sleep until the next day. How do I know this, consider it experience ;)

Unknown said...

Oh you have every right to be pissed! So let it all out... ;) We all go through those times...hope it gets better for you soon! If not...Im here to listen when you need was good to talk to you!

Debra said...

I found your blog through Angie's (Seven Clown Circus). I hear ya! I have had more days like that lately than I care to count. I have 5 kids ages 8,6,4 and 15 month old twins. I can totally relate! It is nice to know that we do not all enjoy our families all the time. I was seriously thinking I was the only one!

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