Monday, December 31, 2007

resolutions -random thoughts on them still narrowing the final list

then i am narrowing down my final list. it has been a topic of conversation with virtually everyone i talk to. obsessive? yes! i perseverate. online dictionary says


1. the tendency for a memory or idea to persist or recur without any apparent stimulus for it
2. the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior; "his perseveration continued to the point where it was no longer appropriate" [syn: perseverance]

so yeah . it is a habit. i embrace it. you might find it irritating. and to that I say, darn.

the reason i am consumed with thoughts of resolutions. because they aren't my thing. i don't take them seriously. i have rarely tried. and the few time i have made them only the really easy ones stick. or really the ones i leave to chance. yeah.

Ashley does one word. and the one word? it's too big of a commitment to me. sad huh?
and the thought of this was fun last week and now the pressure is on. and i can't get into it now.

the things i am sticking with.

1. pursuing the surgery. because i have no metabolism, no money for a personal trainer ,no energy. i am sold on the "easy way" . and giving up the soda? i can do it. i do it when i am pregnant and it makes me sick, i think if i get sick from it after surgery, I'll have no problem giving it up. i have done my research. and it is worth it to me.

and possible others would be to

*take my pills everyday. and make a dr. appointment for some happy pills and ADHD meds again. get my blood work done on time, and keep my appointments. take my calcium, keep better medical records. get copies of past tests and reports.

*stop yelling at my kids. and let them be kids.

*take a parenting class again to get some more skills.

*decorate and organize, de-clutter my life.

*limit my blog time and spend more quality time with my family and hubby.

if i had a word? not saying i do yet but IF i did or was doing that? i am narrowing down the list.

Seek-since it can apply to so many things. seek knowledge, seek learning, seek happiness, seek Joy, seek peace, or faith. seek employment, seek bargains, seek fun . seek quality time.

Joy-find it. have it. make it. embrace it. live joyfully. do things that give it to me.

tough choices.

ok so happy new year!


crystal said...

I love your as-of-yet non-commital word, "seek." That is a REALLY good one! I've been thinking really hard about what my word'll be, mainly because I want to buy myself one of those RAD necklaces with the word stamped on it--have you seen them?

(i said "rad" constantly in 7th grade in '84...I thought I'd join you & Cec in reliving the good ol' days)

SuperCoolMom said...

I'm liking seek too. Lots of potential there.

michelle said...

We got back in town tonight. I am just now catching up on blogs. It looks like you have been busy! I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New year! I too am about ready to make a descision on my word for the year. I figure it will give me something to focus on. I do have many new goals for 2008! We will see what happens with those.

onehm said...

I think these are both wonderful words. I would have a hard time if I had narrowed it down to these two as well...
Happy New Year!!

Debra said...

Awesome word!!! Mine is HEALTH. I do not want to end up like my mom. She is 60 yrs old and so out of shape and has Type 2 diabetes. Walking around Chuck E CHeese wore her out :-( You are SOOO lucky your mom can watch the kids so you can get a break with your dh!! All I got was a 3 hr date night when my parents were here.

Crazymama's RAD Followers

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do you ever feel like............

do you ever feel like............