Wednesday, March 19, 2008

this weeks reality. and some fun stuff.

fun stuff first?

yesterday we went to Amazing Jakes! it was super fun! we went with my older brothers. and their families! and it was a long but really fun day. I'd never been there before but liked it. the food was good. and the kids had a blast. it was family day(every Tuesday) and you get a wristband for $16.95 for unlimited buffet, and rides. including go carts, bumper cars, Laser tag and bowling,miniature golf, and the kiddie rides. carousel and train. fun fun. i took lots of pictures that will have to come later.

Monday? we only had 3 kids- Joy, Paxton and Pierce. seriously cushy! and easy. my mom had 3 spending the night at her house. so we thought we'd do something fun. we hit Mi Amigos for dinner, then the dollar store for some junky toys, and then mesa yogurt for frozen yogurt, and on the way home we hit CVS to pick up the boys prescriptions and Lance took the kids in to buy candy and treats there too. they were singing our praises that night. and it was"the best day ever". and they remembered liberty and Peyton and hope and bought them junky stuff too. when the kids came home they told my MOM " it's like a party in there"all the new treats.

the zoo plans for Monday got canceled due to a nephew in the FAMILY we had planned to go with having the flu. and postponed the trip until thursday! so that is tomorrows fun.

tonight we are doing the drive in. it will be fabulous. and it looks like we are going alone. OH well.

so you wanna read the reality?

um the Van had to go into the shop on Monday. it's done now but Lance went to go pick it up. SO we couldn't have gone to the Zoo on Monday anyway.
yesterday, my mom drove half of us in her car to Amazing Jakes and Lance too the other half. then Aaron and Alicia had to help drive us home.
Oh the Van had a hose blow(we had to replace all the hoses) . and it had been making a horrible noise for a while now, IT was a bearing going out on the AC unit that we'd just replaced 2 years ago. that sucks. it was supposed to be done yesterday, BUT they got the wrong part in.
so today. we get it back. just in time for the drive in tonight, and the zoo tomorrow. Spring break is not the week to have the family van in the shop. it really limits the fun available.
plus that was yet another expense that we hadn't planned on. we are screwed is more accurate.

UM. and Lance is supposedly on vacation. yeah he has worked every day. alot. like at least half day while the kids are around. and then all night. hours each night emailing and doing crap. which frankly sucks. yesterday he worked until noon, and had a conference call up until it was time to go . leaving me to get everyone ready to go, and scrambling so we'd be ready. add in the fact that 2 kids didn't have shoes because they left them in the van and the van wasn't here. AND my makeup is in the van so i went to amazing jakes without make up on. pretty.

And Lance's Cell phone kicked the bucket. he left it on the counter Saturday night, when i found it on Sunday it was sitting in a pool of spilled milk along with his keys and wallet. RAD. what is he gonna do about that? i doubt it will be a cheap fix. CRAP!

AND another blitch about Lance's job?
um, he has gone on some business trips. they aren't cheap and he has to pay upfront and then get reimbursed. YEAH. they took over a month to cut a check to us. and they still owe us for another trip. and we make JUST ENOUGH to pay our bills without added surprises. SO we are super screwed. SCREWED! and our tax return money? went to trips. like $2,000 in trips. FOR WORK! ok enough about that.

and NOW to top it off? OUR DOG IS MISSING!
and his tag had fallen off. SO anyone that finds him won't know he's ours. or they might he is pretty well known in the neighborhood. if they took him thinking he's a nice dog, they will hopefully release him and he'll come home. plus he is sure to be marking everywhere which means peeing on their carpet, couch, papers, everything. they won't want to keep him long.
So if anyone living around me (you know who you are) and you find a male white and golden brownish shitzu dog that is really dirty. yeah that is mine. please email me. also if you live around close and you saw some fresh roadkill in the last day or two let me know that too. he really likes that large road close by. i probably should go check the pound too. dang it.

he ran away on Monday afternoon, and i didn't realize he hadn't come back until late last night. FABULOUS! the problem is when people take him in, he can't just come on home. which he normally does. if people would just leave him alone. ARGH! stupid stupid stupid.

AND last minute add on. we are missing out on swimming at grandmas pool with cousins because we can't all fit in the 5 seater car. DAMNIT!

so that is the reality. i'll sum it up it often gets confusing .

-VAN broken in the shop on spring break
-Dog missing
-reimbursement checks suck!
-Cell phone went swimming in spilled milk.
-vacation days spent working alot
-missing out on swimming at grandmas pool because we couldn't all fit in the car.

when it rains it pours.

the fun stuff.
-fun family time. the best day ever.
-amazing Jakes rocks! it isn't cheap but it is fun. and we paid the flat rate. and didn't have to nickel and dime for the rest like other places.
and not nasty food like peter piper pizza or chuckie cheese.

-the van got fixed.
-the drive in tonight
-the zoo tomorrow.
-fun filled spring break plans
-spend the nights. with grandma and cousins

So thoughts you have. that you wanna share?
any similar frustrations?
have you seen my dog?

and did you notice my awards slide show?
fancy! enjoy it at the top for a little bit and soon it will go down to the bottom of the sidebar again. and i'm aware the pay it forward one wasn't an award.BUT i am still working on the whole pay it forward deal. seriously i suck. that that was my reminder to myself. and hey i participated once or twice ( actually 4 times becuase I'm retarded).


Mamarazzi said...

seriously..i wish we lived closer to one another. i would love to take you to lunch, everyday...just to get a giggle or two in person. in the meantime you create an awesome "party for one" i am sitting here laughing my butt off, i love the way you write!!

booooo on the bad sorry!

YAY on the good stuff, i am jealous....spring break starts next week for us..YA! RAD!

i DID notice your super cute slide show...i WANT one but i am not computer savvy...maybe i will try. you will know if i was sucessful when you see it on my blog! wish me luck!

Mamarazzi said...

pssst i also just noticed that your linky love for me is mispelled....tee's HolleeAnn H, O, double L, double E, uppercase A, double N. all one name smooooshed together.

i knew you would wanna know, since in my own mind we are total Bloggy BFFs...don't burst my bubble and say i isn't so. please. thank you.

SuperCoolMom said...

Hey, you should have called me about the pool, we could have picked up some kids. We're doing the DI tomorrow. Why don't you wait and go with us?

Jenn Toon said...

FUN WEEK! We are doing the drive-in tonight or Friday night. Haven't decided. Zoo for sure on Friday morning.
Sucks about the van! We have issues with only one car. But I can only imagine the pain of one not big enough.
Sucks that Lance isn't stopping the work to help out. Let's just hope the $ he makes will help to ease that pain.
Sucks about Ty! If he wanders this far - I'll DEFINATELY tell you! BOO HOO!!

Andrea said...

WOW - You're like the coolest MOM in town!!! We bought treats for the kids for the beginning of spring break weekend, then we went to the Chandler mall & bought the kids lunch & dessert from the food court (don't usually do that cuz it's expensive) on Monday, hiking & Easter pagent yesterday, today was the zoo. We've been having some FUN!!

I immediately noticed your blog awards slide show. Pretty amazing! I think I finally have my 'homemade prize' idea for the Pay it Forward contest (but I'm keeping it a secret surprise). So, I'll probably start that soon.

Jen said...

Ugh, Yuck about the van!! But glad you are having a good fun week! I am a boring Mom, so far it has been to my Mom's and the park. I may venture out to the movies, not sure yet.

Shannon said...

Oh no, you can't be without a car on spring break! I love how you are choosing to look at the bright side. I also love all of the activities you have planned for your clan this week. I am inspired to come up with something cool for nexxt week!

raising4boys said...

Sounds like a fun fun spring break (for the most part, I hate it when the hubby is working while we are getting ready to go somewhere too; and crappy unexpected expenses!)

I love that your kids thought about the others even though they were having a great time without them. Love it love it!!

Are You Serious! said...

Cars breaking down is a huge bummer! LUckily my husband is fairly good at fixing car troubles! Thank heavens!

Glad you guys got it back in time for the drive in! Yay for kids gone at grandma's. I wish our folks lived closer! oh well!

Spring break starts friday for us! YIPPEE!!! :)

Katie said...

Sorry to hear about the van breaking down and all of the other lame stuff. Totally bites. I hear ya, when it rains it pours. Good luck!

Katie said...

Sorry to hear about the van breaking down and all of the other lame stuff. Totally bites. I hear ya, when it rains it pours. Good luck!

Laura said...

Sorry about your car! I hate car repairs! I almost bought those black dresses but decided to just use stuff we had. I mean I already bought several other dresses. Oh and I think there is NOTHING wrong with sleeveless dresses on little girls. We just cannot do it because its too cold here.

Hope tomorrow is wonderful!

tammy said...

Very fancy slideshow!

Sucky on the van! I HATE car problems.

And Luvpilot used to have a job where he'd get reimbursed like that too...and hello his whole job was traveling and hotel rooms and eating out...what were they thinking??

Connie said...

What a fun week. Have a great spring break!!

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