Thursday, June 26, 2008

random happenings and assorted tales Thurday 13!

  1. i woke up cranky, because i dreamt i had to have a colonoscopy, and dreamt about the nightmare prep, all night long. are you kidding me? i haven't ever nor do i ever want to have that test.
    i totally wouldn't post that but really NIGHTMARISH, and then I woke up early. to kids in my bed.
  2. came downstairs to kids in the dressing room(read: clean laundry storage) to CLEAN clothes on the floor! and SODAS! Dr.Pepper to be exact, my sugary nectar of liquid sanity, on the floor(still in the can), amongst my clean clothes. what do i do? GO POSTAL! kick everyone out of the room, they aren't allowed to be in there anymore, ever! and they can't watch TV anymore in there, SINCE they continue to smuggle soda, and snacks, and put clean clothes on the floor. there are other TV's . and seriously i don't care if they ever watch TV again.
  3. i fed people breakfast of cold cereal.
  4. i witnessed the fight of all fights between the 2 youngest kids. BOTH fighting over the laptop, neither would walk away. it was pretty hilarious. one was taking the mouse plug out of the USB port, and one wanted it in, neither would relent or let go. screaming in each others FACES, and Crying! i finally had to go fetch Lance so he could witness the spectacle that are our children. i think the biggest factor involved was a way later than normal bedtime, and getting out of bed HOURS earlier than normal.
  5. Liberty made it to her last day of summer school ON TIME! actually 2 minutes early!
    i am pretty sure it was the only time she was on time. and sadly she missed 3 days because we forgot, and weren't home.
  6. kids had popsicles, and some winner left one to melt in the soda room,(new storage room) on the brand new not yet sealed TILE! AHHHHHHHH!
  7. bonus info, the extra fridge got moved inside yesterday! WHOOHOO and yet, it has kicked it into overdrive with the popcicles, and the soda. ARGH! but way more convienient for me.
  8. i discovered fruit flies by the sink. so i mixed my special trap. (apple cider vinegar a little bit-an inch or two , and dish soap in a paper cup, you can use dish/container/cup, the cider vinegar attracts them, while the soap traps and drowns them) ,Joy was watching me as i prepped and put it out, and was asking about it. i told her how it works and she said," don't you think that's a little HARSH?" i'm thinking DUDE they are fruit flies, EWW.
  9. see my fabulous new birthday apron i got in the mail by surprise the other day from Jen and Tammy!?! FABULOUS huh!?! WHOOHOO i love it! Thanks girls!

10. Pierce decided drinking out of toys was fun, i saw him drink water out of -
-the hole in the bottom of a little people alligator.
-a loving family doll house highchair
-the tray that catches water on the water jug fountain
-the back of a hot wheel truck.
anything with any minuscule space to hold water worked for him. needless to say there was water spilled on the floor.

11.Joy has a stash under the water jug, it has a non refrigerated space underneath the actual fountain part, she hoards assorted crap in there. including but not limited to pine cones, candy, papers, Popsicle sticks (for the jokes) ,"all the candy in the world"according to Liberty, a new tampon, old rubber bands, the rings left over after the candy is gone on a ring pop. her foot soak she made on mothers day, a bag from valentines day, a poster,
a Valentine card from her secret slash imaginary boyfriend RIGGS! remember the chat with Joy here about him? oh yeah she's got it bad , still! best plan from Joy ever!? she loves Riggs, Ashley likes him too. Joy's plan? both of them are going to marry him and have lots of babies. that sounds perfect to her. SCARY!

12. my arm/shoulder is peeling from getting sunburned a few weeks ago the girls discovered it and are crowding around wanting to peel it off. NICE. and yes , even people that tan sunburn occasionally. (on the farmer tan parts generally) but still there are certain pale friends that may be shocked by that. once a year i peel. it's pretty.

13. i have a random obsession with now prepping for back to school. time to buy clothes. shoes, and new bags, i only have a little over a month left. AACK! crazy! and i really have to plan ahead to get all the kids outfitted and ready. not that they lack clothes or need more. but i FIRMLY believe you have to start out the year with something NEW.

there we go I'm calling it my Thursday 13.

have a fab day , and don't forget to delurk, aka come outta the closet. and to make it more obvious, i'm changing the post time on this one.

OH and holy crap! some of people coming out, are SHOCKING! i had absolutely no clue .

thanks tam! you rock! this was a fun one! never would have suspected a spork was an option. but it fits.

You Are a Spork

You have a playful, eccentric sense of humor.

You are creative. You see the world in bold colors.

You are a dabbler. You love to experiment.

You aren't an expert in anything, but you know a little about everything.

Holy crap this this has me pegged.

You Are 78% Scary

Sorry to break it to you, but you're a pretty scary chick.

Men don't know what you'll do or say next, and that freaks them out.

post signature


Are You Serious! said...

♡ Love the apron! Love Joy's "Isn't that a little harsh!" :)

Threeundertwo said...

I need that apron.

Jen said...

hello, I missed this post! Was it here before the lurker one? Anyways, glad you liked the apron, it is super cute!!

KayDee said...

I really LIKE the apron! I wouldnt wear it because it would be to nice to wear!

Sounds like you had a day full of those trying motherhood moments.

My reality is that I have to live through a colonoscopy once or twice a year! I hope you never, ever have to go through that!

Cecily R said...

Fruit flies sick me out. I had no idea how to get rid of them before now, so thanks for the RAD poison recipe!

I am supremely curious about this lurking post since I am so behind...

Claremont First Ward said...

OK, that apron is to die for.

blah, blah by lindsey said...

oh my gosh..did they make that apron?? it is too cute! love it!

i don't even know what to comment on...but i love this post ;)

Leslie said...

I am a 57% Scary Knife.

That apron is soooo cute!!!

I may just have to get me one!!

tammy said...

Ok how did I miss this post too. You must've started it and then finished it later?? I'm glad you like the apron. I got a black and white one for me! I thought they were cute, and that one screamed your name. So you're 87% scary huh? I'll have to take that one.

Connie said...

What fun!! Love the apron, and I am so trying the fly trick...ant flies or just fruit flies? My neighbors don't clean up after their dogs, so we have some fly issues. I als tan and burn, and peel. Although I don't like the way the sun feels anymore, so I hide from it. And why do you start school so soon?????

Connie said...

I'm a knofe...I'm not sure if it's good or bad. Perhaps I should take it again.

Andrea said...

Whew!!! I am just now starting to catch up on the blogs I missed while on vacation! LOVE your new apron!! How nice of them!!!

Ok Ashley finally spilled the beans to me about her & Joy's plans! She's very excited about it! ha ha

I'm going to have to take thoes quizzes! Too funny!!

Andrea said...

I'm back...

I'm a FORK

and 46% scary!!!


Crazymama's RAD Followers

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