Thursday, June 26, 2008

Time for a ROLL CALL! I'm calling all my lurkers out.

Yesterday after a fabulous long lunch where it was to hard to get up and leave since the kids were playing so nicely. i stopped by a Blogger's house for a surprise drop off of her latest winnings.

we had never met. it was TOTALLY AWESOME! with a little help from a friend.

then i stopped by the friend's house for a quick chat. anyway, we'll have to do lunch sometime soon.

while i was chatting with Cara, she was hollering across the street to tell her neighbor "it's Crazymama!" i waved. and she said that her neighbor LURKED ON MY BLOG!?! which is really very flattering. but left me wondering who else is lurking. AND then on Jen's blog one of her Real life friends said she lurked too but had never commented. and me being who i am , i went and tried to call her out. and i was thwarted in my attempt, DANG PRIVATE BLOG! but i managed to get a message to her and succeeded in calling her out. and guess what? she came and commented! HEE HEE! FABULOUS! i love that. and she invited me to her private blog. so i went and left her a handful of comments . because i am nice/dorky like that.

anyway. with both of those things happening today in a matter of hours. I decided it is time for another Roll call!

Come out, come out whoever you are.

So i want to know a couple things.

first. leave me a comment. it's easy ,and who doesn't love comments. the comment- tell me how you found me. who referred you , or if maybe you saw me everywhere and no where and just wanted to check me out. that is cool too. if you can't remember but come back GREAT! just say that.

and Third? how do you read me? just off of others links? blog lines? or google reader? Or do you have me on your computer as a favorite?

Oh and FOURTH! tell me why you read me? and your fave kinds of posts.

and 5th - i want everyone , even if you have commented before,comment daily,i comment on yours whatever . just say, dude I've known you for __# of months. i play bunko with you? i go to church with you? I'm related to you. I work with your hubby? whatever. and those without blog accounts? anonymous comments are open but sign your name so i know who to give the prize to. just in case you are the lucky winner!

because! this is becoming a contest! WHOOHOOO who doesn't love a contest? not sure what the prize will be, but i will send one lucky winner something i can either ship cheaply or deliver by hand. depending of course on the winner. but I'm thinking it will just exude Crazymama-esque qualities. (read Fuchsia and black?maybe. depends on what i find. and who wins. and of course my shopping budget is tight but i am a bargain hunter, and it's the thrill of winning right? not the prize? ) Oh and be forewarned, i generally take forever to get prizes out, but eventually get it done. it's still worth it to participate . promise.

OK ready, set, go! LINE UP! it's a ROLL CALL! age order,keep your hands and feet to yourself at all times, and BE NICE!

oh i mean get commenting. see 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. 4th , 5th? YEAH ALL OF THOSE!

get up on it! Let's get this PAAR-TAY STAAARTED! RIIIIGHT! (what you don't speak Ghetto?)

this will be so fun! WHOOHOO!

post signature


blah, blah by lindsey said...

roll call, huh

well my name is lindsey and we went to elementary, junior high and high school together. and brooke and ash "inspired" you to start a blog.

what i love about your blog, is you are real and you tell it like it is!

oh and i play bunko with you ;)

you are one of my links and on my google reader.

lets see i think i answered all the questions ;) hope the contest goes well..
wish i could have hung out longer today

AutoSysGene said...

I've been reading here forever. I believe I found you through Cecily's blog...and I read you through bloglines and then click through to comment...what do I win? ;)

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Hallie here from WWoW. I have no idea how I found you or when but it was quite awhile ago. I have you on my Google Reader so I always know when you post something new.

I read you cuz you are clever! And smart! And funny! And you don't bore me which is HUGE for me in the blogging world!!

Hallie :)

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am in an B.A (Bloggers Anonomous) meeting and admitting that I am a full fledged blogger!

On that name is Tanja, and I have been blogging since March '08 as I was inspired through Andrea Dickinson's blog to start. From Andrea's blog I found you and Tammy and Jen. Your are on my sidebar and I read you daily because I know I can always get a good laugh and your blog listed so it tells me when you last updated!! As a mom, it's nice to know that every mom out there has similiar experiences, trials and tribulations and can make light of some of the horror stories.

So, I guess I've gotten to know you through our blogs for four months now and it's been a hoot!

Jen said...

LOL Jules you are so funny. Alright here you go..

I "found" you through Lindsay, oh and that I have known you since we were 14 ;)! I keep coming back because I love to read about ya. I have yo in my favorites, no google reader here sorry. Let's see we play bunko together, go to long lunches, and fabulous GNO's, which reminds me Mama Mia is coming out soon, plan on it!!!

Micah and Jen said...

Jen, in Idaho, I come here because I love your honesty & how funny you are, you are on my favs...linked from my blog, I check your blog daily...sometimes more, I WISH I lived down there so I could be in your bunko group, and if I's enough just to know I won! :)

tammy said...

Ok here's your comment.

I found you through Jen. When she had you sub at bunko one time. And you and Lindsey got us both addicted to this blogging thing. I think she and I started ours at about the same time.

I have my friends on my favorites so that includes you. I do blog lines, too, but I usually forget to go there and just click straight to everyone's blogs.

So I've known you for what, a little over a year? And we play bunko together. And do occasional lunches and GNO.

Let me know if you get a lot of lurkers out of this, or if it's the same ones.

Laurie said...

1. Ok, I'm commenting.
2. I found you through Jenn T. a while ago.
3. I have you on my blog list so I just follow my own link over.
4. I read because you are very entertaining. I love your bargain stuff and kid stuff.
5. Hope you discover lots of lurkers!

Salsa Mama said...

Hi there! OK, I think I got your link from Hotmama my friend and neighbor and I run into you occasionally as well. I love Bunco but don't have a group to play with so if you ever need another person, let me know! You are on my google reader, and I don't comment all the time, but every now and again I do.

Jenn said...

Jenn here.... I can't remember how I found your blog, but right away I was drwn to you. You are so hilarious. You look at life so light hearted and you have a very free spirit. You are a geat mom--- despite past rude commenters. And I admire you. I love ---na--- ♥LOVE reading about times things don't do too well for your family plans. You are a great story teller. Lots of drama! I like that about you.

Lets see--- I think I have been reading since about last November(ish) if my memory doesn't fail me.

I don't comment too often usually because I just say stupid things. I used to comment a lot on all the blogs I read, but I have laid off a lot lately. But I do read your blog all the time. You are on my favorites roller on my computer. And I only have about a dozen fav's on my list.

Did I cover everything?

Heather S. said...

I have no idea where I found your blog from. It happened a long time ago though, I know that much. I read you through google reader. Since I took the time to click through I figured I ought to go ahead and comment too.

Why do I read your blog? I find it fun and that's why.

andrea said...

#2 I found you on OneHM blog. Your comments were clever and funny, so I checked your blog.
#3 I read you on google reader, and you are also a link on my blog.
#4 You make me laugh, therefore I read you! I love knowing that "life" happens to other people too, not just me! :)
#5 I started blogging last July, and can't remember when I found you, but it was soon after I've read you for almost a year, and I met you in April! For a fun time at the park.

KayDee said...

You are so funny! Love it! OK, I found your blog through my sister Diaper Diva and have been hooked ever since! I think the first time we met(in real life) was at swimming lessons with the kids.

I am very self conscience about leaving comments and I think I have slacked in that area lately!

I have you linked on my favorite links so I go directly from my blog to yours.

I read your blog because you are real and say things I wish I could and you are not afraid to be yourself!

There, did I get it all in? Have a wonderful day:)

Threeundertwo said...

Ha Ha. This is my first time on your blog - do I get a de-lurker award? I followed you over from a comment on 7 Clown Circus. You look like a lot of fun. I'm going to sit here and read you for a while and then you'll probably go in my bloglines list, because I'm hopelessly addicted to blogging.

Oh, and I had to follow you from your profile because you like to stack babies like me! Your kids are gorgeous.

snashcroft said...

I am a friend of Jenny I. and found you from the link on her blog. You went to high school with my husband Joe and I remember meeting you briefly at the MV reunion a few years ago. I also used to teach at Falcon Hill with your mom and sister. I do not have a blog of my own, but enjoy reading yours because you keep it real and do not hold back!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog because you are crazy. A good crazy. But crazy nonetheless. I am unalbe to share with you my identity as I am in the witness protection program and have several mouths to continue to feed.
Oh. And I hate Bunco. But I love to read your stories of Bunco.

SuperCoolMom said...

I'm Janie, I'm known you forever, you got me hooked on blogging, and I love to hear what's going on in your life and in your mind. You are in my reader too.

Jenifer said...

It was sooo exciting to finally meet you! I called Nate right away and told him. I found you through Cara. You crack me up so much. You are the first blog I go to in the morning. I hope I win again! (But if I don't that is okay!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie. I'm Lori. I found you through Tammy. Love to read your blog. You always keep it real! I do have a blog. Thanks for commenting. You always make me laugh! This is my first comment on a contest though. I hope I win!! :)

Jamie said...

What a fun contest. I hope you find your lurkers!!!
I never lurked
I found you through onehm
We now play awsome wild bunko toghether
I love your sense of humor! Dang we both know you have to have one to have six kids!!!

michelle said...

Soooooo fun! I am Michellle! I found your blog thru my cousin Ashley. It has been soooooo fun to get to know you this year!!!

Amy said...

1. Hey, crazymama!
2. My friend Natalie told me about your blog and so I started to read it and now I'm addicted.
3.I have a link to you on my blog
4.I read you because you are real and don't profess to have a perfect life, which is how I am.
5.I've never met you in real life. I was a lurker for a couple of months and then I just decided to start leaving comments. Plus, you have awesome give aways and I find myself agreeing with you all the time. Thanks for the great blog!

Piper said...

I found you through Jenifer W. (who you just met!)
I love to read you because I think you're brave. For having 6 kids and for being real and honest. I admire that. And you are always FUNNY!

Unknown said...

I heard about Lindsey's blog and then checked you out. You're bookmarked. I get home from work at 1am and read your blog to unwind. My husband Bill and Lance and Joe hung out in high school. I remember being newly married and Bill wanted me to meet Lance and we hung out in his bedroom while Lance played on the computer. Fun times. You are wild and very entertaining. You tell it like it is. I'm coming out.
Natalie Candland

Michelle said...

Hey Julie... I found your blog off my SIL, Lizzy - and have enjoyed reading it since then...which was a long time ago??
You need to move me from your "Blog Friends you've never met", tho :)
Let's do lunch again SOON! I vote that Jessica does the cooking again :)

Erin said...

I know quite a few people who frequent your blog and I initially clicked over from gardenview cottage. I have no idea how long ago that was but since finding your blog I've added it to my faves! I love your honesty and just think your posts are so fun to read. I love the "wasted life" picture at the top of your blog it is so true! Thanks for having a fun blog and allowing us all to have a glimpse of your life.

Laura said...

Let see... I think I found you on Melissa's blog.

Not sure. I read with bloglines.

I come back because your posts are real. It makes me feel normal to read about your life and see that I am not alone struggling to get everything done.

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

O.K. So glad you stopped buy my kids haven't stopped talking about you and think your real name is Crazy Mama!!
1. I found you through Brooke ages ago
2. I read you off my fav list becasue I don't know about google reader - you will have to show me!
3. I read you as often as I can (I'm reading less and less blogs latley) and I always love how your personality shows through the blog. It's great because for those of us who don't get to see you often can still revel in the Crazy Mamaness!
4. for some reason I only have three things listed and I think there are five. oh well can I still win anyway?

Robin said...

Let's see if I can remember everything.

I found you threw Rob the Nerdy Redneck's Site. His commentors are the funniest.

One of the first time I visited you were playing Punk Rock Girl byt the Dead Milkmen and I knew that this was my kind of place.

I try to visit a couple times a week, boy you post alot for me to keep up on.

I don't always comment because 1. I feel like I am too far behind the conversation and 2. I type really s l o w l y and with lots of msitkaes.

Any other questions?

Robin said...

Oh, you don't know me in real life (unless you are lurking in my neighborhood undercover) but feel free to say hey if you visit the Midwest.

onehm said...

This is so fun!
I am your friend AND neighbor! And Friday-Movie-Fun buddy.

We are friends IRL, as well as on the blog.
You are on my links list as well as the google reader which is why my commenting has gone WAY down. :) Sorry about that.

Plus you are my late-night chat friend. I love that. I don't have many of those.

And one day you will be my savers-shopping-buddy.

I am pretty sure we've been through Elementary, Jr. High as well as High school together...

Thanks for being a GREAT commenter and blog supporter.


I read you because:
1. You are REAL.
2. You are funny.
3. You have skills.
4. I don't know what it is about your blog...I MUST READ!!

Are You Serious! said...

♡ I've been commenting since ummmm I'm not sure! Oh wait since your cranky rude annonymous reader comment! That's what caught my eye. I'd clicked over before from Cecily's blog & Angies & Melissa and had seen your comments on a ton of the blogs I read but then that response to the annon commenter pulled me INNN!!! :)

You're on my Google Reader!

Unknown said...

K- I met you a whole year ago now, at mommy's night, playing bunco, and I am in your sis's ward. I run into you mostly late at night at walmart, or target, and whenever we make it to mommy's night at the same time!
=0)You are on my friend list on my blog, and I have Reader, so I read your blog everyday. I am not so good at leaving comments, but maybe someday I will be. You are so funny, and totally remind me of my SIL Lauren, and I tell her that all the time. She says that's freaking awesome. I enjoy reading your blog because you always make me laugh!

smithfam said...

Hey! I am offended! I thought that I was your favorite blog meeting EVER!!! :)

2. I think you found me first. We crazy moms of 6 seem to find each other.

3. You are on my favorites list. DUH!

4. You crack me up. I love how you are honest and i sepecially love all of your "bird flipping" LOL

5. I have been blogging with you forever and met you in person last week. PAARTAAYY!!

Ok that took me forever. I hope I win something!! :)

Anonymous said...

I am Suzanne, I met you through Jen I. who also introduced me to Lindsey (well told me about her and then I showed up on her doorstep), I play Bunko with you and I have had lunch with you a few times (I had fun yesterday and you have a beautiful family and my hubby thinks you are hilarious)
I like reading your blog because I can hear your voice saying all of the things I am reading, you crack me up. I have you on my side bar, not sure if you added me to yours though :).

Lainie said...

Okay - I'm Lainie and was in your ward many years ago when you only had 1 child. You cracked me up then, just like now. I remember you talking about buying a 15 passenger van and filling it up with kids. Looks like your almost half way there. Good job!

I never win anything - that's why I need to win this contest.

You are on my side bar and I read your blog daily. Again, you crack me up! I love that you tell everything the way that it is. I can't stand the blogs where everything is perfect and everyone is happy all the time. You are real! And you make me feel normal - not because you're not normal - but because I am alot like you!

And did I mention that I never win anything?

I was raised in a barn said...

LOL love the post! I was with Erin today and she was telling me about your email you sent her-too funny! Love the call out! I think you found me first right? I think you left me a comment from Cara's blog? Anyway, glad you did-fun to read your blog :)We need to meet sometime tho-

Julie@My5monkeys said...

I found your blog through tales of a zookeeper and I have blog too. I don't know you and I found your blog. I might read it again. I have 5 kids so I can relate to being a crazymomma.

The Sports Mama said...

Honestly? I think you found me first. :) And anytime someone comments on mine I go check them out. I don't always keep coming back, though.... but I DO keep coming back here! You're on my blogroll, so you're a definite daily read for me.

Its probably only been somewhere around that one month mark, maybe less? Who knows.... I lose track of time so often these days!

Cecily R said...

Let's see...

I think SuperCoolMom referred me to you or you to me. I can't remember which.

You are SO in my reader.

I try to comment every post but I can't always keep up with you and your RAD posting ways.

I think we have known each other for about 10 months or so??

Dave'sWife@{thediaryofdaveswife} said...

i FoUnD yOuR bLoG tHrU oNeHM's & tHen GoT tO mEEt yOu aT heR FiRst EvuH DiGi-ScraP clAss!
& i LoVe yOuR BruTaL hOnEstY!

Tracy said...

My best friend is Caras nieghbor. She said I would love your blog and I do. I emailed you one time when you were going private and told you how funny, honest and real you are. You make my day. We would be best friends if we knew each other. I live in Iowa. Keep it up and never go private!!!!!!

Lance said...

My name is Lance,
I have known you about 13 years or something like that. (I had 15 down but was adamantly corrected) I confess I have not commented before that I can remember. (I think the threat was death if I started.)
Any way, I live with you. (Lucky me.) And have been a reader since the start. (It's nice to know what's going on at my house.)
I don't have you linked or on my blog list because I don't read blogs. Besides it's always up on one computer or another to read from.
And no thanks on the prize. I have enough of your crap around here now. (Plus you would probably pick out something real nice if it was me. like a nice purse or new camera.)

tammy said...

Ok totally LOL at Lance's comment!! I had to come back and see how many people you had de-lurk so far. Not entering twice, just had to comment again.

Nathan W said...

Hi I'm Nathan and I'm an addict - Oops wrong forum - What is up with showing up at my door??? I found your blog when I googled "Crazy Stalkers" you were first on the list, congrats!!!
PS I can't beleive that between the 2 of you neither got any pics to post (B00000000)

Mamarazzi said...


1. did i tell you yet how much i love the new look...really cute!

2. i can't remember did i find you or did you find me? however it happened i am glad we found each other, it was bound to happen though, ya know that whole kindred spirit thing!

3. i catch ya in my google reader and try and keep up with all of your are fast though, so i am usually playing catch up!

4. i read you for your honesty. i love the REALNESS (i make up words) of your blog. i think you are a super awesome mom and i like to hear from awesome me!

5. we were friends in heaven, of this i am sure!


Claremont First Ward said...

Non lurker here......I can't remember how I found you, but it's been quite a few months. I read your blog with bloglines.

Tracey said...

Sometimes I lurk, sometimes I comment. I feel like I already spend too much time blogging and if I comment I'd never get up from the computer. Also, I usually have something I want to say after I've read your blog, but I just don't have the same gift you have to know how to say things the right way.

I've played bunko with you a couple of times. The first time you subbed, the next time I subbed. I found you through Lindsey.

I have you on my side bar. I wish I could figure out google reader. I tried to once and didn't get it. I read you because you are lots of fun and say a lot of things that I couldn't say even though I've thought it.

janna said...

I am not sure how I found you, my twin from another mother. But I have been reading and loving your blog for almost a year now.

My name is Janna. Mom of 5 in Idaho

LOVE ya!


smithfam said...

I am busting a gut form Lances comment.
So funny!

Hey this is 2 comments now. maybe I really will win this time!

Melanie and Will said...

Ok. So I found you through Jenny, my sis in law. We play bunko together. I was inspired by you and a few others to finally start my own blog which has been about a year now. Wow. I'm too dumb to yet subscribe to google reader, so I just click on your link on my sidebar daily to come to you blog. Woohoo.

Amy said...

Well my name is Amy...He He
I found you through Katie's blog and I ended up knowing you years ago. I love to read your blog because you tell how it is and your NOT afraid to tell it. I like that. YUP you're linked to our blog and I read you pretty much everyday. You're my morning paper.

Leslie said...

Your husband is a crack up!!

So I have been reading your blogs for about 8 months now...And I enjoy all the comments you leave on mine.

I found you through my sil Sarah's Blog.

I have you on my computers favorite blogs list and google reader and on my favorite blogs on my blog.

I read your blog because I think you are REAL!! I love that! I think you have an adorable family and I just think you are awesome!! I feel a bit more normal after reading your blog knowing that I am not alone with the whole crazy motherhood thing!!

Kylie said...

I went to Elemntary School with you! Ü

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Crystal Eldredge, I live in Queen Creek, I was blog surfing and saw CRAZY MAMA, so I of coarse totally clicked on it. After spending a few hours of just reading random posts, I felt that we are kindred spirits! I laughed, cried and nearly peed my pants from some of the stuff that was said. I am currently due with my 5th baby. Everyday, I grab a Diet Coke and a snack and I sit and read your newest post. I love how you are so honest in your blog. I about died laughing at the hating mothers day post. I could not have said it better. How you posted a picture of your messy hair and was surprised no one told you. I love how you are real person with real kids that make messes and you admit to it. I went to amazing Jakes just a few weeks ago and lost just one kid as well! Who admits that one? You do not pretend to be miss perfect and have all of the answers and I love that! Ohh and you have a soda closet! Ha Ha I have the soda fridge! Anyways, thank you I have enjoyed being pregnant and reading your posts! I am terrified to have 5 children under the age of 7 but hey from one Crazy mama to the next we will survive! Thanks for the newest post, Do not read if pregnant? How can I not read it?

Your blog lurker,


jes said...

i found your blog because you told me about it, and i now have a blog because of you and ali. i read your blog all the time, i have you linked on mine...yours is a favorite. i read what you write because it is so real. i have known you for... this is just too long i don't even want to say it 18 or 19 years.

Crissybug said...

1.LOVE the idea that you made delurking a contest! Hopefully it will draw out more people. Next time I have a 'roll call' I think I will have to make it into a contest too.

2.I am still not sure how I 'found' you. I think we had alot of the same friens and I kept seeing your comments on all of their blogs. Curiosity got the best of me, and I clicked over. I was hooked. Your life is so fun to read about.

3.I used to subscribe to your feed through Bloglines, but have now converted to Google Reader. I do have you on my 'link' list, but don't ever use that to read my blogs.

4. I love to read your blog because you are so 'real'. There is never any sugar coating. You are hilarious, and no day is normal with 6 kids!

5. I came out of the lurking closet Sept 6. of last year (do I get extra points for the exact date - hee hee.) I am sporadic on commenting, but I read your blog everyday. I got to meet you IRL a few months ago when I joined the BUNKO group. And now I see you every Friday at Movie Fun.

BTW- Lance's comment had me rolling!

Connie said...

It's me, Connie...a former lurker, and now I've been commenting for about 6 months...I found your blog through the LDS momo mommies blogs...they LOVE you!! We all do...I am in awe of your blogging abilites...I am lucky to get one in a wekk, and there are days you have like 5! And I love your comments...I have you on my google reader.

Frolicking Night Owl said...

HI! You know me :)

Andrea said...

Hey Jules, I'm stopping by to say HI!!!

I met you thru Alicia (your SIL) at GNO. Started reading your blog from the very first day (I think you told me at Barro's at a girls' lunch)! So, that's over a year (reading your blog)! I comment as much as I can, cuz if I say "Hey that's funny!" then I have to tell you too. I read you thru google reader but mostly I click over to your blog anyway cuz I know it's upated regularly!

I started blogging because of YOU!! And I've "met" lots of great people thru blogging!!

Umm what else am I supposed to tell ya... I love reading your blog cuz you're so REAL and I can practically hear your voice while I"m reading about your day!

Oh and we enjoy our GNO, bunko & Friday movie fun together!!! WOOHOO!! And yet, still I can't get enough of you!!

BTW - Lance's comment had me rolling!!! Love how HIS prize would probably be a new prize for YOU! hah ahha

Ruth Anne said...

ok, getting things together. Here is an official comment.

Melissa said...

Okay, I'm finally leaving a comment. I always read your blog (and others) and say to myself that I'll comment later and then never get around to it. I'm a huge procrastinator. I found you through your sister hotmama. I read you through my favorites tab on my computer. I like to read you because you are so candid and entertaining. You say things the way I feel! Also, you update a lot so I know when I need a break I can look at your blog and you never disappoint. I think I've been reading your blog since about August 2007?? I've met you at the park and at the movies.

sherry said...

I'm not a lurker, but you said everyone so here I go...we have a lot of mutual friends. I saw your link on a lot of blogs, so I checked you out. You looked familiar, and you made me laugh. We went to High School together, different grades, and we were in the same stake. And now I am addicted! I love to read about your real life life. You seem like someone I could be friends with in real life. I bet you get that a lot!

Mamarazzi said...

i know i already commented...BUT i really wanted to come back and post ONE more comment as a little wish that i will win!!


Kimm said...

I'm outed!
I found you because I think you told me about it and gave me the link.

I read your blog because it makes me feel more normal...I laugh at some of the crazy things your kids do and say and I realize that my kids are normal kids that do crazy things.

I have you on my internet history thing.

I have known you for about 15 years. I think we met when Bob and I got married and had to come out for Grandpa Christensen's funeral (our honeymoon). Time flies huh?!?!


Crazymama's RAD Followers

Get up and dance!

do you ever feel like............

do you ever feel like............