Monday, June 30, 2008

randoms? again.

it's Monday. I've been tagged for a couple things but I'm , still working on them. or thinking about them , if i haven't done them by Wednesday, remind me again.


i mopped last night, after midnight. just so i could without it immediately getting messed up.

i woke up to spilled water, and soda puddles.



ah. i played mario cart with my kids. somehow i rocked my second round. and beat Paxton, and yet, every other game went downhill. we played 3 player and 4 player. somehow at the end, i was cruising 11th and 12 place, and going backwards on the track. LAME!


i gave up to cook lunch.

Mac and cheese. Kraft. on the stove. Lance cooks it in the microwave always.

which it brings up my question, how do you cook your mac and cheese?

i do it on the stove always.


so i got new batteries for my old kodak (3.1 megapixels), and can now once again take pictures for the blog. it even has video. here is the first vieo taken on this camera as seen on this blog. Joy brought me a bag she found in Pierce's room, here is her description of it's contents. with her theme song in the background.

so did it make you smile? i makes me giggle. i think she is darn funny. but maybe i am biased.


in other news. i am in a semi funk. and by the way i never started taking the Prozac(the breakfast of champions) i got at the dr. i was thinking it would be a better deal to get it filled somewhere other than where i normally go, and really it is just worth the convenience to pay a little more. and have it NOW. i still need to make the effort to get over there and fill it. and start taking it. not that it would fix the funk, but maybe i wouldn't care then. and i could move happily along on my way.

i have been taking the Adderall and i tell you it WORKS. i am focused, and have more energy. and i can totally tell when i haven't taken it. i do have to think though that i am staying up later at night, alot later. which isn't rad. well it is, and it isn't, and i have been having VIVID DREAMS> which kinda bug, since i am normally not a dreamer. or at least i have no recollection later, and now i can tell ya all about them , and last weeks colonoscopy one, not so great. it's causing me nighttime stress and I'm waking up more, when normally i sleep like the DEAD. not sure if the dreams and meds are connected, or just a coincidence.


so more plans for today? um yeah. i told my kids I'd help them clean the basement. and i have been wanting to/needing to overhaul Pierce's room. but seems like the only time i have to do his room is when he is sleeping, and he wouldn't be able to sleep while I'm cleaning it, so therein lies the problem. it's always a vicious cycle with me isn't it? and sad thing is the mess has nothing to do with him, it's clothes that need purged, sorted, and passed along, Or received, gone through and put away. i think i need to start first with buying more hangers. yeah. i need more hangers, and haven't found the kind i like for the price i want. i generally by the plastic ones from the $ store. but forgot to look last week when we spent 30 on assorted CRAP!


i am officially DYING to go to Hobby Lobby! and haven't had a chance yet, and am fully afraid i won't get to until school starts. which isn't until August 11th.
but I'm not taking the herd there, so when would i go? it may end up being my 1st day of school celebration outing, and with no preschool for Hope i have ALL DAY to go places. without having to be home mid day to retrieve her. it might be nice she doesn't have preschool.


i can't believe it's already the 4th of July! this week! can you?

our fancy plans? I'm leaning towards the drive in again. love that we can see 2 movies, all the best fireworks, and avoid the crowds.

we've also been invited to 1 family BBQ, and swimming in the coolest sounding pool ever(waterfall, rock slide,rope swing), and yet, taking my herd and being the one to swim with them is NOT TEMPTING. Lance is allergic to chlorine, (he had it cloud in his face once while treating our pool and he inhaled a bunch causing a bad reaction, and making him sick every time he is around chlorine) So that leaves ME, the fat mama to take our kids swimming. DREAD. so i avoid it. and i avoid places where i might be completely overwhelmed with scary swimming conditions when my littles might drown. i consider it a safety measure. and my kids aren't fantastic swimmers, the big ones are OK, but the others aren't. SO hmm, do i want to subject myself to the humiliation to maybe risk one of my kids drowning? nope. not on the top of my list of fun holiday ideas. IF both of us were swimming I'd consider it. but we aren't. and even then me in a bathing suit. is on the bottom of my fun list.


so there we are , random ramblings, of today.

remember i wanted to know if you cook your mac and cheese on the stove, or in the microwave?

and how do you feel about swimming in public?

any super fun 4th of july plans?

if you live in AZ, Have you been to the new Hobby Lobby?

how long does a freshly mopped floor last at your house?

and do your kids look alot like orphans in the summer time? mine are fully sporting this seasons ragamuffin look. as seen in Joy's video.

happy Monday!

post signature


The Sports Mama said...

What is this "mopping" activity of which you speak? Is there supposed to be something under all the mess?

When we cook mac~n~cheese, its on the stove. BUT... my crew prefers the Velveeta Shells~n~Cheese over all others.

Swimming.... yeah, I don't do it. First, I'm petrified of water on my face. Second, I quite often refuse to put on a bathing suit if I'm going to be in the same pool as my super-perfect-body SIL. Last, I just can't swim anyway. :) But my boys are both fish, and love it.

This weekend... probably just hangin' out at my in-laws. Its free! ;)

As I am so far removed from anything creative that Hobby Lobby doesn't usually get a visit from me. Unless there's a school project. :)

Happy Monday!

sherry said...

Mac and cheese- I do it on the stove, my kids make it in the micro. They can be pretty self sufficient these days. Swimming- My husband is not the greatest at keeping our pool in tip top shape, and the kids won't get in unless it is perfect. SO we bought a family membership to the local pools, and we go at least once a week. DH has been working hard on the pool, but we have yet to get in it. Which has many draw backs.(#1- my big fat WHITE belly, which I can only tan in the privacy of my own back yard. Unless I can't use my pool.)I feel better about being in the public pool all fat and pregnant then I would just being fat. Which I was before I got pregnant. SO in that way, the pregnancy is a bonus. Yeah for hurling! Vid of Joy was dang cute. I love her theme song! I had a hard time understanding her until she said "fancy" which of course made us all laugh. And made me jealous of your brand new tile all over again;) And my kids and myself are all ragamuffins. You do not want to see us. Brenley's super long hair is in serious need of a brushing. Sad.

onehm said...

1. stove. ALWAYS.
2. don't LOVE swimming in public, but I'll do it. I NEVER swim without shorts.
3. NO PLANS. And I'm bummin'.
4. Not to the new one, but I've been to the one out west, as well as one in UT. FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC!!
6. RAGAMUFFIN city around here!! Don't worry, it's ALL THE RAGE! ;)
Our kids are totally stylin'!

julie said...

Mac and cheese we have every freakin day!!!! We eat the microwave cups. Easy, easy.... zap for 3 1/2 min. I don't mind swimming in public just as long as its not crowded. Can't stand a bunch of yappy kids splashing all around me. We don't have a Hobby Lobby here in Vegas. Would love to go shop at one. Maybe next time when we go to AZ again. Ragamuffin look???? Yip, all day long. Too hot to even care!!! 4th of July plans we are having good friends from Tucson come visit us and head to the lake. Cute video by the way. She's darling. :)

Claremont First Ward said...

Always cook it on the stove.

No exciting 4th of July plans. Jeff has to work.

My kids always look like half naked crazies in the summer.

blah, blah by lindsey said...

you can cook mac in the micro..this changes everything

i don't like to swim in public!

no plans for the 4th

last monday i mopped kids are on their own when it comes to getting dressed if they don' big deal. caleb is usually sporting just a diaper cause we are rad like that!

have heard fun stuff about HL..wishing i had dollars to go

ps: start your meds you will feel so much better,trust me

SHERI said...

Here are my answers:
1. On the stove- I have never even tried it in the microwave.
2. Yes I swim in public. Check out my latest post- there is proof! Just don't look too closely!
3. We will be going camping this weekend! Yeah- out of the heat!
4. I am dying to go to Hobby Lobby- just haven't had a chance yet!
5. Clean floors last about one meal!
6. Yes- my kids look like ragamuffins too! It just to hot to get dressed or do you hair~!

Thanks for the questions! By the way-in answer to your post a while back when you were calling out your readers- you are on my google reader so I read you all the time- just not a good commenter!

Vidal's Nest said...

ummm, Joy looks cute. My girls rock an outfit of boots, and that's it! On a good day, they might add a diaper or panties to the mix!
Mac n cheese on the stovetop for sure.
I feel like a beached whale in a swimsuit(or maybe even fat bastard from austin powers)
So not my favorite thing to be in public in..
Been to hobby lobby in colorado. It's fun.If you ever need someone to go with give me a call!
Don't have a clue what to do in Az in the heat for the 4th.
Love Joys personality!
Go get your happy pills!!!

Connie said...

My kids don't eat mac-n-cheese, bummer.
I will go out in a swimsuit if I have to...and this year I do because of the babies.
I take the older kids to the fireworks. Husband is British, so not lovin' the Independence Day thing. Last year I was in the hospital.
I like to clean at night as well...
And my kids look like orphans ALL the time...I am into the dress yourself, decide your own hairstyle thing...backfires a lot.

Lainie said...

Mac & cheese on the stove. (Ramen in the microwave). I have a coupon to Hobby Lobby and haven't gone yet! Maybe in August when they're all in school (yeah for me!). Take your medication!!

tammy said...

Always on the stove. Always real butter. (lol at Lindsey's comment)

I go to Sun Splash, and swim at lakes in public. Other than that, it's my own backyard.

We're having family over for the 4th (which is why I need those OTTT stars). BBQ, swim, watch the fireworks at Schnepf's from our house.

Hobby Lobby - my new favorite store!

I'm mopping as soon as I post this comment. (BTW - love the way your new tile looks!)

Oh yes, we stay in our pjs ALL DAY. Me included unless we're going somewhere. Sometimes Connor is in his undies cuz it's cooler.

Amy said...

Can you do Mac-n-Cheese in the Microwave? Absolutely on the stove. Girl you better take your meds! Everyone is doing it :-). Love the "stuff"in the bag..Oh my gosh I was rolling. Where did the lemon come from. Ha ! We have Hobby Lobbies all over up here. I was just there getting wedding reception stuff for my sis . LOVE it. NOT a place for kids. Nope,Nope...Not if they like to touch . Mine do. Have a good one.

Amy said...

Oh and P.S. I love when my floor is mopped it's SO pretty and shiny(we have wood). And I think 3 out 5 boys just have on shorts right now. So YUP were white trash.

AutoSysGene said...

Mac n cheese on the stove...not sure why. Hobby Lobby not a fav...I need to get over there again.

So you're dreaming vividly and I'm sleepwalking...we are quite a pair, huh?

SuperCoolMom said...

Went to Hobby Lobby on Sat instead of piddling away my money on yard sales or whatever. Way cool!

Always cook the Mac on the stove. Hate sporting a swimsuit in public. I totally want to do the drive-in for the 4th! 1 day on the mopping. But it's still better and it looks fairly clean as long as I maintain and sweep like 3 times daily. After about a week, I usually let even that go.

I put a Pack & Play in my room so that I could work on the baby's room during nap time. Then I hauled the crap into the LR, so I could work on it when E is napping. Plus, the room is clean and I know I can't leave it in the LR forever, so I'll have the extra motivation to actually finish the job. At least, that's the plan.

Janeen said...

1.) I've never done Mac 'n Cheese in the microwave (unless they are the individual ones)
2.) Absolutely hate swimming in public. I even hate getting in a bathing suit in front of my own kids!
3.) Hate mopping the floor. Probably my least favorite job, because it doesn't last. I usually spot clean.
4.) I'm dyeing to go to Hobby Lobby, too. But I refuse to take children, so who knows if it will ever happen unless they are open past 9:00 PM! Are they?

Janeen said...

Oh, and I could care a less what they wear in the summer unless we are going somewhere. And I really like your drive-in idea as we have no plans. Maybe we'll see you there!

Andrea said...

I used to ALWAYS cook mac'n'cheese on the stove until my friend did micro and now I've changed. I ALWAYS do microwave now!! And ALWAYS 2 boxes and ALWAYS 1 stick or real butter!! Mmmmm!

Mopping? are we supposed to do that on a regular basis? ha ha I HATE mopping. Because it always starts with sweeping - again HATE it! Unfortunately, most of my house is concrete and needs sweeping and mopping (although I don't mop very often). It's very slippery when wet, so the kids have to sit on the rug or my room & commit to stay there for at least half an hour while the floor dries! haha

umm swimming in public? HATE it!! I have a semi-cute suit, but only like being in my backyard. Although I did swim at the beach!

Oooohhh I am dying to check out the new Hobby Lobby!!! Wanna go? Probably can't buy anything but love window shopping!

Ok now that our summer family vacation is over, no other plans for the summer. just survive the heat!

YES, my kids most definitely look like ragmuffins! Even me! I think the kids get dressed before I do. Pretty sad, huh?!

Oh by the way, LOVE Joy's Faaaaancy talk!!! ha ha she cracks me up!!

Jenifer said...

Mopping lasts about a minute and a half at my house.
I always cook mac and cheese on the stove, that is what the kids had today. Haven't been to Hobby Lobby, but Nate has. He thought it would be like r/c planes and cars or something. He came home and told me I would love it.
My kids look homeless all summer. They usually get cleaned up in the neighbors pool. Eww I know.
Go get your meds! You will feel better once they kick in.

smithfam said...

I swing both ways for the Mac N cheese!! Whatever is easier really.

You and I were mopping our floors last night at the same! We sure know how to party!

michelle said...

Mac n Cheese is always cooked on the stove! I LOVE it cooked that way! I am begining to feel like I am looking like a ragamuffin this summer! My kids are looking better than me! :) It is so darn hot outside. I must have got in, and out of the car a dozen times today. Hobby Lobby is wonderful!!!!!! I think if you did wait, for your back to school special day, it would totally worth it! There is a mailing list, and adds you can sign up for on their website. :)

M said...

THERE IS A NEW HOBBY LOBBY!! I am excited. Where is it? The only Hobby Lobby I know about is in West Phoenix. Can you tell that I love Hobby Lobby!?!

Katie said...

Spencer is the only one to eat mac and cheese at our house so I make the little packets that I buy at costco. Swimming in public??? NOPE! I'm dreading this weekend with Chad's family. They are all super skinny (hopefully my kids will inherit Chad's skinny genes) but now I have to be in a bathing suit 6 months prego, but it looks like I'm carrying triplets in my A**. I actually mopped the floor last Thursday and need to do it again cause Spencer spilled juice and although I tried to clean it up I randomly step somewhere and my foot sticks. So gross, but I'm waiting until Lily is done barfing before I mop again. My kids are gonna be orphans if they don't get better soon. I can't handle barf and diareaha much longer:)

Kimm said...


I'm coming out!
1. Mac and Cheese always on the stove!
2. I hate swimming (funny how I teach Aqua Aerobics and hate to swim). If I get in a bathing suit, something has to cover up my behind (shorts or skirt).
3. No fabulous July 4th plans, probably BBQ and swim at Jane's house.
4. Bob will probably (If he hasn't already) go to the new Hobby Lobby. Me? Not so much.
5. A freshly mopped floor lasts until my kids eat again. However, I make the kids wipe up spots off the floor for a penny a piece.
6. Ragamuffins, bad hair, too short jeans....You name it!


FallFleur said...

1)stove top
2)I can barely keep my head above water so there's really no need to swim in public or otherwise.
3)Two of my girls are on Little League Softball AllStar teams to we will be at games every day this week. Not a chance to go anywhere.
4)My kids do the mopping. So, really it depends on which one does it to determine if I can even count it as being clean enough to call it mopped.
5)No Hobby Lobby here that I know of. Souds great though.
6)Teens take care of themselves and wouldn't dare be seen without the full "do". However, they don't get out of bed until noon so technically they "look" like raggamuffins half the day.

Loved the video and yes I cracked up when she said, "Faaanncy!" I think I've got that lemon's twin in my pantry.

ZB said...

mac n cheese is rarely cooked in my house (but ALWAYS on the stove). I actually have cooked it the Italian way. Supper yummy & just as easy. More expensive.

Swimming in public? Again, a rarity.

Haven't been to the new hobby lobby but there is one about 7 mintues from my house in Utah. Love it. Try not to go too much.

My freshly mopped floor lasts an hour at best.

The Montgomerys said...

1.Mac and cheese in the oven, like to make it from scratch in the winter but in the summer on the stove.
2.No way will I swim in public and I know everyone is great full for that.
3.On the 4th we're doing the Harkins movie thing with my sister-in-law. Also it's my nieces b-day and we are going to Phoenix rock gym. Then if my parents pool is done we are going out there to swim and watch all the valley fireworks.But if not we will go to MCC.
4.No, I haven't been there.
5.2 Minutes, that's if my 2 year old is taking a nap.
6.Yes, Yes, yes. You know I talked to you about this as Bristol was naked running around.

The Montgomerys said...

Oh , yea we need to talk about vt. Ok I will CALL YOU .

Piper said...

I hate swimming in public too! There always seems to be gross teens making out in the water.
You have a Hobby Lobby now? We just got one here recently!!! It's fabulous. You have to go to and print out a coupon, they don't keep any at the store for you to use. Most weeks it's for 40% off one item!

Laura said...

We only make Easy Mac around here. My kids are allergic to cheese so Jacob has been the only Mac n cheese eater. Not worth the effort for one bowl.

I hate public pools. I suppose I would be forced to get in a swimsuit in public if I had no other option but Grandpa has an amazing pool and its private!

Every time I make the effort to clean my wood floors they are ruined. I find I am a nut case about it getting dirty. So I try to go as long as possible in between doing it (with spot mopping).

Do your kids get cereal all over your floor? Dry cereal is making me totally bonkers this summer.

I have a harder time getting kids ready and nice in the summer too. I try to force it as best as possible but Lindsey tries her best to slip through my fingers every morning.

Kylie said...

I ALWAYS cook my mac & cheese on the stove and my floors stay mopped from about midnight (the time I normally mop) until the kids wake up in the morning. And my kids are TOTALLY sporting the orphan look big time!!! Oh and also--I totally have the same problem with the kid's room! I always want to do it, but can only do it if Mia is asleep--which then means I really can't. Their are piles of clothes all over that I am trying to purge too!!

Are You Serious! said...

Mac & Cheese on the stove!

No swimming for me! At least not until this weight comes off!

My mopped floor lasts like 5 seconds and then I wonder why the heck I just mopped it?

We tell our kids that they look like ragamuffins all the time! I'm glad we're not the only ones! I do clean them up if we go any where though. Other than that they're outside getting all kinds of dirty! :)

Threeundertwo said...

water bottle - check
baseball - check
rotten lemon - check
plug-in air freshener - check

Her purse looks just like mine!

Laurie said...

I had no idea you could cook mac and cheese in the microwave!! I do like it stove-topped though. It has to be Kraft and has to boil for 6 minutes- no more, no less. I am very particular about my mac and cheese.
As for the 4th of July, we get together with all my fam and have a BBQ and do our own little fire works show.
I do not currently swim in public because I don't have a maternity swimsuit. It's a good excuse to send the hubby in with the kids.
And the mopped floor never lasts longer then a day at my house. And my kids do look like orphans- I do manage to bathe the younger ones once in a while, though :)

Anonymous said...

I love Hobby Lobby, I don't recommend taking children there, LOT'S and LOT'S of glass and narrow isles.
I make my mac and cheese on the stove unless it's the microwavable singles.
My children look like homeless children in the summer, they don't want me to touch their hair so it's pretty scary.
I take my kids swimming but I don't get in, body image issues for sure. 2 of my 3 can swim so I just play life gaurd and my baby, ok she is two but she is still my baby, just hangs on my feet, she prefers the top step and doesn't like to go out farther than that.
I avoid mopping my floor, everytime without fail someone spills something sticky on it right after I mop EVERYTIME!!!!!!!
I really do mop, it's just not my favorite thing to do.

janna said...

I am going to answer your ?'s on my blog....

Loved the video of Joy and the song in the background.


Allison said...

I figured the chlorine in the pool was good enough for baths for the summer. Just kidding - my children look like ragamuffins and semi cool during the summer. Mostly ragamuffins because I don't really care. ITS SUMMER!!

I do mac n' cheese both ways. If on the stove I use butter only and lots of it. It helps the cheese to stick better to the noodles. No milk unless my husband is making it.

Mopping is a thing of the past. Why mop -- it is just going to get dirty again. Only when there is a big spill or too sticky do I have to mop. Yes, I do mop Swiffer style.

Love swimming. Look not so fabulous but go anyway to let the children have fun and cool off.

GO TAKE YOUR MEDS!!! Right now - stop reading this and go take it.

Now you will start to feel 'happy' and be able to do the 'happy dance' real soon.

Frolicking Night Owl said...

We make our Kraft on the stove. We also like a can of cream of mushroom soup added ... 1 can per 2 boxes. :)

Jamie said...

Never in the microwave
Have not been to Hobby Lobby. I agree taking the crew is not worth it!
Not to keen on public or semi public swimming adventures.
Mopped floor lasts about ten minutes. Sucks doesn't it!!?

I for sure am more lazy about how my kids are lookin in the summer, but I am to OCD for the orphan look yet:)

andrea said...

Mac & Cheese on the stove, but we don't have it often because my kids don't love it....they must be mutants!

Public swimming.....hate it. After the major crypto outbreak up here last year, the thought is just nasty. I've heard of too many people this year going to the pool, only to be kicked out because someone poops so they have to clean and filter it. But honestly, WHO would want to get back in a pool that a stranger has crapped in?! Gag!

4th plans....the ward puts on a breakfast, so no sleeping in....and then we have no solid plans other than fireworks that night at Thanksgiving Point since tickets to the Stadium of Fire sold out in 10 minutes.

Hobby Lobby, I've been to ours in, but taking the kids stresses me out...too many middle of the aisle displays of glass and breakables.

Mopped floor.....what is that?!

Kids looking like orphans, oh yes. My 2 yo is sporting a too-big tshirt and diaper only as I type, and the 4 yo tried to put on the same clothes he wore yesterday! :)

Holly said...

40 comments - lady i hope you have time to read mine!!!! :) I only cook my mac & cheese on the stove... I mop probably every 2-3 days - never lived in AZ, but a craft store or hobby store? sounds like fun... kids i haven't even seen much this summer to evaluate how they look :)

mario cart makes me way too dizzy - but the kids love to play, i'll have to try it again!

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad to know there's other's out there that feel the same way about the way their kids look. And despite all the cutsies I do w/the girls hair, there are days they do look like ragamuffin's and they sport the prior day's hair!
I cook my macncheese on the stove - I haven't been in a swimming pool in about 3 years - not a fan of swimming in public ; we're doing stuff w/neighbors and family for the 4th (2 seperate days) - We have Hobby Lobby in our town and it is FAB!; my floors usually last 1 meal since my youngest is 18 months that means there is always something being tossed on the floor.

Anyway - love your blog & feel free to "lurk" on mine anytime!

Mamarazzi said...

LOVE the rotten petrified lemon...AWESOME!

remember i wanted to know if you cook your mac and cheese on the stove, or in the microwave?
stove top always

and how do you feel about swimming in public?
i live like the hawaiians i "hang loose" don't like it? don't look i am too old and too happy with my life to care about what other people think of my curves...i am LIVING!!

any super fun 4th of july plans?
nope...gotta think of something fun to do

if you live in AZ, Have you been to the new Hobby Lobby?
the one here kinda sucks

how long does a freshly mopped floor last at your house?
even with the 3 people living here it's minutes before it needs to me mopped again. BUT i don't mind doing it...cuz it's new and beeeautiful!

and do your kids look alot like orphans in the summer time?
J LIVES in her YELLOW swim shirt and shorts...i need to get her more than one. she has a gajillion swim suits but only one pair or board shorts and swim shirt...i am lame.

Crazymama's RAD Followers

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