Saturday, June 28, 2008

super saturday! the lowdown on todays super exciting happenings.

i make it sound so exciting in the title huh? and have nothing left to discuss.

i slept in .
my mom came by. she brought my Niece Maria over to visit.
there was some drama. Joy leaving Hope out, then Joy getting left out. AH girl drama never ends.
we played with Balloons.
Pierce is incredibly coordinated. throwing it in the air and catching it over and over again.
we went to see WALL-E!

i didn't think I'd like it , and i haven't been dying to see it,and really since i never watch TV hadn't seen many commercials or trailers for it. but i LOVED it! it was cute. my kids sat great for it! for the most part. and it was way fun to go with my Mom , and brother Gary, and my sister Maria and her kids. we went for her son Garrett's half birthday. his real one is so close to Christmas( 3 days after) they do his half birthday big. they have since he was 6 months old. with gifts and everything.
it wasn't a cheap afternoon. but it was sure fun to hear all the kids in the theater giggle at some parts of it. Joy is a movie talker, and so is my mom, they were quite the pair asking and answering questions.

i wanna know have you seen WALL-E yet?
do you plan to?

what is with the recent use of cockroaches in movies? EWW! and hello, i know there was a environmental/political message in this one too. i still liked the movie, but does every cartoon coming out have to carry a hidden political/environmental message?

and no wonder we never go to real movies in the theater, UM yeah $50 bucks just to get in during the DAY! holy crap! not to mention $15 on icees . but a fun afternoon with the fam. that is what matters in the long run huh.

OH but i went and got my FAVE CHAPSTICK virtually FREE! a lotion and the chapstick at Bath and body works for $1.08! WHOOHOO! go print that coupon. Lance even went in and got me one too. but he didn't know where to find the Dollar item so he bought me a sweet pea shampoo the sales girl talked him into. he said they swarmed him. interesting. but still FREE CHAPSTICK and they had my fave stick with no shine. love it for bedtime lips! YAY!

after the movie, my mom took the 3 girls for the Saturday night sleepover, and lance and i took the boys to applebee's for dinner using a free $25 certificate from the last time we went and the service sucked. i don't think we'll be taking the kids again. and man they have that eat dessert first thing down, but since dad was with us they had to wait until after eating.

and now I've caught up on my blog reading, I think I'll go to bed early. it's been a long week.

i still want people to delurk. i know there are more. go here to this post and answer my questions . it is way fun to see who has been reading. secretly! and hmmm. i think I'll randomly draw the winner of the delurking prize on Thursday. a whole week of delurking! so get on it. I'm waiting for YOU! yes YOU! i know YOU are LURKING! get on it!

hope you are having a fanfreakingtastic weekend.


how do you feel about hidden messages, in movies?

did you think that Wall-E has one? and could you tell me what it is?

if you have less kids than normal do you go do fun things? are you more likely or less likely to do something out of the ordinary?

do you smuggle in snacks to the movie or purchase there?
(i smuggled in two packs of Red vines and a whole box of nutty bars)

did you print that coupon yet?

How much does it cost you to take your family to the movies?

post signature


Micah and Jen said...

What a fun day....I haven't seen the movie yet but want too...looks cute EXCEPT for the roach! not my idea of a fun character...but I'll survive. I still freak out when I watch them on Enchanted!!! And what is with movies being so expensive!?! Just not right...but glad it was fun for you guys!

Jenifer said...

My kids are dying to see the movie, probably next week. I don't take them a lot because it is sooooo expensive and I only have two kids! Yes I smuggle in treats. Yes I get tired of the political messages. Enough already! I used my B&BW coupons this week! We chose to get the hand sanitizer since I am addicted to cherry chapstik.

Laura said...

I am looking forward to seeing Wall E. I have been waiting to take my kids.

I don't like hidden messages in movies at all. Although, I have not caught on to what this one is.

It costs a fortune to take our family to the movies. We have movie cups so drinks are only a dollar and then we totally smuggle other stuff. Although, they get my money on popcorn with my husband comes (I refuse to buy or eat that).

I am not sure about your other question. I have four kids and I think that is normal, not less than normal. Ha ha.

Vidal's Nest said...

Not going to see wall-e although might reconsider after kids wear me down and you say it was cute! The commercials didn't look so fab.
Smuggle in candies, but buy popcorn ( I love movie pocorn)
with 6 kids at home it is ridiculously expensive to go to the movies so we often rotate who we take, and when we have all 10 kids, it is crazy. We have only done that twice though!
Oh, and hidden messages suck...enough already you know??

SuperCoolMom said...

I was chaffing about the propaganda in Wall-E too and thought it was cute but moved a little slow. It was kind of funny, P thought Eve was Wall-E's Mama. He took everything about their relationship, even the kisses as if she was his Mama. So cute. We may have been hit a little more by the propaganda because we'd just seen The Bee Movie too and gotten the Green Message in that one too.

blah, blah by lindsey said...

i have been wanting to see that movie, but the budget won't allow it ;(...oh well. i usually bring in snacks but my kids always want popcorn and don't eat the snacks i bring.

Cecilia said...

We were going to take the kids on friday, but it didn't workout! We are going sometime next week for sure! Taking the kids to the movies it does get expensive, so we always go during the day and I always smuggle candy and water bottles, but they get my money on popcorn :(
I've printed the coupon, but haven't gone to the mall yet.
I'm glad you all had a fun day with the fam!!!!

Mamarazzi said...

J has a whole list of must see movies for this summer. i am almost ready to let her a few girlfriends see one movie while i see another. i think she would think that was cool. but i worry too much about pervy people getting pervier in the i guess i will just continue to see movies i think are lame a few rows behind her and her friends in the dark...keeping an eye out for pervs.

sounds like it was a super fun saturday. you are SOOOO lucky that you have so much family close by i miss that a lot!

michelle said...

I haven't seen this movie, but it does look cute! We try, and take the kids to the movie on Friday or Saturday evenings. It has gotten so expensive now, I sure do sneak goodies in with me! Sometimes the goodies can cost as much as the show. It sounds like you had a fun family day! :)

Amy said...

My kids want to Wall-E . I'm on the fence. It doesn't appeal to me,but maybe I need to sit through it. It's a arm and our first born to get get through the doors at movies. ABSOLUTELY! I totally smuggle treats in. 65.00 for the movie we could spend another 35.00 on snacks. SIGH....Oh the things we do to entertain. We're going to the drive in next week to see Kung Fu Panda. Have you seen that? We hear it way cute. Happy Sunday...:-0

onehm said...

I KNEW it was going to have that darn "Americans ruin the earth" message!!! I hated Happy Feet for that very reason!
We haven't seen Wall*E yet, and if it wasn't for the $50 to get in, we would have... BUT I hate when those messages are hidden in so-called "kids movies". :)

PS. I totally bring my own snacks to the movies. Who can afford $4 a box on candy??

KayDee said...

We took two of our kids to see wall-e on friday night! It was cute! Sounds like it was a great day!
I think It did have a hidden meaning. I think it was suggesting what would happen if we did not live"green"!
We took our kids to the cinemark. it is a little cheaper there than some other theaters. If you take your harkins cups, drinks are free and we always sneak in treats in my purse. It only cost 35 dollors for tickets and popcorn. Of course we only took 2 of our three kids. Even though we dont have as many as some it still is very expensive to take the whole family to the movies. This is the first time since "cars" came out that we have gone to the theater to see a newly released movie.

FallFleur said...

I hated Wall-E. I was totally disappointed, 'cause I've loved every other Pixar film. This was terrible; no creativity in the animation, loopy dialogue and I didn't buy the ill-fated love story of two mismatched robots. I am sick to death of the the fear and farce factor that is being sold to kids in school, in products, in media and crappy movies like this. I hated that man is portrayed as a fat, lazy, irresponsible, sheep-like scum-buckets and that cockroaches are the only form of life that could survive man's domination.

oh, I've gone on a bit of a rant. Sorry, I hope I've not offended you on your own blog. I'm usually a lot nicer than this.

AutoSysGene said...

Hope is going to see WallE on Tuesday...I'll let you know what she thinks!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

You sounded like you were on speed typing this!!

So many thoughts and so much energy!

I love it!1

Hallie :)

The Sports Mama said...

I can't remember the last time we actually went to the theater to see a movie. There's only the four of us, but at the age my kids are... they aren't content any longer to just share a bag of popcorn and a soda.

Besides, Coach loves his sound system at home so much he'd rather just watch all movies on it!

But it sounds like you had a great time! And I do want to see that movie, so as soon as it comes out on DVD I'll be able to let you know what I think of the hidden messages! ;)

Debra said...

I RARELY take my kids to the movies. The last one was Alvin and the Chipmunks. And it cost us $50 for me and the 3 older kids. So yeah, we don't do that much. I am a big fan of rentals! LOL

If we do go, I sneak in candy. TOTALLY!!

And I tagged you .. check out my blog.

Anonymous said...

My kids want to see this movie SO BAD, we will see if I have any money, 2 of my 3 just had b-days and that always breaks the bank, now it's time to do the back to school shopping so we will see if we can get around to it.
I ALWAYS sneak treats in and we buy one thing of popcorn and bring paper sacks (the lunch kind) and fill them up with the popcorn for each kid, they usually don't eat to much anyway. I always sneak my own drinks in as well, they don't sell DP in Utah at the theaters so if I want some I have to bring it.
It's usually about $20. if we go during the day, Katherine is still free, or at least I think she is.
add another $6. or more if we get popcorn.
HATE the political crap in movies.

I still need to go to bath and body.

I usually just take Katherine out with me, mostly to lunch but then I feel guilty so I will go and have lunch with the other 2 at school.

Frolicking Night Owl said...

in the last 5 years since marina joined our family, i think we've been to the theatre 3 times and two of those were cartoons. i ALWAYS take in goodies in my purse. who doesn't?

tammy said...

We're planning on going this week. I hate going to movies right when they open. I don't like a packed theater.

I don't mind movies that have a moral to them, because kids these days can use all the help they can get. But not the political green thing hidden message. Messages like being a good friend, being honest etc.

I always take candy, then we do the $1 drinks, and buy popcorn and sometimes a pretzel to share (they're spoiled) unless we go to lunch beforehand. Then it's just drinks and home brought candy. And we always do the matinee. For cost and because of my hating a packed theater. I'll even check my boys out of school early to make a matinee that's how bad I hate going when it's packed. Are you sensing issues here?

Connie said...

I thought it looked cute...and I am a snack weekend has sucked, husband is all pissy with me because I wouldn't let him buy a new car for a job he hasn't gotten yet....yeah whatever, get over it, and get the job right????

Natalie Jane said... I am going to HAVE to see that movie.

Glad you had a great weekend.

Erin said...

I'm so glad to know that Wall-E was cute. I think I'll take my kids. Going to the movies isn't quite so expensive for us, two kids one is still free. And yet I still cringe every time because tickets cost so much. I admit that I am a treat smuggler. I just can't handle paying the prices they for candy charge at the theatre when there is a walmart down the street.

Libby said...

We went and saw the movie yesterday. It wasn't one that I was really wanting to see, but I thought it was pretty cute. I wasn't prepared though for the 1st 30 minutes of silence. I thought that my boys would get bored after a few minutes of that but they did surprisingly well. It was the 1st time that Jackson made it through a movie without having to use the bathroom. Yeah!

Jamie said...

OH, My kids will be so jelous. Wall-E is all Lightning talks about. We will see it, but I don't know when.

janna said...

It looks like a cute movie.

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Yep - didn't care for Wall-e...sorry and I don't go to the movies and I only have 2 kids! Applebees hasn't been good the last few times so we gave up and go to Chili's. Lame! Yeah to have 1/2 the kids for a night- Happy Monday tomorrow!

Threeundertwo said...

We saw it yesterday and I have to say that this is by far the best movie Pixar has made. I laughed all the way through it, there were so many gags.

I thought the message wasn't hidden at all; that idle consumerism without taking responsibility for our waste ultimately dooms the planet and ourselves. The irony of course, is that Disney will put out a billion little toys with excessive packaging.

I sneak snacks. Isn't that what those new jumbo purses are for?

Amy said...

Got your comment about the apron... I am making a few right now and it is taking more time than i wanted to spend right now. So... I'll hook up with you later about the trade or the give-away. Thanks for coming over to my little blog...heck you are a blogging powerhouse. About the movies...l I love going my man HATES the movies so I am a little lame about the new summer movies. I always go to a matinee and I ALWAYS smuggle treats in. We stop at the Chevron just before the theater.... I am tight but I do buy a ginormous coke at the theater...

Ruth Anne said...

I am never getting rid of my student ID, the couple bucks off does help.

Oh, and the girl drama?!? I didn't realize it would happen at 5!

Karol said...

I'm new to blog-ville, but love your blog! I wouldn't dream of going to the movies without a purse full of dollar store candy and my own drink! The kids get 1 big popcorn and 1 big drink to share (as well as the germs)! The big sizes are just 50 cents to $1 more than the smallest sizes!
Took my kids to see Get Smart but they are older than yours!

Jen said...

We took they boys to see WallE on Friday, it was way better than I thought it would be. The kids really liked it too. And of course we smuggle in as much as we can!

I didn't get to BnBworks, but did you know Old Navy had their flip flops on sale on Sat for $1 a pair?! It was a MADHOUSE, seriously I got there 10 minutes after they had opened and the line was from the front of the store all the way to the back, by the time I checked out 20 minutes later it wrapped around back down tot he front the the store, I wish I had a camera to take a pic!

ZB said...

Have NOT seen Wall-E yet. But I assume it will happen when it's at the Dollar movies. Just can't bring myself to spend the cash. Too many other things I want to buy. Glad you enjoyed it. I've heard some mixed reviews.

Andrea said...

My kids are dying to see Wall-E. We want to see it too. We almost tried to see it in CA, but it would've cost almost $65 for the 6 of us!!! NO THANKS!!!

We try to go to first showing of the day or at least matinees and totally smuggle our own treats!!! I also bring ONE bottle of water to share cuz I don't want to waste time for potty breaks!

Allison said...

Saw Wall-E and enjoyed it immensely. Took the whole family and got in at super prices.

We try to only go to a new release on Friday or Saturday morning (people can go Sunday too, but we have church) and only to the AMC. Reason being that we can see a movie for $5.00 anytime before noon. And the AMC by me lets you bring in drinks from other places - ie QT, Fatburger, Panda's, water, etc. So we spent a total of $36.75 (more than anyone wants to spend when it can be rented for $4.00 and divide that by 6) but it is the atmosphere of GOING to the movies that we love. It is just fun for us as a family.

Anyway, sorry that this post is long, but I think everyone needs to know about the $5.00 movies if someone is wanting to watch a new release. Hope I didn't offend anyone and no one will probably see this because it is a few days old of a post.

Julie, I'm not lurking---hehe

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