Tuesday, September 2, 2008

3 joys, 3 fears, 3 obsessions/collections, 3 surprising facts you always wanted to know from me! and maybe some you'd rather not know.

I was tagged by Sandi! on her awesome blog CRAPSTAIN! she comments as bob marley & lucy liu . now you know. she is rad! i lurked secretly on her blog for a little bit before coming out but i met her about 4 years ago at her wedding reception ,but she had no recollection of meeting me! shocking! just kidding. i'm just one person, how many people did she have to meet?

her wedding story is awesome here but mostly because at the time Lance was working with Sandi's hubby Todd, and i heard at the time Todd's version of the tale. fun to see her side and the picture. go see it here NOW! i'll wait . it is that rad.

so i came out and we are blog friends now. and her husband was funny when she said she wanted to meet me he not so subtly told her that we had met. i hadn't told her i'd met her before, not wanting her to feel bad for not remembering but felt darn cool she wanted to meet me. now that she was my blog friend. yes it makes a difference. bloggers have a bond. i swear.

anyway Sandi tagged me. and i'm complying.

List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 obsessions/collections, 3 surprising facts and then tag five other people. Leave a comment for the people you tag so they know they have been tagged. Okay, here goes...

3 Joys?

1. a fresh delicious DR.PEPPER- super cold and preferably fetched by someone else.

2. my children all dressed and groomed and not bickering or embarrassing me in public. (an incredibly rare treat)

3. finding a great bargain. getting free things and sharing the wealth (telling others about it)

3 fears?

1. being a single mom for whatever reason- accident , divorce, choice, whatever. it would SUCK!

2. financial stress forever. job loss? poverty? not enough money to take care of basic needs for myself and the family. this is temporary right?( i keep hoping but it seems permanent lately. )

3. a close family member dying. my kids, my mom, Lance, a sibling? i don't know if i could handle the loss. and yet me dying doesn't scare me at all. death is easy. surviving is the harder part.

3 obsessions/collections?

1. kids clothes. obsession/ collection? it qualifies as both at this point. since it takes over as much of my house/time/money as it does.

2. i like to learn new things whether it's crafts, hobbies, trivia, parenting skills,research, medical info, gossip, i seek knowledge. it may not be conventional or useful knowledge but i still like it. borderline obsession.

3. collection? Dolls! i have an abundance of Cabbage patch Dolls that were mine as a kid, all my childhood dolls my mom sewed for me and all of my Porcelain dolls i made for myself or my mom made for me. and seriously i have a hard time parting with the dolls i buy for my girls. i know when they got them, how much i paid for them and why they received it. but there isn't enough space for everything so i part with their they aren't totally attached to. i hoard mine in the attic.

3 Surprising Facts this is totally the hardest one for me, not many secrets and really what would surprise you about me? NO JUDGING! this is more like confession time. if you have the desire to judge me do it secretly and don't tell me. OR DON'T READ THIS PART! it's a little much. so ( i made it black highlight it to read) just skip it if you don't really wanna know me too well .

1. I've read the whole Book of Mormon, never even attempted to. I'm thinking i should try but don't bother lecturing me on it. it has to be my choice. and Don't judge me or I'll flip ya the bird.

2. i have plotted my own suicide. never attempted it. can't guarantee i won't someday. hopefully not but never say never right? living with depression is not easy.

3. i have an addictive personality. too much of a good thing is great right? sure. i could be considered a sex addict. we all know i'm a shopping addict. and could easily become addicted to any number of other things.

if you have a tendency to judge go with these instead. ignore the first 3. they don't exist for you.

1. i cuss alot.
2.my dad is gay. in the homosexual sense of the word. as in "married" to a partner 30 years his jr. and they match head to toe daily. aka FLAMING GAY. it wouldn't bother me as much, if he hadn't lied to my mom for the whole time they were married. blaming her weight for his lack of interest in her. when he'd been gay his whole life. it's my opinion, if you struggle with something you shouldn't blame other people for it. why lie? that and i have never gotten along with my dad. he's always been an A$$ to me. the gay part is just a bonus excuse not to see him much.

3. i want to decorate my whole house in fuchsia. but it will never happen.

Now i have to tag people. 5.

frick. I'm a little over the top with the confessions .

so i tag anyone that wants to do this. at least 5! come on. you know you want to.

and you know you don't have to confess major stuff for your 3 surprising facts. it's easier if you aren't so open on your blog i swear. way easier to find some surprising things you've never mentioned.

yo! fab day!

lunch at barros

new people to visiting teach

Bunko tonight

giveaway coming up (still in the works)

post signature


sandi said...

Jules! I read it all...even the blacked out part. I can so relate to you. I just finished the BoM for the first time this year (joined the church what? 17 years ago...all in due time, my dear, no stress). I can relate to the other 2 points, too. We could probably swap stories some time and not be too surprised at what we'd find out about each other.

Your Dr. Pepper joy made me laugh, especially the part about someone else bringing it. hehehe! Love that!

Being a single mom...you're right, it SUCKS @$$. In 7 years as a single mom, I ran up over $20,000 in credit card debt...still paying it off. Scary!

Vidal's Nest said...

My diet coke always tastes better then Tony brings it for me!Your blacked out stuff? Jules!!! I Know what you mean!! I too never read the BOM. I am reading it now, but have never finished.Your thoughts on depression? Me too. I don't think people who haven't had it get it! Sucks big time!
Hope you kick butt and win at bunko tonight even if it pisses people off you winning again Ü Maybe the most losses prize at least? Good luck and have a fab time!

The Sports Mama said...

Umm... fuschia? :)

All the other stuff? Dude, seriously... why would we judge you on that? Its not like we don't all have something hidden in our own closets.

I've been diagnosed as Bipolar for many, many years now..... one of the best things you can do is talk about it. That makes living with it easier, and helps loved ones not feel blindsided by elaborate funeral plans you've made for yourself.

KayDee said...

First I want to say congrats on your awesome shopping trip!

I read it all and I have to say I can relate to what you said!
A nice tall glass of pepsi is al I need to feel beter and is one of my joys!

Devri said...

Sis, We ALL know your a sex addict... Just count the number of kids to the numbers in between... sheesh- guess we know who is the winner here...Me me me and again me..:) How long have to of you been married? I don't think I know that one ...

I love you for who you are, not what your made up of... We all have our faults, or trials, and even yes tribulations... I think your great,, duh- or I wouldn't keep comin' ovah!!!!

carrhop said...

You're so awesome! Love your heart, love your comments, love your openness! Glad to know you a little better!

Nat Nat said...

OK I will so play and take your tag. And I have to say 1st say... I read the blacked out part and all 3 of those are totally me only my addictions aren't in the sex department but mostly any other thing that I like. Muttered some of my suicidal ranting the other day out loud about how exactly would one do xx etc. and Hubby flipped. Whatever I was just thinking not doing..

And I love your openess! You totally know you are the reason I have FINALLY decided to get medicated. Best freaking thing I ever have done for my family!!! I love ya for sharing your life and I don't even know ya!

Lainie said...

You're awesome! And you crack me up!

Laura said...

I love that you are always real. I think you made me realize that I tend to get obsessed with things although I would never admit to it. I just tend to like certain things a lot. I work on moderation all the time.

My husband would not mind I would get obsessed more with some of the things you are (ha ha).

Depression is really a life long battle. Keep fighting the good fight!

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