Monday, October 6, 2008

cOnFeSsIons from CrAzYmAmA! aka avoiding housework and other unpleasant realities.

  1. it's cheap pie month at Marie Calendars. i feel a compulsion to go buy pie. MUST.EAT.PIE! i haven't gone yet but until i do the urge will haunt me. (we did our visiting teaching last week-dropped off pies!)
  2. i have washed the same load of laundry for 4.5 days. today is the day! it WILL make it to the drier.
  3. i have at least 3 loads of dishes sitting in my sink and yet i can't bring myself to empty the dishwasher so i can do them. i want Lance to load it. but i have the sinking feeling he thinks it's my turn. UGH!
  4. we didn't watch even one minute of conference this weekend. NOT ONE. didn't even change the channel to it. we are horrible. FREE SUNDAY FOR SURE! i told Lance we are the WORST mormons EVER!
  5. i currently have ants in my kitchen. i guess i better sweep the cake crumbs off the floor. birthdays are messy. and i kind of resent them. just a little.
  6. if i don't have anything cute to wear, my first impulse is to go shopping. instead of washing something cute i already own.
  7. i read 3 trashy novels this weekend. yes. i. did.
  8. i have not read the Host yet. or Midnight Sun online yet. I KNOW! shocking.
  9. blogging has kind of lost it's luster for me.i don't know why but it has. maybe it's the loads of unread posts in my reader, or no time committed to commenting like i used to. or I'm getting tired of my background.
  10. i am going to let my kids have ice cream cones for lunch. and have one myself. instead of having a real lunch.
  11. i'd rather ignore chores. and do something crafty today.
    but i won't actually do either. probably.
  12. Pierce just brought me in a pair of loping shears in from outside. that is safe. that kid loves tools. have i ever told you that kid kills me?
  13. i had birthday cake for breakfast. and washed it down with some Dr.Pepper.
  14. the kids weren't late today. they tried to be but they weren't. and by tried i mean they ran around like idiots, failed to get socks or shoes on, wouldn't get hair done.and changed outfits 3 times because "those pants feel weird". OR refused to wear jeans and had to find shorts.
  15. Joy asked me today why they have to get their hair done everyday? i told her it's a "FAMILY RULE". she wished it wasn't. but it is. which makes me think i should make a list of our "family Rules" here you go. I'll share them.


1. Naked bottoms get running around without a diaper, or underwear on.'s rule says,"you can say anything i say,but not anything mom says" (i'm the family cusser)

3. kids have to have their hair done to go to school and church. done by mom or to mom's standards (i have so few standards i gotta cling to the few i do have)

4. if you embarrass mom in public you are in SO MUCH TROUBLE! no one is allowed to embarrass mom in public. (they do it all the time, thus the lecture and the Rule)

sometimes there are more but these are the only ones actually enforced.

so do you have any confessions for me today?

what are your family rules? do you actually enforce them?

what is your fave kind of Pie?

what do you do when you are avoiding your chores?

post signature


Rach =o) said...

Dude! Tell me this is Julie...I have yet to actually see your name or picture of you other than one with your sister, so is this your blog or your sisters? If its yours girl I'm DYING. I haven't laughed this hard at a post in a LONG TIME!!! You and I are very similar. The cake and dr pepper. SO ME!

janna said...

I need a dr pepper.

keep blogging cuz I love reading yours!

Hesses Madhouse said...

I LOVE that you are so real!!! Yes, your house sounds like mine. It was clean Friday night for a party we had here, but after everybody being home all day yesterday it was a sty by bedtime last night. Did I take the time to clean it? No!

To avoid housework, I blog. Plain and simple.

Hmm. Family rules--no TV til homework's done (we finally went to the extreme of deleting the TV from our lives), so that one's really easy to enforce now.

No jumping on the furniture - they don't do that any more, so I guess enforcing it helped.

Funny, I used to think of all these rules we had and thought they'd make up a book the size of an unabridged dictionary, but I can't think of any right now. Maybe I've sold out cuz I know it's not that my children have become perfect angels. Hmm. That's one to ponder.

I just pulled the most BEAUTIFUL apple pie out of my oven, but pumpkin is my fave. Yeah for the holidays!!!

sherry said...

I want some pie too. Make your KIDS do the dishes! It is the best thing you will ever do. They are old enough. My 7 year old is the best at this job, and I am always glad when it is his week. I prefer crafts to chores also. It is a way of coping. One day your kids will look at pictures and be very grateful they always had their hair done. I look at old pics of my husbands family, and am appalled that his sister rarely had her hair done. I think Imay post my family rules too...

Mamarazzi said...

i have washed the same load of laundry for 4.5 days. today is the day! it WILL make it to the drier!!

hilarious...i did that this week too. not kidding...3 times, but still...WTH!?

Jordan got grounded for the FIRST time ever this weekend. she begged me not to blog about it. i think i will respect that wish...however i also feel the need to let people know she is not always perfect. sometimes she lies and we need to punish her. this was a big one and she is grounded for a week. i think it has been harder on me, even though she sis tell her daddy that she wishes a fairy would come and grant her a wish. she would wish for her punishment to be over.

poor kid.

andrea said...

You're hilarious. Love me my morning DP....nothing better.

Ants....hate them. We had them this spring and finally got rid of them in the house, but keep finding little nests of them outside...die, little beasts!

Dump your reader list, no guilt about no comments, and change you background. Don't stop blogging, you are too funny.

Family rules: jumping on the furniture, when out front stay in the culdesac, use your inside voice inside, don't act like a freak in public. You know, the usual.

Jenifer said...

Sam just had me smell her jammies because they smelled weird from being in the washer too long. :) NO, that weird smell is normal sweetie. Love the cake and Dr. Pepper meal and the trashy novels. Sounds perfect to me!

Lori Thompson said...

HA! I love it. I really love to hear crazy things like this. It reminds me I'm not the only crazy mam out there! :)

goingsome said...

Love the post.

I am gald to hear that I am not the only one who washed several times, since when it is time to dry I can't commit to folding it. UGH! Rewash and hope the spirit moves me.

Yes, I am on a blogger luster lost. I feel compelled to come up with brillance and when I don't, then I just don't post. Instead, I procrastinate and read others blogs, since it sometimes feels like a chore to blog. The reading is the fun part.

Favorite pie is Chocalate satin crunch. Me and Marie Callendar have a histroy, so I am not sure if they still sell it.

Yes, we have family rules too and maybe I will post them someday. That would make a good blog post, if I get around to it.

P.S. Thanks for the advice on Savers at Power Road. LOVE IT! It is different than any other Savers I have visited. I went today and found some brillant finds. It was green tag day 99 cents. The kids loved it. That is our new find. I might have to go back later this week without the kids in tow.

crystal said...

You better email me with the titles of those trashy novels.

crystal said...

It is actually Wendi who wants to read them but is embarrassed to ask you for the titles.

crystal said...

Just kidding. Wendi wouldn't be caught dead reading trashy novels.

crystal said...

BUT I WOULD!!! So email me the titles. Everyone needs a little smut in their life.

crystal said...

And. Favorite blog-quote of the week:

"i have so few standards i gotta cling to the few i do have."

HA! Isn't it the TRUTH, sister.

Straight to Your Hart said...

After Star Wars my family called me "Darth" Mom...K-nough said!! What??
Pie...from the woman...last year there was this banana cream pie that was mmm..mmm..good...but I do love lemon meringue (had to go spell check that one..sad).
I call a friend to go have lunch...The coke tastes so much better than the chemicals being inhaled..however the euphoria is great after a whiff..k not so much!!

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

I'm with Crytal..loving the mom standards!! Mine is "I don't have to be nice after 8pm" Hey - I'm nice all day and after 8pm it's my time. If you are out of bed you are on your own!
I love your blog - don't stop. But...don't feel like you have to keep up with the comments because we all love you and will keep on reading no matter what!
Love your guts girl ♥♥♥

The Sports Mama said...

Really, you ought to know that I'm going to tell you that there is nothing wrong with trashy novels. :)I do believe they make up the majority of my personal library, and I'm always willing to share them.... ask if you want some! :)

Fav pie... banana cream. Mmmmmm....

The whole reader thing.... just mark 'em all as read. If its something super important to any of us and we absolutely insist you read it....we'll send it to you personally. And comments are only necessary if you feel an incredibly pressing urge to leave one. Most of us don't write for the comments, anyway.

I have decided that I don't actually avoid chores.... they avoid me. Life helps me out by constantly keeping me busy somewhere else. ;)

Laundry is actually better when its been washed several times before it's dried. Really. Ok, so that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Vidal's Nest said...

I just can't seem to get to cleaning. Ever! I suck at it. And am OK with that most of the time!
Shhhh...don't tell anyone...I bought 3!!! 3 marie callender pies tonight! I just couldn't decide on 1 and they were on sale! Hopefully I will share them and not be tempted to eat them all by myself!
Keep blogging...we love you!

Nat Nat said...

I am an "arm-chair" parenter. I hate that about me but I have to admit it that sometimes I just sit or stand or whatever where I am and yell yell yell and lecure them instead of getting off my fat but and actually enforcing the rules. I need to be better.

The fighting is what drives me the most crazy. Ugh! I am sick of them fighting with each other.

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