Wednesday, October 8, 2008

glimpses of my morning/my life/my family

just a few of the things yelled, announced, overheard,and screamed THIS MORNING. all before 9:00 am.

begin a play by play -

overheard while laying in bed

from the kitchen-

Peyton to Paxton:IDIOT! YOU ARE AN IDIOT!

~~Lance in the kitchen now~~

Lance to Peyton:IF i hear that again, you are getting your mouth washed out with lots of soap. DON'T DO THAT!

~from the front room while i checked my email and did hair in the kitchen~

Joy heard singing in the front room: K.I.S.S.I.N.G.

Paxton(whining at my elbow): MOM! Peyton is throwing candy at me.

Paxton(reporting others misdeeds/whining):MOM Joy is throwing candy pumpkins at Peyton.

Paxton (tattling to me again) :Joy is going to break something with that candy!

Peyton to Joy {while dancing around in front of her taunting}: Toro toro you Missed me Sucka!

me (yelled through the house): YOU Guys! are you ready for school yet? HURRY UP!

Liberty to no one in particular: i'm dressed! {in a neener neener tone triumphantly} da da da da duh da{singing about the wonder}

me(yelled through the house): LANCE , LAAAAAAAAANNNNNCE!

Paxton to me: he's in the office! on a call!

me: OH crap! (knowing everyone would be late since he wasn't in here helping make lunches, and put shoes on while i did hair)

Paxton to me: I need help with my shoes

Paxton announcing to the rest of the kids: mom is typing everything you are saying

Joy to me (After getting in trouble for not getting dressed and dancing around): I HATE YOU!

~While doing Liberty's hair~

Liberty to me: that comb is pokey! OW!

Liberty:my head is itchy,it's too tight! (as she is scratching at the little hairs pulled tight at the base of her neck while whining at me like she does every day)

as lance comes back in from the office to join the morning rush!~

Lance: HURRY UP!


~as they are running out the door~

Me:bye , love you!

~as soon as everyone has left~

Hope: i'm tired

Hope:I'm hungry

ME: what do you want to eat?

Hope: strawberries with sugar

Me: how many? (as i'm hulling and washing them for her)

Hope: SIX! that's alot

Hope in the bathtub later

Hope: I'm a mermaid.(laying on her tummy with her feet stretched out behind her, and her feet together pointed)

Me:what do mermaids do?

Hope: they lay on the rocks , and swim

Me:great ok time to get out. (as i shut off the water)

Hope: no i'm a mermaid

Hope: mermaids need alot of water! {whiny voice}

so i turned the water back on.

~overheard from the tub while i was entertaining myself picking zits, or imaginary zits~

Hope talking to her rubber ducks (in Hope's tiny pretending voice). one green and one pink-

green duck: i'm a boy

Pink duck:i'm a girl

hope talking for the ducks to eachother: we look alike , we are twins.

Hope to me:i'm cold i want to get out(still laying in the tub)

Me:ingnoring her still picking

Hope: I'm cold, i want to get out

Me to hope: stand up when you are ready to get out

Hope:still laying in the bathtub.

~~5 more minutes pass~~

Hope: I'm cold

me: stand up then, and i'll get you out

Hope: but i'm too tired (tiny little girl whiny voice)

Hope:i'm cold (while wrapped in her giant towel)

Me:let's find something cute to wear

hope:but i'm TOO TIRED

Me: ok here is your dress

Hope: yay that's my favewit one! it's so pwetty! I love it!

Hope: i love you mama!

Hope: you're the best mama!

Hope:i LOVE Dora! it's on downstairs on Tivo. Tivo is So funny!

so , that's kinda what my house sounds like. every day. this or something like it.

glimpses. from name calling idiots to declarations of hate and love. it's my reality. maybe someday I'll look back when my house is quiet, and the kids are independent and gone. and I'll miss this.

it is pretty great. sometimes.

and sometimes i have to chuckle at the stuff they come up with.

and then others i think holy crap! how am i going to survive this?

it is never ending, always changing and often entertaining.

it's what makes me a crazymama

post signature


sandi said...

Teehee; it's the tattling that gets to me. I can't stand it. And Zane tries to boss Allie around constantly. They even came THIS CLOSE to a fist fight not too long ago. That really freaked me out. Ahhhh, life.

Ask Hope if I can be a mermaid, too.


Jen said...

Oh my gosh, that is freaking hilarious! Sounds like my house, but a lot more crazy! I bow down to you!

SuperCoolMom said...

Hahaha, great post!

onehm said...

That is FAN-Freaking-TASTIC!!!

Love this post. Great idea.

Hesses Madhouse said...

Ahhh.... Just like home. Thus the reason I live in the "Madhouse." We are two peas in a pod.

Jamie said...

Thanks for the glimpse into my future. Hopefully all the crazy morning madness pays off when they all head out the door for school.

Lori Thompson said...

When I am at my witts end I too think how can I go on a minute longer. But, just think how BORING life would be without all these kiddos.

Susie said...

we should change your name from crazymama to queenbee! all hail to the mama of 6!
The 'i hate you' alone would be enough to send me into tears for the rest of the week-not to mention therapy.
You are the strongest person I know-seriously!

Ruth Anne said...

Today I took my two oldest and my new 17 year old to the skate park. At one point the 17 year old panicked about the ruckus in the backseat. I wasn't even phased.

He asked me how I dealt with it. I just turned the radio up.

Straight to Your Hart said...

Ahh the sweet life of life is the same and boy can it be a cat fight with all them girls running around!!

janna said...

That's about the same thing that goes on at my house in the morning.
But with a few swear words in that mix....

tiki_lady said...

i like reading about others chaos! I guess that is why I like bloggin so much

KATE said...

Love this post! It sounds pretty similar to my morning I feel your pain! I often wonder which mental facility I should check into, but a long time ago my grandma told me I was going to miss all the craziness~ I try to remember that!

jes said...

it is always entertaining... never a dull moment, and nearly crazy all the time.

Mamarazzi said...

you. are. my. hero.

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