Friday, October 24, 2008

glittery cups and Vasectomy dreams. in otherwords more random thoughts

last night i went to bed before 8:30 . which is about 5 hours before my standard bedtime and before all 6 of my kids. Lance had to put them to bed.

i woke up this morning with dreams of vasectomy techniques. what is that about? faint echoes of talk about the Vas deferens.

it was random for sure.

i got up. and made orange sweet rolls.


(don't be too impressed, they are the ones out of a tube. still yummy, and my kids were super stoked. i've raised them to get excited over the simplest things. we keep the bar low here.)

got people ready and hustled kids out the door.

then I hurried to get to the assembly at school.

Paxton is a math facts master. and got to stand up! ooohhh la la! i went alone. I left hope watching TV and Pierce in bed . it pays to have a hubby that works from home. WHOOHOO!

i did observe that a rather large amount of people from high school, and this area still live here. it becomes rather apparent at school functions. and is kind of interesting to me. and can prove to be incredibly embarrassing, because if you rush to the cheesy assembly at school, and you aren't all ready for the day, you have just thrown on clothes(unflattering ones at that), wet your sad pathetic needing a haircut hair, and have no makeup on, you feel super awesome when you run into people that have known you since you were 7. AND others from high school or singles ward . let me tell ya, i feel pretty.

am i the only one that still feels insecure about myself on occasion?


speaking of working from home. Lance works in the office.(which is a converted 2nd car garage)

the other day Hope came up to me and said,"where's daddy?" i said," he's at work." meaning in the office and busy.

she said in her sad voice,"i miss him." like she didn't realize he's in the stinking office 10 feet away. it was HILARIOUS!

today she said,"mom, can i have some honey bee?"

i ignored her, what the heck is a honey bee anyway?

she asked again more emphatically, "MOM! can i have some honey BEE?"

i turned and looked at her," what is honey bee?"

then it clicked, she wanted some "Sunny D"

i told her no it's called "SU-NNY D"

she repeated it, " can i have some Sunny BEE?"

again i repeated it slower and clearer, it's called "SUNNY D , Duh duh D !" not ba ba B!"

so i got up and poured her some Sunny Delight, since when did they shorten that anyway?

sometimes i wonder if it's her hearing or just her attention span? everyone else is lacking an attention span. i have to think it's genetic. and they just hear what they wanna hear. and fill in the blanks.


and i have loads going on today/this weekend. LOADS!

-gather and finish off the kids costumes. for tomorrow night's Halloween party at Grandma's.

-Gather and pack all the kids Sunday clothes for tomorrow morning's baptism we are attending for my nephew.

~get my crap together for super Saturday. tomorrow morning. i have my stuff already picked up for my class, I'm in charge of.

-the big kids are sleeping over at grandma Jones' because we are going to a party tonight, and she's baby sitting, and since i can't be at super Saturday and get all the kids ready in the morning bright and shiny early. and i cant' leave all of them to get ready with Lance, we are working it out like this. my poor mom. but this way they will go to bed earlier than if she just babysat, and we picked them up tonight. so maybe it will be easier. i just have to get all the crap together for it. TODAY.

then i get to go pick up last minute costume stuff from my sisters for Peyton's costume.

and get a haircut which will be fabulous! i can't wait for that!

i'm warning you now, tomorrow will be insane. don't expect a post from me.

the schedule?

set up for super Saturday 8:00

leave my stuff for my class.

rush home and get ready for baptism 9:15

collect kids for baptism 9:30

baptism starts at 10:00am

go to lunch afterward -bring chips

take down super Saturday @ 2:00

rush home and bake sheet cakes for Halloween party at Grandma Joann's

gather costumes, and head out to party, bringing candy, and cakes. 4:30

party down dinner@ 5:00

put costumes on kids. and do the trick or treat alley.

come home too late. tired and hopped up on sugar.

fall into bed.

so i'll have pictures on Sunday.

of the party tonight, and tomorrow night.


i guess i should answer my own questions from yesterday too- you think about the stuff you'd like for christmas? yes! i fantasize about what i would want, do i ever get it NO! since for us it's all about the kids and no money doesn't stretch far enough. darn. early do you think about it? i think about it now. and right after school started, and all year you make a list of what you'd like? sometimes. but really why bother. i want a flat screen TV in my dining room. and a REALLY GREAT CAMERA. neither of which are happening.

4.are you practical about Christmas gifts? unfortunately yes? i buy myself Pink kitchen towels every year. but really i guess i'm not practical, if i got something useful , I'd be peeved. a new fancy camera is a want not a need.

5. do you prefer gifts that are frivolous and extravagant? yes! totally! for myself totally, for the kids, socks, toothbrushes, video games, and a doll for all the girls every year!

6.what is your per person limit in your family you try to stick to? around $100 you budget a set amount for christmas shopping? no but it's low

8. do you buy it all on credit? no cash only

9.when do you start shopping? i have started already. i do the bulk of it black friday

10.which is more important to you?

a.saving money and getting the best deal?

b.saving time, you don't have time to shop around, or time is money to you?

i'm all about money, i have spare time.

do you wanna share your thoughts? on this post?

here are some refresher questions....

do you every have remnants of your dreams stick with you after you wake up? is it weird for you?

do you have all your Halloween stuff together?

any fun parties you are going to?

do you yourself dress up?

are your weekends crazy busy too?

ok so have a FABULOUS FRIDAY! and i'll be around. maybe i'll see ya somewhere !

post signature


Supercool Hotmama said...

Oh yeah, my halloween stuff is all together in the boxes, in storage. But it's there. No fun parties. I'm a witch every year, so I can wear my regular clothes and a witch hat (typecasting). Always crazy - usually self-inflicted.

Jamie said...

OH man what a fun weekend. I am ready for Halloween except for a few little things like tights etc..My kids ask if it's time yet every day.

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Do you every have remnants of your dreams stick with you after you wake up? is it weird for you?

YES, I posted about this just today!

Do you have all your Halloween stuff together?


Any fun parties you are going to?

New city, few friends but Halloween itself will be fun with friends!

Do you yourself dress up?

Every day!

Are your weekends crazy busy too?


Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Im a bit boring but I willl post anyway.haha.No parties no halloweeing the girls are grown.So enough said about halloween.I havent started Christmas buying yet.I think my limit is depending on the item.I thought it was to funny about your daughter and her Sunny delight.Cute!My daughter when she was that age would say weff for leaf.My husband would repeat over and over HUH HUH HUh.LOL. Always enjoy your blogs.Take care! I would say have fun but I can tell you always do.LOL~becky

Andrea said...

ok so you had a WEIRD dream! hahah Yep, sometimes my weird ones stick with me when I wake up!

Can't wait for the party tonight!!! WOOHOOO!!! So glad I'll see you there!

Tomorrow is going to busy for me too! Baptism & lunch {with you guys} and then our ward is having our chili cookoff at 5. I'm bringing chili, so I'll have to cook that right after the lunch. At least it means LOTS of outdoor playtime for the kiddos! They should be beat when it's all over & totally dirty! LOL

See ya tonight!!!!

Devri said...

I an offically ready as of last night, then my sticken lovely 10 year old changed her mind on what she is being.

goingsome said...

Yes, I awake up with remants of dreams. It is weird and I wonder, "where did that come from"??? I try not to read too much into it, cause it would freak me out.

We do have all the Halloween stuff together, though we still need to get candy and find our "Halloween box" in the garage.

No fun parties, just the ones we will have with the kids. "We party like rock stars"

I ususally don't dress up anymore, though this year the kids informed us that we both have to dress up. So my thrifty self will be a witch, since I have the cape and I can find a broom. Do I own a broom??? Oh ya, I do clean occassionally. The husband will be an army guy.

We try to keep weekends low key. The weekends are usually quieter around here.

Your weekend list makes my head spin. UGH! Have fun!!! :)

Ruth Anne said...

Any chance you got a picture of my kid since I am a horrible mother and forgot about the assembly.

Sounds like a Super Saturday for sure! have fun!

Straight to Your Hart said...

K..I think I'm having a freakin nightmare right now!!! When you timeline everything out I don't know how you are doing it!!! Many days I wonder why I walked out looking like I do then realize...through song..I feel pretty oh so pretty (if a train can say I think I can and do it why not me..cough..cough). As far as all the rest...I think I'll go take a nap and just dream about it!!! Hope you have a great super Sat. What are you doing by the way???

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

1. I hardly ever dream - so sad
2. I don't have all my Halloween stuff together - so sad.
3. We usually have 3-4 parties but this year none so far - so sad.
4. I do dress up and love it! My husband dresses up too and loves it. He loves it because he never got to EVER before he met me. So sad!
5. This weekend wasn't crasy- it was boring --so sad!

Mamarazzi said...

we keep the bar low here...bwaaaah ahahahahahaha ha ha, hilarious!!

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