Monday, November 24, 2008

slightly frantic with Thanksgiving emergency contingency plans!


did you hear it may rain on thanksgiving?


yes in AZ. that's what the forecast said.

and why does that have me in a tizzy?

well HELL! we do thanksgiving at a park. which wouldn't be very fun and relaxing if it's raining .

SO, i volunteered to hustle my buns and overhaul this hell hole, i mean, my house.

so my family can do thanksgiving and have a little space.

since when my house is clean and uncluttered it's a decent size. kind of. (somehow it seemed bigger when i didn't own it. it must be my cluttered lifestyle and too much of everything, and i can't see past it since it's always not clean or uncluttered)

so it's the clean and uncluttered part of the equation that has me frantic.

OY VEY! what did i sign up for?

luckily Lance is off this week. and he's on board with the getting it overhauled. SO that means no matter what we'll start out the holidays' with a clean house. YAY. i should be glad for the deadline and the reason to hustle and have help.

i just occasionally realize I'm an idiot.

so if it rains we're having 35 for thanksgiving?! sounds delightful.

at least i don't have to cook more than my stuffing and pies and carrots. and maybe rolls.

and we'll just be cozy. yup. COZY! here's hoping the 5 day forecast is wrong.

plus having it rain on me on thanksgiving when i'm in line at 5:00am at Kmart will SUCK!

but bright side. i'll start out the holiday season with clean floors. all the laundry done and put away. the vortex clean and welcoming. and the bathrooms SHINING!

it's the work between now and then that i'm not stoked about.

if you see me around on facebook or the blogs tell me to get back to work for the next few days.

i have no time for idle entertainment.

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Ruth Anne said...

Screw your house! I saw stay at the park. (Is there any ramadas?)

Have you ever had Thanksgiving in the rain? I think a little change would be nice. The kids would love it. Just tell them the snow is melting and you are getting ready for Christmas. (True- black friday...)

Anyway, change the theme to "I am grateful for the rain." Everyone brings an umbrella. Kids get to keep their stupid hoodies finally on.

The Pros: no cleaning before or after,
dancing in the rain,
an excuse to quit early in case your crazy (fill in the blank) tries to state her case

The Cons:
damp hair (but isn't a bad hair day whenever you don't want it to be?)

Wow, I am really feelin it. (Hmmm...maybe that is the lack of sleep from working the night shift last night and not going to bed yet tonight.)

SuperCoolMom said...

Thank you for your sacrifice. It's gonna be way too cold to rough it at the park. I'm bringing rolls along with my potatoes.

Andrea said...

YIKES! I don't like last minute changes, esp when it means I'm the one doing the work! Well, I'm in the same boat as you! Ok, so I've had LOTS of notice, knowing that Thanksgiving is at our house each year. BUT I have totally procrastinated and have NOT cleared off my island yet! I really need that for ALL the food, plus all the prep. UGH!!! Tomorrow is Ben's bday and we're having a DAY date, so not much time for cleaning. Ben works Wed, so maybe, I mean I BETTER get my butt to work and get the kitchen cleared so we can have all the family over too!

GOOD LUCK!! I'll be thinking about you while I clean too!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

hope the park works out..we are supposed to have ours outside too.

Mamarazzi said...

yay for a clean house once again i wish i lived closer so i could help!

kay said...

i can't believe you volunteered to have it at your house!! you are one brave (or crazy) woman!!

i didn't know it ever rained there! :)

good luck

Leslie said...

It's always nice in a way, to have an excuse to clean. I have to clean my house for thanksgiving too but I don't have the whole family coming. Good Luck!!

Meredith Ferrin said...

You crack me up! I think everyone is in a little panic about the weather....but heck I say at least we will know how the rest of the country spends thanksgiving! INDOORS!!!

tammy said...

I seriously said "WTH?" when I heard about the rain. And the gray skies today are bringing me down.

sherry said...

We're having thanksgiving at my house too for the first time. Yikes! Thank goodness it is myhusband's family and not mine. Way less stress. And a much smaller group. I am kind of excited! Ask me again tomorrow...

tammy said...

If it makes you feel any better, Thanksgiving just got moved to my house too.

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

You can do it girl!! It won't be that bad. Just tell the kids it's Massive Clean and put everyone to work and it will be fabulous!!! Having Lance to help is wonderful. When Tom helps it's so much faster! He's a much faster cleaner than I will ever be.

Good luck!

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