Tuesday, November 18, 2008

time for a bargain alert. a little help shopping? online bargains? random crap?

want a bargain at Kirkland's Home? print this coupon $10 off a purchase of $50 or more. Thursday 11/20-Wednesday 11/26.

Gymboree has some sales going on. the Jingle deals. and and extra 20%off previously marked down items. and earn Gymbucks for $25 dollars off a future purchase of $50 or more for every $50 you spend now through Jan. 11. which is possibly the longest earning period ever for gymbucks. it's been a long time for me though maybe that is standard.

Amazon has a deal of the day on Video games for the season. here

Check out Woot for awesome daily deals. today it's some RAD behind the head ear muffs. 2 pair for $4.99! of course i would never get any use out of those here in AZ but it's a RAD bargain.

and there is a new site out there called Stootsi. there's game stoosti, and Chaos stootsi. and Today's stootsi. i'm not super clear how it works.

but we bought a PC video game last week for 2 cents. including shipping? and it got here in like 3 days. it was pure craziness. i think it's like Woot one deal a day. but with different things. on each category. Lance if you read this feel free to log in and explain the wonder. i can't be bothered with details like that.
(he watches it and chats me and makes me order) the game we got was a PC hunting game.
2 cents. and speedy delivery. what more could i ask for?

there are some more cheap sites that offer deals of the day. maybe i'll get lance to compile a list or guest blog.

he's still chapped over the controversy last week.

ok i gotta go visiting teaching now.

have a fab one.

and make sure you keep scrolling and check out my twilight cup.

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Lance said...

The easiest way to get the alerts is to goto www.wootalyzer.com and download the program (click large red "Download" text.) It has a bunch of alerts for a bunch of sites already set up and you can add more, like jewelry and other junk like that.

Lance said...

oh, and i should have put in something like "First, yea me."

Mamarazzi said...

thats pretty hilarious that Lance did the whole "first" woo hoo thing. VERY funny! and proof he does read the blog!

wow look at all those deals!! i am gonna have to do some shopping!

Laura said...

Thanks for the deals... I will have to check those out.

Gymboree always has a long earning period for Christmas. It's my least favorite Gymbuck time because I am never interested in buying anything after Christmas (even with my gymbucks).

Andrea said...

Thanks for the bargains info!!

Think I may be able to go out on Black Friday. So gotta get my lists ready!

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