Saturday, December 13, 2008

OY! it has been a long day. and this is the first time i've had a minute to get online. WOW! 7:00 that is saying something. i normally get on as soon as i roll out of bed. and after the kids are dressed. and mid morning, and lunch time. afternoon, early evening. etc. SO getting on for the 1st time at 7:00? record.

the girls had the christmas program this morning.

then i ran errands today.

birthday gifts for Paxton. (on the 16th)

gift for the family party tomorrow.

more card stuff because i am making it way harder than it needs to be but if i actually follow through? they'll be uber fab.

umm. groceries. stock pile soda.

the stores i went to?

dollar store.





my brother aaron's house.

i guess that's it. it's just the indecision that took me so long. RETARDED.

the internal war between need vs. want. and fabulous vs. Lame.

it's a constant struggle for me.

and the war. it takes SO LONG. i can't decide. should i? or shouldn't I?


anyway. that was the wonder.

OH and i won at bunko last night. 6 bunkos! i think that is a personal record. (i say this and will jinx myself to be a HUGE looser for a long while again)

anyway. it was super fab as always. and sneaky tammy had me in the gift exchange.

i barely got my glitter cup done in time for bunko for lindsey , and burned the heck out of my finger in front of Andrea.

i won the cutest thing ever.

AH bunko! I love it!

so i have no time for rest. i have to bake 3 texas sheet cakes. do cards. enough to hand deliver to those we will see tomorrow. and umm. do the cheesy gifts that i had planned to do. they have a time limit on them and i HAVE TO get them done. or that idea is in the crapper.

SO needless to say. no time for fun. no time to comment.


hope you are staying sane this weekend and getting all you need to done. WHOHOOO!

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AutoSysGene said...

I'm so far behind I'm almost lapping myself!! At this point we may be eating McD's for Christmas dinner.

I guess in the end we'll all just have to be happy with however things turn out.

It's not about the stuff it's about the people...I keep telling myself.

tiki_lady said...

i could have wrote this post!!!!!!!!! LOL

kay said...

mmmmm cake.........

tammy said...

I'm glad you liked your prize. I am really indecisive too. Big time.

sherry said...

6 Bunkos! Amazing. My personal best is 3. And I usually get 0. I have nly rolled bunkis twice in my life. Lame. Is your idea based on 12 days of Christmas? I had my Christmas cards made before Thanksgiving. And have yet to mail them. Lame.

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Okay so this is a random comment ... but it struck me you wrote: "i ran errands" AND "my brother aaron" ... I always say I am going to run errands and my three year old gets all excited because he thinks we are going to visit our friends with a little guy named Aaron - so I really have to change my terminology!!!!

Sounds like an exhausting day!

Jen said...

You are the busiest person I know! Sounds like Bunko was tons of fun! Glad you rocked at 6 bunkos! SWEET!

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