Tuesday, December 2, 2008

restless sleepers and ear infections!

Pierce slept in my bed last night with us.

i have to say," I AM NOT A FAN OF CO-SLEEPING!"

this kid was ALL over the place driving me nuts.

sharing my pillow. climbing over me. dumping cold water on Lance. falling off the bed, from climbing over me. kicking, whining, fake snoring.

well, the fake snoring on his part is DANG FUNNY!

as soon as the kid settles down he starts snoring. fake snoring, since it's instant. and Lance and i just lay there and giggle at him. if lance has been snoring loud , pierce is loud. and if he's been snoring quietly, pierce snores quietly.

then he kicks one or both of us. Lays so close to me i can't breath, much less move. and hogs my blanket.

the other night he flat out stole Lance's pillow. laid down on it, and then proceeded to fake snore.

it as hilarious. Lance waited until he was really asleep and moved him to his bed. of course i was out in an instant. hee hee

the worst part is... he does this in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! or all night.

last night it was 4:30 before he settled down. or i should say quit freaking out and left us alone to sleep.


and with such horrible sleeping habits from this kid,with no explanation. we suspected an ear infection.

sure enough. both tubes are out and he's got an ear infection. we get to start that cycle again, yay.(sarcastic yay)

so i had the pleasure of taking him in to see my fave pediatrician.

she said,"happy holidays" as i was leaving.

i said,"don't count on it, we'll see you before then"

Oh and guess what? i get to take Peyton tomorrow. yay for him. he's out of meds and since he hasn't been in all year. (just getting refills,love my Dr.) i have to take him in. yay.

and then again on the 22nd i get to take 2 more kids for well visits. WHOOHOO.

it never ends.

i hope pierce starts sleeping better again.

the crappy sleep is killing us.

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Laura said...

I know what you mean about doctors and revolving doors. The co-pays rot.

I hope he feels better and sleeps long and hard in his own bed tonight.

Rebecca Irvine said...

I have an SIL who co-sleeps with 2 kids. I don't know how they do it. I can't sleep that way.

Devri said...

So I am glad to see someone else had such a fun time with sick kids last night.... jk

But your night sounded like mine, except hibby was down stairs cuz he got tired of being kicked out of bed...

hope you have a better night tonight.

Anonymous said...

Yucky! Ear infections suck, unless they are the kind that your baby doesn't complain about and you have no idea she has them until she goes in for her well child visit and the DR. informs you that your cute little baby has TWO major ear infections and looks at you like you are a horrible mom for not knowing, oh it gets better, the cute baby does this to you at every well child visit until she is one. Thank goodness she doesn't get them anymore (the ear infections).
I hope tonight is a better night for you.

Sarah said...

we have a queen bed and 2 dogs that sleep on the bed with us. they're total bed hogs, but they're better snugglers than chris is, and they keep me warm when he steals all the covers!

Straight to Your Hart said...

WHoo-Hoo I'm so excited for you..Jk! So sorry for the crappy...Hugs!

Micah and Jen said...

Ear infections...NO FUN! And co-sleeping is for crazy people! :) I refuse to do it! If my kiddos are sick I go down and lay with them in their beds till they are asleep....I NEVER let my kids in bed with me....because I am mean like that! :) You are way nicer! I love all your christmas music....I need to put some on my blog too!!!

SuperCoolMom said...

P. has been sleeping with us almost every night for the past couple of weeks. Even if we can get him to go to sleep in his own bed, he wakes up in the middle of the night to come in and crowd us. Ugh.

crystal said...

Ugh--i hear ya. My baby has had an ear infection for 1 month now. Poor boy. Last night he was up, screaming, all night.

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