Saturday, December 27, 2008

wax on my girdle ,Paxton's baptism, and running across the stand , what more could a mom want in a day?

it's only been a day. but it felt like 3. since i last posted.

I'm cruising 421 unread posts in my google reader. i'm always behind these days.

today was Paxton's Baptism and after party.

so we've been prepping for that.

i need to get pictures from my brother and sister. i conveniently forgot my camera. LAME!

there was a mishap as i was dressed and ready to leave.

i was wearing a new dress i got this afternoon to wear. for the baptism.

i had it on. and was looking for my girdle. (yes i wear one when needed, aren't you glad i shared?)

anyway. digging in my drawer for the aforementioned girdle. find it. and close the drawer.

and WHAM, SPLAT! "holy $hit!"

the candle i had lit on top of the dresser, on top of the TV (away from little hands) fell and spilled ALL OVER! the splat hit my dress, the walls, inside the closet. the carpet, and who knows what else. plus my feet, and legs, AND the damn girdle. WAX all over!

needless to say, the new dress, wasn't wearable to the baptism, and neither was the girdle.

i'd gotten another new dress, since i didn't have time to try on, just grab what was decent in my size and return later. so i wore it.

rush out the door. rush to the church, Pierce was a nightmare from the get go.

can i just say, I HATE STAKE BAPTISMS?! i hate the fact that my toddler isn't only ruining my experience there, but everyone else's . and i can't relax and enjoy my own kids event, because i have a naughty toddler ruining everyone else's experience.


SO pierce was on one. my mom was giving one of the talks, and sitting on the Stand. Pierce went 0n up and sat with her on the stand. then he started wandering. THEN i had to go get him and he ran away from me all the way across the stand. and i had to catch him. in front of EVERYONE. THEN he did it again. but i caught him by the back of the pants. LITTLE TURKEY!

i was ready to bag it, and sit in the foyer.

thankfully the primary president from my ward and neighbor came and took him to go play in the nursery so i could sit and enjoy the talks and the baptism and confirmation.

let me tell you now, i am not doing another stake baptism again. i will get special permission to do one all by ourselves. I AM SO OVER THAT!

i've had enough.

anyway. it ended up great. thanks to Missy! she is a life saver.

after the baptism and confirmation , we went back to our house.

and had Taco Salad. it was delightful as always.

it was super fun. most of Lance's family was there and most of mine.

and even this friend and her family came. which was super fun. we jammed downstairs for awhile after everyone else left! while the kids ran wild.


i'm getting better about hostessing. i guess all these parties are good for something.

so things are going well here. busy as always.

hope you are having a fabulous weekend!

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Messy Jess said...

My baptism was a Stake event and although I remember it as a special event - I also remember how long it was and waiting for my turn. Baptisms should be seperate individual events totally giving all the attention and love to the one being baptized. And thank heavens for Primary leaders! I'm glad your day got better!

Try using an iron and wax paper to get the wax off! Put the wax paper over the set wax and warm with the iron.... it should lift right off!

Krissy said...

STAKE BAPTISMS????? IS THAT WHAT THEY REQUIRE NOW!?!?!?!?!? My kids are only 3 and 1, and I'm nearly 27, so as you can imagine - it's been a L.O.N.G. time since anyone around me has been baptized! You make me feel so normal ... is it bad that I feel that way and I only have 2???? lol Most days, it's all I can do to make it through without a xanax. Awesome. lol

AutoSysGene said...

Sounds like you were having a little run of bad luck there, huh?

I'm glad in the end it all worked out.

tammy said...

I like the intimacy of having your own, too. Even if it's just your own ward, instead of with the whole stake.

Glad you're liking the hostessing thing since bunko is this coming week! That seemed to come really fast.

Jen said...

I am sooo glad it went well!!! And it is OVER! I meant to call you to ask how it was, I have been s-i-c-k though, does that get me a pass on being a horrible friend? See you this week! Can't believe bunko is already here, are you ready, do you need help???? Call me if you do!!!

The Ayers Family said...

So, I curious... having six kids and all, have you kept a tally of the number of times your kids have bolted across the chapel? LOL! My tally's at 3, but they're all the same child. I think that scenario is another mandatory motherhood experience. Some of us are just so well rehearsed, we are given the opportunity to teach other moms the proper snatching methods.:)

Laura said...

I haven't been online at all lately...I just caught up on your blog. I Love your pj's pic with Pierce sleeping. Congrats on making it through that baptism. Special times.
It sounds like you pulled off a wonderful Christmas. I am SOO behind on blogging.

Jenifer said...

Congrats on the baptism! Bet you are happy it is all done! i hate stake baptisms too. Bummer about your dress, i can't believe it!

Piper said...

Man! WAX??? I said a swear word just reading that!

Andrea said...

I'm a little sad I missed all the chapel drama {cuz we were late & stayed in the foyer}! I could've used a good little giggle since my kids are usually the ones causing the drama & disrupting the reverence. Sorry you had to go thru that. I know, it's horrifying! At least we were there for the most important part, right? Then the AFTER party!!! Was AWESOME!!! Taco salads. YUM! Cookies & cake. YUM! Fruity popsicles & kids running everywhere. FUN! Jamming with you & Lance. SUPER FUN!!! Thanks for letting us hang & jam w/ y'all! We definitely need to do it again!

Andrea said...

Oh and the dress you did wear was FABULOUS!!! You looked great as usual!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

i am not thrilled with stake baptisms either! i hate taking caleb to church PERIOD! he is so naughty and i feel like everyone is staring at me.

i hope you were able to get the wax out of your new dress..that would seriously suck!

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