Sunday, January 18, 2009

a dilemna over EASTER DRESSES?

it's ridiculous. easter is so far away! and yet tonight, i'm fretting over what dresses to get. it's true.

Christmas dresses are on clearance everywhere, easter dresses are out. even before Valentines day is over and i'm thinking about Easter dresses for my girls.

this is why...

Holy crap they are cute. and they have tons matching in my girls sizes. which it's getting harder to get my requisite matching ones anymore.since liberty isn't in little girls anymore. most matching ones cut off at a size 8 and she's beyond that now.

heavenly day!

So now i debate whether i am going with easy fabulously cute dresses from Pretty pretty dresses. (i'm thinking #25 or #26 with white and Fuchsia)


am i going with my original plan to attempt to make petti skirts for my girls.

since to buy this skirt. it's $216 for 3 (OH MY!)

3 girls is not cheap. it frankly depresses me. but hey i'd get free shipping. but it's not happening. i would have a REALLY tough time rationalizing it. BUT it would be FREAKING CUTE!

i want both.

maybe i need to win the lottery.

and FYI, my christmas tree is fully decorated and still up!

yeah it's awesome.

at least my color scheme goes a little further than traditional christmas colors?

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