Friday, February 20, 2009

do you think her teacher could tell i wasn't around when she got ready for school?


sometimes it's a comfort to be reminded i can't be replaced.

that what i Do is valuable.

(as the mother anyway)

sure replace me as the maid, i suck at that. PLEASE DO.

but as the mom?

no one can do my job better than me.

and sometimes it's good to be reminded!

while i was at the surgery center with Pierce this morning getting tubes in , and adenoids removed,

Dad had to get everyone ready and out the door to school.

Here are just few a visual reminders that dad
can't do mom's job in the morning.

(also the reason i never get to sleep in ever on a school day, no matter what.)

because dad didn't notice...

A) Joy's floppy yesterday hair, and yesterday's bow that matched her outfit PERFECTLY yesterday, but was a TOTALLY obvious CLUE that Joy didn't have her hair done before school.

COME ON! at least take out the bow, so it's less obvious!

B) do you see a flood coming?
what's with the highwaters?
THOSE aren't capris! they are size 5T (hope's pants) Joy wears a 7/8
watch out for Noah and the arc!
we look like we are expecting a flood of epic proportions.

Can you tell how small her shirt is?
it's tight, and short. and showed her belly.

Peyton made sure to ream her for being immodest.
too bad it was after school and not before.

don't forget to take note of D)
the socks and the clodhopper penny loafers
that Joy borrowed from Liberty today.

the over all look is pretty darn Nerdy.

Not one item she wore was her own today.

and no one bothered to take note of that.

or remedy the situation.


and hilarious.


yeah i feel successful when other people fail.

Oh and did you happen to notice Pierce?

running up and down the street with the big kids chasing dogs? yeah it's not in his uniform.(diaper only white trash look)

He's got a green hoody on, and track pants.

go back and see if you can't spot him.(and yeah i know he needs a haircut.)

BUT SEE? he does own clothes.

and wears them occasionally. ;)

(the uniform is usually his doing anyway. always stripping down. sheesh.)

and he was Full of it today.

you'd think having surgery would slow him down for at least the day of,

but NOPE he didn't nap and he was up until after 11 PM.

Ok now that i had to make the disclaimer about Pierce's uniform and his hair.

i'm feeling less validated.

darn it!

let's go back to Lance's lack of observation please.

Happy Friday.

But did you think the teacher could tell i wasn't the one to send her out the door to school today?

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

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Crissybug said...

I can't help but laugh. This is hilarious. Sometimes guys just don't have a clue, but it surprises me that she was actually comfortable.

Cecily R said...

Oh. My. Gosh! Hilarious post...loved every RAD bit of it. You are the raddest (is that how you would spell that word? One D or two??)!!!!!

Gotta love a little mom validation, no matter where it comes from, right?

Wayne said...

Great photos

Emily said...

That is hilarious!!! My husband once squeezed my 22 month old into my youngest son's 3-6 month onesie! You're is validating to know there's no replacing Mommy!

Jaysi said...

That is really funny! I love that she was okay with wearing the short pants and belly shirt!

Daisygirl said...

Great outfit! Well at least you got a laugh out of it. Men(husbands especially) just don't have that special "mom eye" or any sense of fashion(unless they are gay). Maybe you should write a note to the teacher just in case!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ That cracks me up! Joe thinks that as long as it has the same colors you're good to go even if it's stripes and flowers! :)

andrea said...

That is hilarious! The pants could of almost passed as long capris...almost! :) Nicole comes up with some interesting combinations at our house when she changes her clothes after trying to match two completely different shades of pink, then arguing that they do match because they are both pink....and why do my kids think they can wear shorts in February in UTAH?! Goofballs! They definitely need their mommies, all of them!

KaraLyn said...

Thanks for the laugh! You definately cannot be replaced! It makes me see we aren't alone in the "husband trying to be mom" situation! It will never work! Heehee... Thanks again for the giggle/laugh!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

lol! Hilarious! I am just laughing out loud with the image of Daddy running around trying to get things done.

An "A" for effort! At least they were clean, right?

Sarah said...

you see a girl who dressed herself and looked like an urchin. i see a girl who borrowed her sisters' clothes without asking and lived to tell the tale!

Leslie said...

Oh my gosh, you made my day. I think that is too funny!! At least no matter what she wears, she is still a cutie!!

Amy said...

I have to admit, when other people fail I get validated too. My husband is constantly irritated at me for tell the kids what they can and can't wear. But hey, at least I care, right?

Her outfit was great though! Someday she will just die over those pictures and you will have some major leverage in the teenage years!

I can't believe Pierce didn't sleep after his surgery! Didn't they give you any good drugs? Or is he one of those kids that get hyper? I have one that does that too and it sucks. I hope he sleeps tonight.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Yes I picked out nearly all the funny things in the outfit. Dad's don't often see things the way we moms do. They see pants, shirt, socks, and shoes, yup dressed! :0) Funny post!

Lynn F. said...

Oh believe me, her teacher knew! When one of my fancy girls walks into the room with bed-head and blah clothes my aide and I always look at each other and agree that 'mom' must be out of town. Just be glad that she lets you dress her every other day. My little one has developed an opinion about her clothes and what she should wear to school. Arghh!

Jenifer said...

I laughed out loud the entire reading of this post. Her pants!!! Nate takes the girls to school while I am at school. We've had quite a few days with ankles and bellys hanging out.

Mamarazzi said...

fabulous post! i am laughing so are so not born with the "does that look whack?" gene!

i am also glad to hear that all went well with the that kid is a trooper!! fun to see him in clothes too...tee hee!

tammy said...

So so funny!

Andrea said...

Oh my goodness! Joy looks hilarious!!! She could be Ashley's twin on some days! HAHAHA Ashley has picked some *interesting* outfits! Like trying to squeeze into clothes that I keep trying to take away because they're too small. She just keeps squeezing into them. LOVE Joy's tight-in-the-butt highwaters pic. HAHA Oh and the day before hair! I'm tellin' ya some days when we have to go to the store in a hurry, Ashley has tried to pull off an outfit like that. Some days I just don't have time to care too much. Ben on the other hand, would NEVER let the kids leave the house looking like that! Guess I'm the super laid back one! I guarantee her teacher KNEW that you didn't send her out the door looking like that! Still laughing that nothing was hers! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Funny funny girl :)

Thanks for the giggle!

crystal said...

hahaha! You're like my own personal stand-up comedian :)

sherry said...

O.K- I already commented on two other posts, and wasn't going to comment on this one since you already have 20, but My 3 year old just said. "he he, her pants is too small!"Hilarious! I am sure the teacher knew what was up.

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