giveaways,fundraisers, and links...OH MY!
this morning while i was doing hair...(alot of conversation happens at that particular time of day)

Liberty announced that since she missed the birthday party she'd been invited to on Friday (while we were at mesquite wash) she missed out on a ride in a limo.
Peyton said," wow a limo? do they have lots of money?" (Peyton is very money conscious)
Liberty said ,"yeah! because they wasted a perfectly good sticker instead of licking the envelope."
i figured out what she was talking about at that point and said, " in that case it's called a "seal" and that isn't wasting a sticker, it's supposed to be FANCY"
(go ahead and say it out loud "FAANNNCCCYYY" hee hee)
OH guess what??
my blog friend Jenn at Girly do's is doing a blog giveaway for a super cute hair accessory holder.
My Sister's Ward's Young Women are having a girl's camp fundraiser on
email Janie at lotsostuff @ hotmail dot com for the specific location and details!
Tell your friends!
Glad everything is going great for you all, btw- your skirts turned out wonderful!
Katie went to the limo party and loved it. I think it was the highlight of her earthly existence thus far :-).
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