Crazymama's RAD Followers

do you ever feel like............

Tales from the herd.(click on the magic portal)
holy hell! it's hot today.
both A/C units are running. and i don't want to leave the house during daylight hours.
somehow i was chilly all last week, now it's darn steamy.
AZ! it's only gonna get worse.
© 2009 crazymamaof6
rantings by Me
4:46 PM
EXACTLY!!! It's already way tooo hot! Dang it! I'm melting!
Friday it was 70 and I was a little chilly in the shade. I knew it was too good to be true. I'm hoping it cools back down a little for a little while longer. The boys are ready for swimming though.
Call me Crazy, but I love it!!
first, i love the overall pic. yes, please find more!! i so totally had a pair of overalls. in fact, don't tell anyone, but i still do. (one never knows when one will need them again) second, i love the easter skirts for your girls. those are amazing. and i love that you made easter cookies today. third, it's barely starting to warm up here and i'm so glad. today it was in the 70's. and that is a first. sometimes i really miss that arizona warmth...!!
Yeah, I about cried when I got in the car to pick up Caden from school my dash read 97 degrees! It is supposed to be this hot all week long!
it was 70 today in Idaho...
Drink more DR pepper in your pink
I love the heat! But I love that you said Whaaaaa more♥
It's like we skipped Spring! We had the heat going all last week and now we're sleeping with the windows open. My kids all need new shorts. I was completely blindsided by this.
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