Happy Birthday to my little sista MARIA!
a blog letter to my little sister for her Birthday. (with loads of pictures)
you are only 31, aren't you glad you are the younger one? you will always be the younger sister.
I admit turning 31 was harder for me than turning 30. I was all about the being 30 flirty and fabulous.who doesn't love that? 31 just doesn't have that ring to it. i hope you are coping well with the birthday.I'm sure you are, you've always coped better than me like when we got lost in stores and i'd have a breakdown and you be so excited to be free.
i can't beat my birthday post you made for me. it was the BEST POST EVER!
i super loved it.
mostly because, all of your memories are mine, with a twist. of course in my memories I was never wrong. and was only ever tormented by the likes of you and Aaron who tormented me mercilessly. but now, i can assume to know how both of the siblings around Joy feel.
just like you guys did growing up. the likeness is scary. personality wise anyway. if i need insight on that sibling dynamic I'll be sure to ask you . it was delightfully fun to hear your version of our childhood.
so i thought I'd find 31 fun pictures of you and post them. even if i don't look particularly great in some of them. and i'm realizing it's hard to find pics of me and you together.
we need to work on that. i didn't quite find 31. but it's a fun assortment anyway.
so here goes, memories and pictures mixed. i'll do better next year.

you've always been the "petite one"
remember when mom kept buying you petite panty hose and you hated them because they never fit right,
she thought you were petite at only 5'8"
the pantyhose always sagged to your knees! LOL
we were being Models! hee hee.

you were always the Tomboy and i was the girly girl.
you were totally working the shiner.
did you Make Sarah Adam's your FB friend yet?
i guess the stereo type still fits because you will go camping/riding or whatever
and i won't leave town period. i have to be 15 minutes from a store at all times.

and are with us in spirit when you don't get to come.
but i love it best when you are there!
are you sure i did this?
yeah I'm pretty sure i did, and let you take the blame for 20 + years.
no wonder you are bitter sometimes.
between this and the lipsmackers. yeah, i deserved it.

Remember going to the Dollar movies at Tri city mall! and getting these?
love the '80's bangs. We were working the Aquanet!
the top 4 are from 8th grade when we had braces.
remember flying back and forth to aunt Janes to get our braces tightened. we loved going on the plane alone.
i'm sure we were kind of annoying sometimes,
i recall a licorice fight with Alan once?
and we always stole the barfbags to write notes on. hee hee.

cheesy pictures of us. I'm glad we did them now.
here we are at 16 and 17 (or your sophomore and my Junior year)
remember me telling you guys liked girls in a grey t-shirt and jeans?
so you almost wore that old navy one out?

i wish i could have done the last few years when you guys did it.
working it!
before you went to Mexico as an exchange student.
i was kinda lost without you that year.
had to go have my own adventure.

(this was on my 30th birthday at mom's retirement party dinner)
funny i hated this picture 2 years ago (except for my hair doing stupid stuff)
and now i'm thinking it looks pretty good. PATHETIC.
you of course look FABULOUS IN IT!
all professional teacher-ish! and THIN!
so the thin was from stress but still if i didn't covet that?
the world would surely stop turning .

Twilight nerds!
(Janie, me, and Maria)
i'm so glad you came with us to the midnight movie!
you were the one that started the short hair trend.
i'd resisted until you cut your hair off, then i did, then Janie, then Vicki!
you are a trend setter. i can't go back to long hair.
we all look the same, just different levels of fat.
but darn it we are attractive fat ladies.
well and you are skinny damn it!
you are fabulously talented and CRAFTY! and determined.
I always admire your talents.
and your degree. seriously impressive getting it with little kids at home.
even if Maria Hannah never has a sister she has two cousins
that love her like a sister does.
but better, because there isn't the constant competition.
I love that our kids are best cousins.
Will and Peyton, Nate and Paxton, Hope and Maria!
Pierce and Garrett need to get together more so they can be buds.
look at us with the herd of little kids. (i hate my butt in this picture.)
but i couldn't get around it, i LOVE seeing me and you with our kidlets.
and i have no idea why it's a screen shot but whatever.
and i'm so glad you came to Mesquite wash anyway. it just wasn't the same without you.
i love that you live close, our kids are such good little friends.
we have 11 between us now.
holy crap that's alot of kids!
they beg to call you to play everyday.
if they call you i don't generally know. they sneak and call grandma for your #
i think Paxton even has your # memorized.
i wish you weren't so busy so you and i could get together more.
we need to do a girls night out. SOON!
I love ya TOOT!
and hope you have a fabulous birthday!
and all your wishes come true!
thanks for being an awesome little sister!
(SHHH,you are totally my favorite)
Love, Joobs!
P.S. we need to get together and start on back to school bows,
figure out what you need ,come over and we'll whip them up!
we can watch a movie while we do it.
Maria needs a reputation at her school too. ;)
© 2009 crazymamaof6
Hey, I thought I was your favorite. Actually I didn't. Maria is everyone's favorite. Happy Birthday Maria!
And just to be fair. I will not be doing a birthday post for Maria either.
Beautiful post. Makes me realize I need more pics with my sisters!
Happy Birthday Maria!!! I'll leave my comment here since you didn't do your own Birthday Blog yet today! My sisters are all equally my "favorites". All three of you named a baby after me!!! Love ya, Vic.
What a great birthday tribute! Happy Birthday Maria - You are all so lucky to have each other - I want to be one of your sisters!!!!
VERY sweet post, what a beuatiful tribute to your sister!
sisters are the best!
Happy Birthday Maria!! I totally have that pic of you guys in the grey shirts! Hope you have a great day!
sides of maria (and you) i've never seen before :) happy birthday maria!!
How fun to have a sister so close, and it's sounds like you were good friends to boot! Lucky ladies!
I hope she has a fun bday! :)
Thanks for all the great comments! It's gonna be a great year, thanks in part to the great sisters I have :) I love you guys and look forward to many more years of gno's with you and memories to share!
Sister's are the best! Happy birthday Maria.
BTW! Missed you tonight, awesome post, and love the paper on your sidebars!
You are so lucky to have sisters! I always wanted one and never got one. I did however dress each of my 3 brothers up like girls and put their hair in ribbons and bows and named then Mary Jane. So I guess that works!
Happy Birthday Maria!!!
great post Julie :)
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