Tuesday, June 9, 2009

what's up around here today?

um Today? it's rad. let me list the wonder for you.... hiding, overhauling, bursting, purging, living with idiots. medicated and motivated. fast track to the looney bin.

that's the condensed version. for those keeping up in reader.

now if you wanna know why, what, or how, come on over and read the whole thing.

  • I'm hiding all of the regular bowls and plates like we don't own any.if there are NO REGULAR BOWLS THEY HAVE TO USE THE PAPER. because i'm SICK of finding crusty cereal bowls crusted with cereal and funktastic milk, or spaghettios. yeah GROSS! paper it is. all summer long. people have resisted the use because the paper don't hold as much? are you kidding me? UGH!
  • i'm overhauling the house today which always leaves me in a bad mood. Therapy today. and we haven't had it the last two weeks because people here or PIERCE has been sick. finally everyone is well, and i have to have the house ready.
  • the Hubster's ear drum burst. or it's just leaking goopy crap (my expert medical opinion says it burst) and bonus it's his 'good ear' (he's deaf in one ear, always has been since i've known him.) meaning now? he's almost totally deaf. until it heals anyway, which SUCKS! he's going to the Dr. this afternoon. after he goes to the dentist. both appointments i made for him.
  • i'm completely sick of how things are here. i'm purging everything. if it's not put away, it's garbage. i've reached it. yup! TOTALLY REACHED IT. i do have a limit, and i've found it.
  • i went to get toilet paper out of the upstairs cupboard, and guess what i found? all the dirty clothes that were in there had been shoved in and behind the MEGA PACK of toilet paper, instead of being taken to the laundry room like the assignment of picking up the bathroom entails. IDIOTS!

and i don't have any appointments today for me or the kids.
well, besides therapy . so, i might actually get my crap done.

not that overahauling this crap-hole is a one day job , because it isn't.

pills. i took them. i handed them out. medicated and motivated? hopefully.
I must make a chart. with a fabulous reward for daily dishing out the meds. because we need all the help we can get.

because I'm on the fast track to the looney bin.


anyone have to make appointments for a grown adult so he'll go to the DR. and dentist??

anyone have a hard time taking their daily pills? or handing them out?

does anyone hate real bowls? or plates?

does anyone have kids that don't do the real chore?aka half-assed helpers?

does anyone have too much crap? and they are sick of it?

does anyone want in on a group rate to the looney bin?

is there anyone out there reading this?if so you know what to do.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6


Debra said...

Crap. I answered yes to all your 11 questions. Do I win a prize? A trip to the spa? LOL

You need to just toss it if its ON the floor not put back where it belongs, toss it. And dont buy it for them again. Honestly, they wont miss it. I have had toys packed up for 3 months now and no one has asked for them! They will be lost in the move for sure.

In 11 yrs of marriage, my dh has NEVER made his own appts. When i stopped doing the dentist ones, he got periodontal disease. NO FREAKING JOKE.

Girl.. have i told you about what I did to my fam's diet? I found the book The Autism and ADHD diet. I started it... took them off milk and dairy and it has been A MIRACLE. Once we get settled and off of gluten I will take my kids off their ADHD meds. Plus, I am DROPPING pounds without changing anything (inclkuding my daily Dr. Pepper love I am keeping :-) Lost 5 lbs in 8 days. If you want more info lmk!!

Rebecca Irvine said...

My husband won't go to the dentist or doctor even if I make him an appointment. He finally gets bad enough and will make his own.

I read a parenting book about teaching kids to do housework and I learned that upon finding a job only half done the kid should have to redo it AND is then given another job. It has solved some of the problems around here.

Can I still get in on the group rate?

Daisygirl said...

Ya know I hate it when everything seems to happen all at once. Sorry to hear about your hubbys eardrum that must really really suck. But I sometimes would love to be deaf(not really, but yes..haha)
None of my kids are really old enough for chores...dang it...well the 5 year old clears the table..wooohooo!
My husband never goes to the doctor his arm could be hanging off bleeding everywhere and he would probably just duct tape it together! I have to make the appts!

andrea said...

I try to make my hubby's appt.'s, but since I don't have his work schedule in front of me, I always have to call and cancel them since he'll have something else going on. So now I have a list for him of two appt's he needs to make but hasn't that I have to keep nagging him about.

As for the purging, yep, I've been doing it. Slowly, but it is happening. I swear the kids don't even notice it. Anyone else have kids that really do not require toys? My 7 year old doesn't. Her brother, a little, but the 3 yo? Loves all the dolls and gunk. So I'm saving some of it.

That's a great idea in an earlier comment about a redo of the job and an extra when they don't do it correctly....I need to use that! :)

blah, blah by lindsey said...

making appts for my adult is the story of my life. i wish i could elaborate, but you know...

we only use paper plates/bowls and plastic...cause if we didn't i would be doing dishes all day long and that is no fun for anyone!

CassiB said...

dr. appt, yep.
pills depends on which ones.
real bowls-unless my back is out then we run out, use tupperware and then resort to plastic/paper.
half assed, every last one.
too much crap, yep. sick of it, yep
sign me up do they accept coupons?
yep I read, the whole thing, everytime, I have to leave google to do so but I'm ok with that!

Sarah said...

our house was exclusive with the paper plates and plastic bowls/cups growing up. mom was not about doing dishes, even with a dishwasher. plus, kids drop stuff, and regular plates and glasses break when that happens.

if i were you i'd totally switch the fam to paper & plastic.

Jen said...

I have made EVERY freaking appointment for Jeff, even call his own brother when he was too sick to work, yeah I have 3 kids!!

And I am horrible about my daily pills, horrid, I have to have them out and in plain sight and it is still hit and miss!

When I reach my limit like you I too just start chucking! Or throw it in rubbermaid containers and shove it away, if it doesn't get opened for so long then it can be lived without and chucked! You know me I am a nazi mom sometimes, and I love it!

Hope things are going better by now!!!

Supercool Hotmama said...

Yup. Bunco on Thursday at my house. I'm swimmin' upstream. Against the tide. Fighting all these people.

Piper said...

oh man, HALF-ASSED makes me crazy!!!! funny because I used to get pissed when my mom said, "If you don't do it the right way now, you just make more work later" DAMN!!! I made a dermatologist appt today for the hubby. whatever. do we really want them to be cured if they have skin cancer? they pay the life insurance, right?/? just kidding. i know how it feels, although I don't have the 6X feeling here. Just 2X plus the husband. Why won't anyone listen/believe the mamma???

onehm said...

You know I read.
Thanks again for the sonic run tonight.
LOVE the medicated and motivated. I need some meds.
I'm thinking tomorrow is a good evening for more h2o from sonic...what do you think??
Sorry for the deaf hubby.

onehm said...

PS...the clothes behind the tp...genius! You live with geniuses. That's your problem!! The dumb ones are easier.

Unknown said...

I asked my 7yr old to take his dishes to the sink today. I'm in the room with him... he pics up his plate, walks over to the sink, looks around, and puts it on the counter, half of it sticking out, just asking for a light breeze to send it crashing to the floor...
"What are you doing? Put it in the sink!"
"Oh! Yeah, I just forgot Mommy."
And I'm thinking really? REALLY! It was 1.5 second walk!!!
So, meds... yes I forget. Then I want to kick myself when I can't see because my eyes are so swolen... if I had just taken my stupid meds this morning, I'd feel fine.
Oh, and let me tell you about doctor appointments... you'd think it'd be easier with a Paramedic, but NO! He's "fine"(cough, cough, cough, gag, cough, spit, "can you bring me some water?" cough, cough, "do you have any Tesslon pearls left?" cough, gag, cough, SNOOOOOORRRRRRRE!) Once he cut off most of his big toe with the mower and tried to convince everyone that he didn't need to go to the hospital! MEN!

tammy said...

Not only do I have to make his dentist and dr. appointments, but I make his hair appts too. The only appt he makes is for his yearly FAA physical. But now he can schedule that on-line so it doesn't really count.

And Taylor sometimes does his chores half-assed too.

Anonymous said...

I make all the app. not for Cody though, he won't go. He did have to get staples in his head a few yrs. ago and it took a lot of convincing from me and a lot of other people to make him go AND I made him drive himself, I am so nice, actually I had a 4 day old baby and I wasn't about to take her to an urgent care on a Sunday so he went all by himself.
I don't do paper products, my kids get one cup that they use all day, they rinse it out when they are done and put it on the counter. They have chores that they do but these days it is not enough so I am making there list longer and they do them because they don't want there privilages taken away :). The only job that they do half asses is there laundry, I fold it and they put it away but what they really do is put it on their floor or their bed and I get to put it away later, it makes me so mad!!!
I also don't reward them for doing chores, some people do and that works fine but not for my kids, they would expect a reward for everything if I did that. I just told them that they get to live in this house and they need to help keep it clean or they can't watch my t.v. or play on my computer or play with friends, that's motivation enough.

sherry said...

Yes.Yes.Not so much. Yes.Yes. Yes.Yes.

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