Thursday, December 17, 2009

the update, the low down, the scoop.

how about some updates? i listed what was up yesterday but didn't mention much since.

Paxton's birthday?

so Paxton's birthday was mediocre in my opinion, but glorious in his.

so since he was the birthday boy, his opinion wins.

here he is taking a DEEEP BREATH to blow out the candles.

but check out this pathetic excuse for a cake.

it was the giant cupcake but in my rush to get it in the oven forgot the extra eggs and the added pudding didn't get mixed as well as it should. so when i took it out of the pan, it stuck and broke in a couple spots. RAD.

THEN i frosted it while it was still warm which ended up collapsing it.

he asked for red which turned out pink and well, it was a disappointment. (for me)

in the end it tasted mighty fab. so really how bad can that be? but it wasn't as great as it could have been. but i think he was just happy i baked him a cake , between shopping and dance. and dinner at Barro's .


Spelling bee?

Peyton was out on the 6th round which had all of 5 people by then, 2 got out in the 6th round leaving 3, one got out and then it was down to 2 and a 6th grader won. he was disappointed, he's the type that cries when he loses. so that's always sad. but i'm just impressed he's willing to participate. i NEVER WOULD HAVE EVER participated in anything like that in school. believe it or not i was SHY! i know, hard to believe. but it's true. painfully shy. Peyton still has next year to try and win the spelling bee. and if he never does i still think it's awesome he's willing to try.


today, was a busy one.

i forgot to take Pierce to preschool.

then we ran errands while the hubs was at the dentist.

THEN, we hit costco for a speedy trip.

then it was time to pick up the kids.

I'd put up the tree earlier but it still needed fluffed, and none of the lights work on the dang pre-lit tree. so i spent the afternoon putting some lights on, until i ran out and my back was achin' and i burned dinner. (I've never seen spaghetti burn to the pot before but now i have. I'd asked liberty to stir it but she didn't want to, and i was busy and so it didn't get done. BAH! HUMBUG!~

then i took the kids to dance technical rehearsal,

rushed home to get dinner for my mom and deliver it,

then went back to pick up the kids and a set of friends, and a pair of cousins and drive them home too.

THEN , i picked up the hubs and dropped him at my brothers house. they are going to the midnight IMAX 3D of Avatar. without me, sigh. i wanted to go but someone has to be the parent and it's my turn. so he'll just have to see it twice.

so there we are. that's where I've been. the update, the low down, the scoop.

i label some of my posts, it's invisible but still , days like this the post is always labeled -

life at my house is never dull.

how is life at your house?

anything exciting going on?

have you ever burned spaghetti noodles?

the spelling bee? have you ever been in one? what about your kids?

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© 2009 crazymamaof6


andrea said...

Life at my house is feeling stressed. I am not ready for Christmas, and all the getting ready is going to interfere with doing the fun things of the season...just the fun stuff that traditions are made of is all.

I'm arguing with my almost 16 yr old daughter. She's mean and hateful and I'm tired of it. Don't feel very holiday-ish today.

The little girls dance recital/show is Saturday. "The Little Match Girl". I'm excited for that!

I haven't burned spaghetti, but I can ruin jello.

Spelling Bee: Used to participate in the class ones, but never went farther. I help put them on at my kids school. It's fun! Good luck to Peyton for next year! Go to for spelling tips and words to memorize.

CassiB said...

we had spaghetti tonight too. i don't think i've ever burned it. but have burnt macncheese so it's about the same. feeling like i have a ton of things to do, not all Christmas, just normal crap. kids have half day tomorrow yay, oh i mean YAY!! lol not ready for the bickering that is sure to ensue.

CassiB said...
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Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

I haven't burned spaghetti but Cass burned mac and cheese the other day - gross! Things are crazy here too. I'm hoping by tomorrow when the kids get out early I'll have it together. Good luck to you and me both!

tammy said...

This was supposed to be Taylor's last year for the spelling bee. We were really looking forward to it since he made to the regionals last year, but since we moved him to a charter school that is new in the operating, they aren't doing the spelling bee this year. I'm so sad!!

I've never burned spaghetti noodles, but I have let the water boil away and burn the pan because I forgot to put the noodles in.

Jen said...

LOL it must have been spaghetti night, we had it too! I have never burned it, but I have turned the water off and left the noodles in there to "keep warm" yeah don't do that for hours and hours, they get mushy and yucky! And I almost hit Jeff in the head with a hot pan last night so I could have had a burned husband, does that count? He is kinda a noodle sometimes ;)

Awesome birthday for Pax! All that matters is the birthday boy's opinion!

Congrats to Peyton, I too would never have gotten up there to do that.

Leslie said...

I kept Landon home on the final testing for the spelling bee, I had no idea that he was the top speller in his class and would have been in the spelling bee..ohwell he said he didn't care.

They only time I have burned Spaghetti is when it has fallen onto the burner. But have burned plenty of other foods, especially soups!!

Life is crazy here at my house but glad I just got the kids all on the bus. Now I got to finish my shopping and all will be good!!

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