Respiration Celebration.
super fabulous-O!
celebrating the end of the chapter. WHOOOOOOOOOHOOOO!
I finally JUST finished my study guide and essay for today's biology class.
I have a test and I'd better not fail. because then I'd be peeved.
(seriously being in college with 6 kids is CRAZY!)
I was trying to study all day with a 3 year old that kept making me turn around to watch commercials. he is especially excited about gerber baby commercials.
Then it was time for the big kids to come home. enter the fighting and noise making and whining about homework.
Oh and we can't forget the mop bucket rides.
clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk across the tile, over and over.
clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk across the tile, over and over. back and forth clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk across the tile, over and over. back and forth clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk across the tile, over and over. clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk across the tile, over and over. back and forth clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk across the tile, over and over.
YUP! It was just like that but louder and more annoying.
THEN dinner. we didn't eat until after 7:00 because well I couldn't get it together sooner. we were having beans I started soaking them at 1:00pm and they were ready by 6:30 but by then I realized we didn't have chips and then i thought chili would be good in the beans and then when i called my mom to get the recipe for chili she said she had some FABULOUS tortillas from Superior,AZ from my uncle Gary for me. Of course I needed to go get those, so she sent home her chili with me, (we were on the same wavelength) and it was delightful .
after dinner
by 8:15 I was a screaming lunatic(not really but kind of), people running wild, talking in my face, the washer going, and the dishwasher, TV's blaring, and here I was trying to study for this dang test. and no one was going to bed!
seriously? yes .
and the hubs? hmmmm it's still a mystery to where he got off to. but eventually they all went away. so I could suck it up and dig into the meat of the information.
even with all that going on, seriously, I don't know how I could fail, since this crap is drilled into my brain. how could it not be after writing this stuff over and over again?
Ah school, it's super fun. (rolls eyes)
other than that , super exciting 130,000th visit came and went, and the winner ALISA! is 130,001 for commenting.
In the end it was less exiting than I thought it could be, but it's over now all I have to look forward to is the end of the day.
wish me luck on my test.
yeah baby!
© 2010 crazymamaof6
Sounds chaotic and very very familiar...minus the studying...THANK GOD!
Good luck on the test.
I am so super psyched! I am number 130,069!!! Who gives a crap about being boring 130,000, when you can be naughty potty, 130,069, now thats sayin something! Betcha no one else would even care, but I sure do, it might even make my night and his! Now THIS is something to celebrate, I spit on number 130,000.
Thank you for sharing your blog address with me. You are too funny! This will definetly be a blog I read often...thanks! :)
ooohh. i would love to get your chile recipe from you!
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