Where oh where has the short bus gone? Rad/not Rad special edition
Rad- door to door service from preschool
not rad- the short bus running 50 minutes late.
Rad- finding out it was another kid that didn't want to stay in his seat belt, thus delaying the route.
rad-mentally composing songs/fb status/blog fodder from the delay...
♫ Where oh where has the short bus gone,
where oh where could it beeeeeeee?
they have my 3 year old , I want him home,
even though he drives me crazyyyyy.♫
rad- my morning rendezvous with my secret lover.
not rad-paying non-happy hour prices.
Rad-mentally composing new ways to say i picked up a beverage.
Rad- eating my whole grains.
Rad- my whole grains are bite sized and frosting coated. ;)
Rad- the hubs having to go on the field trip because he originally signed the form.
super rad- having the house to myself for the first time in FOREVER. i am never, ever, not ever home alone. ever.
rad- using that time to finish my book and take a nap. ;)
rad-my new computer
not rad- not getting a chance to actually use it until yesterday. (dang kids)
Rad-getting the hubs and all the kids hair cut and everyone's turning out great.
not rad- paying to have all the kids hair cut. OUCH
Rad- having the stylist at the cheap chain ask where I got my hair done? Then saying my style is FABULOUS, hey a compliment is a compliment.
not rad- discussing how most long hair lacks style with the gay male stylist while the other female stylists had long pretty plain hair.
Rad- knowing I personally can't wear long hair anymore, because I'd be eternally rocking a pony. which has limited style.
I'll post pics of the kids later. Joy has never (since she was 3) had anything shorter than mid shoulder blade length , but she's loving her Selena Gomez chin length bob.
the other girls call this their spring style and if i had time to flat iron and blow dry everyday, they'd probably always wear a short bob.
Liberty Picked out a picture of Katy Perry, and i'm sort of itching to dye her hair dark like mine. so it looks like the picture. ;)
Pierce got another mohawk which he's really proud of . this one is shorter like Puck on GLEE.
Peyton wanted nice clean cut like a pic we found of Taylor Lautner.
Paxton got his hair cleaned up but is still rocking the longer curls. and we've decided he's going to grow it out so he can rock a MadHatter costume for Halloween! AWESOME!
© 2010 crazymamaof6
I curl Gina's hair just about every day--I use a wierd "W" shaped iron..leaves the cutest waves! and I just do the topmost layer!
If I flatiron it--I spray it with pantene leave-in first then iron it. It usually only takes me about 5 minutes or so.
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