I entered. you should too!
OH it's spring fling over on Tip Junkie and assorted other fabulous blogs. check it out here
it's a one day only deal with over $10,000. in prizes between the lot of them. TUESDAY APRIL 13th! that's tomorrow! (or today depending on when you read this.)
i got sucked in and entered the Tip Junkie grand prize drawing!
Plus I became a fan and connected up on google friend connect. i doubt I'll win but you might. wouldn't that be rad?
OH and heads up! i joined the blogfrog. it's new, i'm still figuring it out but if you are on there add me. and i'll follow you too! and if you wanna join and we can have yet another way to be friends/communicate, well that would be awesome too.
apparently it's like having a community where only cool people hang out. sounds rad right?
come on you know you always wanted to sit at the cool table. now you can. with me. SWEET! the follow me deal is down south on the right hand sidebar. check it out, it's can't miss me pink!
© 2010 crazymamaof6
Lots of prizes. Good luck.
yep I joined! Lets see if I can keep up!
Blog Frog is cool I've been on their for a few months now!
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