Wednesday, June 15, 2011

summer success and other random delights.

Pancake breakfast for the herd

Followed by swimming all morning.

A shower before 8:00 am. And dressed for the day (the kids wondered why I was dressed up? It's just a dress, not dressed up)

The kids had chores done before swimming.

Mama is on top of it today.

What a rare treat this is.

Dragon has been doing cannonballs off of the diving board.

Remember Pierce changed his name? He's still going strong. But he still answers to Pierce , he only expects me to call him Dragon.

The pool is warm enough that Hope will actually get in and swim around for more than 5 minutes. (She has no body fat).

Paxton (the curly haired one) keeps losing his shorts. Apparently that swimsuit needs to be retired.

The boys wear swimsuits all day long. It has been awhile since I had to wash a load of denim.

Towels though are the bane of my existence.

The swimming/guest bathroom is a wreck with clothes all over the floor as they are always in a rush to change and get out to the pool.

Or leaving towels and wet swim suits in a wad on the floor. No amount of reminding or threat of grounding fixes it.

I give up, consider yourself warned if you want to brave coming over.

Everyone has to wear goggles.

I never wore goggles , my eyes burned every night from spending all day in the pool as a kid. But my kids have to wear goggles because their cousins do.

The new snorkel and mask is a hot commodity and joy is being uncharacteristically great about sharing her birthday stuff.

The hubs is in NYC this week. And maybe Toronto. His travel schedule is picking up.

Single motherhood is ok as long as everyone is healthy.

The ban? Not going so well. I have cut back. And I don't hit sonic daily which is saying something but i've had lunch dates, girls nights and regular dates with the hubs. I'm not gonna miss out so cutting back is better than nothing.

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tammy said...

Cutting back is better than nothing. Sometimes you just gotta.

I hate wet towels being left around too. And having to wash the ones that have sat too long. If they were only used to drive off that day, I sometimes throw them right away in the dryer with a dryer sheet to dry them and keep them fresh for next time. But that's if I find them in time.

Jen said...

Yay for the pool!! Nice way to spend the summer!

Tracy said...

Wow you wore me out just reading this! The pool looks great and so do you! Hang in there.

jayna said...

cutting back is definitely better than nothing. :) i miss having a pool in my backyard. sure, there's one in the community that i live in, but that is NOT the same. i don't want to have to SHARE the pool with the rest of the neighborhood. ;)

miss you.


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