Wednesday, August 10, 2011

30 minutes ago i was a hot pink velvet couch on a game show.

{1} If you could be on any game show what would it be?
{2} If you could choose to stay any certain age forever, what age would it be?
{3} What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
{4} What would i find in your fridge right now?
{5} If you were a piece of furniture what would you be? why?

{1} If you could be on any game show what would it be?

The price is right! I've got mad skills and always dreamed of having my own showcase showdown!

{2} If you could choose to stay any certain age forever, what age would it be?

crap i don't know.i want my 17 year old body and hair. my 30 year old smarts. and i'm happy with my 34 year old life minus money stress.

{3} What were you doing 30 minutes ago?

shoving 6 kids out the door for the first day of school (i only cried a little about the kindergartner) and then rocking my baby, before i started trying to upload pics to my computer from my cell phone.

{4} What would i find in your fridge right now?

a bowl of figs from the tree out back that i was going to make into jam but haven't yet and probably won't. turns out i like fig newtons but fig jam is not as delightful.

{5} If you were a piece of furniture what would you be? why?

I would be....this hot pink velvet couch!

because its Fabulous , that's Why!


first day of school pics coming soon.

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© 2010 crazymamaof6


Unknown said...

Oh love the couch you are fabulous!

I'm kind of the same with figs- like the cookies- oh they are good stuffed with mascarpone and wrapped in proscuitto. Pretty sure that's what they were made for.

Kimberly said...

I love figs! My Grandpa had several trees outside his home and we were always eating them (and fig newtons) when we went over to visit. Not so sure about the fig jam.

Robin said...

And that is a fabulous couch!!

The Lovely One said...

Seven kids??? You must be exhausted! My two are a handful, I couldn't imagine more!

Here's hoping you get a nap today!

Alicia said...

awww your kids started school already?! mine don't start until next week...its always a little bittersweet. and i LOVE the hot pink couch! totally fabulous indeed!!

Mamarazzi said...

YES love that WILL be yours one day. it is just SO YOU!

thanks for playing!!

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