Tuesday, August 9, 2011

last day of summer vacation!

I nearly collapsed in a fit of panic, outside on the front walk of the school after meet the teacher yesterday.

Just looking at the pile of information and first day of school homework had me dreading the school year starting.

This morning I struggled to open my eyes at the exact time the carpool picks up. Well after the time I will have to be up daily, getting the herd up and ready for school.

All I can say is


While I am not ready for the blessed event of back to school, my kids are thrilled.

Hope (2nd grade) says her favorite part is the beginning of school when you get to meet everyone and everything is new.

Joy loves math and hopes she gets to learn tons of math in 4th grade.

Her teacher had Paxton last year, I warned her Joy is nothing like Paxton.

Paxton is the strong silent type. Joy is a Diva who can't find the off button for her mouth or her brain.

Paxton's teacher seems nice. I think I need to write her a note about him, so she knows not to expect too much of him, he's shy and has anxiety. Hopefully he makes some good friends this year. I'll need to ride him this year on his homework, he tends to pretend he doesn't have any and I believe him, even when he does it, he doesn't bother turning it in.

Liberty is all about her friends. Who is in her class? Her teacher! The man teacher. She has to have a flash drive and check register. We have flash drives aplenty, it's the check register I don't have or even know where to get one. (We bank online).

Peyton (the eldest) will go to Jr.high.

He's taking algebra and kenpo karate, classic languages (read:latin) and band (he plays percussion) along with social studies, english and science.

We went yesterday to drop tennis so he has time for Math lab (study hall). To get his homework done, he does better during school hours while his meds are working and maybe this year there won't be fights about getting his homework done. If not Fridays he'll have all day to work on it and be grounded from the computer. I'm sure he'll make good use of his time.

Pierce (#6) is in kindergarten this year.

He's been a little clingy the last few weeks wanting to get his fill of mama time, it's like he knows this is the last day before his school career begins. No more lunch dates and shopping or all day ruling the tv or computer while the others are at school.

He'll adjust.

He's excited, so excited he's demanding I pack his lunch today.

He has Hope's teacher from last year and I failed to express how different those two children are. She is quiet and mild mannered and well, you know Pierce. He didn't earn his nickname by being quiet and sitting still.

I'm the one that's not ready. I worry they won't have friends or have too much homework.

I had stress about school every year and had to be bribed to attend everyday the first week one year.

My kids are smart and confident. And excited. I don't know how I manage to get them so psyched about the beginning of school every year but somehow I do.

Fake it 'til you make it!

I guess i'm excited or I see the brightside anyway.

I have lunch dates scheduled. I'm already booking into next week.

And it would be nice to go to the bathroom alone instead of with an audience of 3 or 4.

Even as I type this, I realize tomorrow it can be from the real computer and not from my phone.

It doesn't make up for the freedom and slow pace of summer though.

The days from now until christmas will fly by. Before we know it i'll be lamenting the beginning of summer next year.

Happy last day of summer or as I like to call it first day of school eve.

It fits. I sleep like I did on christmas eve as a child. I spent almost as much money as I do on christmas and that rush around feeling is just the same but without the sweat of 110 degree days.

May your lunch box be cool and your demands list blessedly short.

Hugs, Crazymama!

I'm off to buy lunchboxes and hot cheetos because Joy says," you are NOBODY in my grade if you don't have hot cheetos!"


Tune in tomorrow for first day of school pics!
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VandyJ said...

School doesn't start here until the 25. We still have shopping to do. That's this weekend. Good luck to all of yours.

Rebecca Irvine said...

We are all a-flutter over here too for the start of school. I am not sure I am ready, but I know the kids are.

andrea said...

Lucky. I'm still 2 weeks away from back to school eve. And these last two weeks are just dragging!!! ;)

Audrey said...

ugh, I am trying to get my kiddo excited about school.
only the 1st grader is excited! good luck and happy school eve!

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