It's a style choice- we want to know wednesday
Welcome to We Want to Know Wednesdays Q&A!
Hosted by Mamarazzi, Queso and Crazymama
This week Mamarazzi is asking the questions and she is asking about fave, must have make-up items, personal style and your beauty routine. I had a harder time than I thought describing my personal style.

{1} What is your "can't go without it" beauty product/cosmetic?
{2} Do you apply make-up before or after doing your hair?
{3} How would you describe your personal style?
{4} How long does it take you to get ready each day?
{5} What is your one pamper, just for you, beauty splurge?
{1} What is your "can't go without it" beauty product/cosmetic?
My signature lipstick. PINK CHOCOLATE by Clinique. Seriously been rocking it for 15 years.
{2} Do you apply make-up before or after doing your hair?
my hair is time sensitive, it has to be combed before it dries stupid and if i get to blow dry i am extra awesome. usually i wear it air dried. because my life isn't all about me. EVER. depends literally on the day of the week. school days my hair almost always air dries. weekends or in the evenings it's actually styled.
i really don't think anyone other than my stylist knows the difference.
I do my makeup in the car while driving. always have. so if i don't leave the house i don't put make-up on. usually if i have an actual destination other than taxi service duty, i put it on.
{3} How would you describe your personal style?
I dunno. really probably functional chic? it's functional and yet chic.
I wear black shirts and jeans almost every day. I've been stepping it up and adding a sweater or cute jacket lately.
I just bought a pair of these pants... They are CUTE. for a curvy mama.
describing my style is harder to put it into words than i thought it would be.
{4} How long does it take you to get ready each day?
I get about 10 minutes for myself. IF I'M LUCKY.
I don't leave my room until I'm totally dressed, hair and make up are optional. but clothes, they are important. I don't drop the kids off in my PJ's . I put real clothes on everyday.
{5} What is your one pamper, just for you, beauty splurge?
Just one? I like pedicures.
I only buy make-up that comes with gift with purchase.
if i had more money to splurge the list is LONG of what I'd be doing.
Latisse is first on my list.
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© 2011 crazymamaof6
I am so not a makeup girl--I just can't get it to look right. I do fine without it though.
I have the hardest time finding a lipstick that doesn't make me look like a trashy streetwalker. I should be so lucky to rock a shade for even one year let alone 15!! You're awesome!
Ooo, oooo, I am going to have to link up today! I like this one a lot!
I'm with you on the pedicures, though it's been MONTHS for me.
Yeah, I don't get the dropping off the kids in pj's either. Even if I haven't showered yet I'll at least put clothes on to drive them to school.
the jean link will not open for me...send it to me. i NEED to see these jeans!!
i want hair that i can let air dry. mine would be a total afro, and not cute!
Love this! I want my style to be divalicious, too.
ok ? about your jeans? I even went and looked at them online, but how long are they? I need pants that are really long 34" or more. What's your inseam and how long are thye?
dude...i am SO jealous that you could let your hair air dry! if i did that i would look like i had a lion's mane!! and i can't believe that you've rocked the same color for 15 years, that's some serious dedication doll! :)
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