Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The hats I wear and mothers day hints. WWTKW


Mothers day is around the corner and instead of waiting for the last minute let's give our loved ones a little hint on how we want to spend it.The first 2 questions are from Crazymama (me)  and then I have a little help from the reader/linky participant questions list. be sure to show them some linky love and go comment there too just to make it extra fun! 

{one} what would be your ideal way to spend Mothers day? 

{two} which would you rather receive actual gifts or gifts of service? 

{three} She @ wants to know:
How do you juggle it all?  How many different "hats" do you wear and how to you accomplish all you have to do?

{four} Vandy @ wants to know:
What was your "Oh no, I'm turning into my mom" moment?

{five} Natalie @ wants to know:
What should you be doing right now instead of participating in todays WWTKW linky? 

 ~~ and here are my answers

{one} what would be your ideal way to spend Mothers day? 

relaxing, sleeping in, dinner with no mess to clean up and nowhere to be, showered with hugs and kisses from the kids, and a generous gift of money so i can go shopping, solo to buy something just for me. a spa day would be awesome too. 

{two} which would you rather receive actual gifts or gifts of service? 

the real deal. i want something i wouldn't normally buy for myself. AND it want it to be legit. 

 acts of service are great but sometimes they don't happen and then you get the shaft and are peeved it didn't work out. I've had friends that ask for nothing but a happy family and a clean house, it never works out and then she's pissed they did nothing for her. DUH, ask for a purse or perfume , jewelry or an outfit. 

{three} She @ wants to know:
How do you juggle it all?  How many different "hats" do you wear and how to you accomplish all you have to do?

how many hats does a stay at home mom wear? geeze let's see, maid, short order cook, hair dresser, personal shopper, nurse, psychiatrist, life coach, teacher, drill sergeant, referee, taxi driver, CEO, project manager, secretary, accountant, human resource manager,  wife, sister, daughter, friend, mommy. 

isn't that enough? 

i juggle it very carefully, run myself ragged and outsource what i can

{four} Vandy @ wants to know:
What was your "Oh no, I'm turning into my mom" moment?

when i started using the phrase, " keep your hands and feet to yourself!" that rule could solve plenty of the worlds problems. it never made sense to me until i was the mom. my mom used that phrase tons when i was growing up. 

{five} Natalie @ wants to know:
What should you be doing right now instead of participating in todays WWTKW linky? 
getting ready to hostess bunko tomorrow.  
and when i'm blogjogging it will all be over and i'll feel a huge sense of relief. 

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© 2012 crazymamaof6


VandyJ said...

Juggling lessons come with the first baby right? With refresher courses with each subsequent baby. Otherwise the world would stop running.
Yep, it's all about having something to point at and go that's what I got for this occasion.

Mamarazzi said...

oh yes, having nowhere to go. i imagine having to get kids ready for church and broken carnation would totes put a damper on the day. or at the very least make the start rough. at the same time it sounds like a dream...i know, i like to contradict myself.

where was i?

oh MONEY...why didn't i think of that? gooood answer!!

loved the Q's girl!! i hope you get the day of your dreams!!

Anonymous said...

A nice lump sum of cash would be great! I haven't gone shopping for myself or by myself in ages. Nothing cures anything better than retail therapy :)
I love your answer for #2! Too funny!
Us moms sure do have a lot of hats, I forgot all about most of them haha!
What is Bunko?

Randomlicious Memoirs said...

I don't even want to think about that list of hats you just named! I get overwhelmed just reading that! We are superwomen.

Xazmin said...

I'm with you. ACTUAL material gifts - not acts of service!

I keep losing some of my hats...a sign that I have way too many!

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