Hope and friends.
Last week, Hope turned 8.
We went for some pictures of her in her baptism dress on her birthday.
Hope's baptism is on Saturday the 21st.
I should really get on the making of the invites. I got as far as looking at the darling pictures.
I'd called up my sweet friend Ashley of Sunshine and Shade Photography and she got us right in. She's the best!
I think this is the one I'll do the invite on.
Hope's best cousin Maria is turning 8 in a few weeks so we did pictures together.
and Hope's best friend Lily is also getting baptized on Saturday at a different time, so I thought it would be fun if she came too.
I can't believe my baby girl is 8 already.
Saturday is Hope's big day. She's very excited about it.
(for those that don't know...The 8th birthday is a big deal in the Mormon church because that is the age a child can choose to be baptized a member of the church. )
in the 4th article of faith in the mormon church, it says...
if you want more info about the Mormons , their people or their basic beliefs, you can find info at Mormon.org
" We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.'' found here

© 2012 crazymamaof6
Beautiful!!! She sure is growing up!!! And way to go you missionary you!!! ;)
So cute! Ashley did a great job, as usual!
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