Wednesday, February 18, 2009

a little ditty you don't wanna miss.

since a couple people got a kick out of my rainbow statement....

"why can't everything be about lollipops and rainbows(not gay rainbows, just happy colorful ones)? and dancing unicorns and fairies?"

i'd like to draw your attention on over to my playlist.

hit play , i have a little something for you. (i moved this particular little ditty up from the bottom, just for you)

it's all about the rainbow today.



my newest fave songs are on this one too. yay.

plus some of my clean and dance playlist songs. and i removed some that were grating.

gotta love it.

the valentine decor can stay up for a long while more.

but the playlist with all those love songs got OLD pretty quick.

that sucker was gone on the 15th.


on another note?

we sold one puppy tonight. and i have to say WHOOHOO!

mostly because that sucker was adding to the puppy dooky .

it was craptastic -in the nastiest way possible.


i can hardly wait to sell the other two puppies.

alrighty. well have a fabulous Wednesday!

this week is FLYIN'!

kinda like those fairies and unicorns.

I'm feeling the bliss.

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Leslie said...

Isn't it "fun" how we have to be careful about certain words that might imply other things.

Congrats on the much are you sellign them for and what doest the mom look like...I think i missed that post!!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

love the rainbow comment!

i like unicorns and fairies too

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