Friday, November 13, 2009

Fabulous Friday?

Fabulous? friday.

in this post....i answered my own blog survey questions, I mentioned:
christmas archives,
holiday gift plans,
posted links
and bragged about the yard looking rad.

if this interests you, click over and comment.

let's see... the yard guys came and did the front and back. whoohoo. our winter lawn is looking AMAZING!

then. i took Pierce to school where he screamed and cried and didn't want to stay. it was heart breaking. i wish he could just stay home everyday all day. but he needs to go and get his speech services. and i normally have school too. plus he has fun once he stops freaking out.

Peyton is home with the pukes. he was bummed it's so quiet here all alone with no other kids here.

I spent some quality time in my archives today looking for links to some of the answers from yesterday's survey. and man it seems like i had lots more to post about. i think i'm inhibited by the posting to my FB everyday. and maybe unknown readers lurking. although my traffic is in the crapper since it's that time of year anyway.

I think i've got my sibling gifts planned and ready to be taken care of. i ordered them , i just have to get them and finish them.

i'm obsessed with thoughts of christmas. cards, gifts, decorations.

and i need to bust out my big research paper before thanksgiving to get it turned in so i can make revisions and finish that class up early. it's not technically due until the last day.

here are my answers from yesterday's survey...

~ What is your favorite thanksgiving food?

last year i posted about my thanksgiving food issues HERE

Candied carrots, Stuffing, homemade mashed potatoes with brown gravy. IN. That. Order.

~Which is your Favorite black Friday store to hit first?

I love walmart. the craziness, the rush, the strategy involved. then next on my route is TARGET (pronounced Tarjay)

~Favorite shopping website? i like Woot. they even have woot kids now and shirt woot, even wine woot (if you drink wine). it's a deal a day. you can buy up to 3 items, with flat rate $5 shipping on whatever you buy ($5 bucks shipping for 3 mp3 players, or a dyson vacuum.) Check it out

i sorta love it.

OH and Kid's woot is having a woot off, meaning they sell alot of things one at a time. i'm giddy over it.

~Do you decorate before or after Thanksgiving?

in the past i always waited until after but every year i kick myself for it.

this year I'm determined to get it up well before Thanksgiving weekend.

~What is your Christmas color scheme?

Fuchsia, lime green, turquoise or aqua blue and silver.

i want a white tree this year to go with it. we'll see on that.

i have lime green (for the boys) and fuchsia (for the girls) sequined stockings.


wanna see some of my decorations? here here and here

I'm just wondering....

What are you obsessed about?

do you have a winter lawn? and who mows yours?

gifts? how do you work that with your extended families? in-laws? and siblings?

hey i hope you have a Fabulous Friday

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© 2009 crazymamaof6


CassiB said...

my obsessions change all the time, right now i think i am too tired. although i obsess right now over what i'm going to do for the girls Christmas dresses. even tho i don't have money yet to get the stuff to get started, argggg. oh well it will happen. the pattern i want goes on sale next thur. so i will start there.
hubby is working on the winter lawn right now. did the front over last weekend, tonight the back. he seeds, he waters, he spreads the cow poo, and he mows. we do the white elephant type exchange for Hozer's fam and with my fam we used to pick names. now it's kinda random.

crystal said...

Email me (so your siblings can't spy) & tell me what you're doing for sibling gifts. Pretty please? This is so I can copy your inventiveness. And your rad-ness.

I am mailing you my turquoise ornaments. I've owned them for 4 years and just can't work them in. I WANT to...but just don't have the skills.


blah, blah by lindsey said...

you need to check out the fuschia at hobby lobby..i am telling you they are cute and cheap!

i am the old fashioned red/green/white.

Lori Thompson said...

I'm almost done with your order! YEAH! I love Thanksgiving! We take family pictures that morning and eat all day. The next day, is MY MOST FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR! The hubby found the actual ads for black friday! I print out an excell spreadsheet with stores, times, items...Yeah, I'm a little crazy!

andrea said...

I had to laugh.....yes, I have a winter lawn It's white, and no mowing required! It's the reason my hubs loves winter. He gets to put the mower away for a few months! ;)

Amy said...

My obsession is holidays in general.

We own a lawn maintenance company so our guys mow it. We're to lazy to do it ourselves. Even though that what we did for years and years and now we refuse to even pick up one piece of equipment.

I pick and choose who gets gifts with my extended family. My husbands family doesn't even exchange gifts so that makes it easy.

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