Monday, November 30, 2009

Painless family pictures!

Today we had Family Pictures.

with Matt @ Still Life Studios!

you've seen my brood. you can imagine how nightmarish THAT can be.

but i was wrong. SO WRONG! It was pretty painless. quick and easy.

first off, Matt is a genius. 2nd Kids love him. 3rd, he can make even me look GOOD!

and well , I'm stoked to see how they turned out because I KNOW they will be FABULOUS!

everything i saw on the camera screen looked AMAZING! everyone was looking at the camera and smiling.

A couple years ago we sent pictures for our christmas cards that were done by Matt,

remember this one?

people asked how we got all of the kids looking so great, right at the camera and smiling. because that is no small feat.

THIS IS HOW! it's Matt!

Then he took some of just me for my FB profile pic. hee hee . I'm pretty sure that soon , it will be more than just my eye and hair flower. because he made ME look like a HOTTIE! it's true. you shall see.

and as much as i hate to have my picture taken, because I'm not as thin as i used to be, or as thin as I'd like to be, well this is me. I might as well embrace it because it's not changing anytime soon.

Matt rocks! i swear he's magic. he does wedding's, births, family sittings, funerals. babies.

check him out.

he's worth every freaking penny plus some.

by the way. he happens to be my brother in law and that rocks too. we like him even when he's not shooting our family pictures but especially when he works his magic and makes family pics as easy and painless as it was today. FABULOUS!

I promise you will be jealous.

you'll see why soon enough.


Oh and special thanks to Wendy and family for letting us drop in because we were on THAT side of town and thanks for the fabulous dinner and family night. it was super fun. we really didn't mean to come over and stay. But SUPER-THANKS for having us!


Hallelujah! i get to check family pictures off my list.

I'm SO Glad it went better than i ever thought possible.

and i personally can't wait to go chillax in the pedicure chair and take a minute for myself while addressing my christmas cards during my pedicure. BEST IDEA I'VE EVER HAD and FAVORITE tradition that is all about me. yeah, i think it's ok to have those.



Family pics? love them? hate them?

do you do Christmas cards with pics?

Christmas cards? do you send them?

do you save them from year to year or do you throw them away as soon as the season is over?

wanna know the one thing that went wrong during our shoot today? um security coming out from the clubhouse at the golf course to ask us to keep the kids off the green. yeah they were running laps around the holes on a $40,000 green. HORRIFYING! the guy was super nice but i was mortified.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Thankful thoughts!

Ok the goal was to find one thing DAILY to be grateful for in the month of November. i did Ok, some days forgetting to add it to the list or post it. sometimes not getting it up for a day or two or late and posting it on FB until i could get it up. it wasn't my about my efficiency of posting it but the act of thinking and remembering things i was thankful for.

1. a hubs that likes to party with my family.
2.a month out of the hospital and smaller hospital bills than anticipated.
3. the internet
4. long hot soaky showers
5. good memories
8.the primary program
9. cotton candy sunsets
10.the maid cleaning while i'm in class.
12.a steady paycheck for the hubs
13.friday night hot dates
14. Costco membership
15.modern medicine imaginary friends (blog and FB)
17.the opportunity to go back to school.
18.a good friend that will listen to me about my day, when she's had a bad one too.
19. PEYTON! Happy Birthday to him!
20.fictional characters and friends to enjoy them with.
21. the wisdom to know the difference.
22.intelligence and the ability to learn 5 senses. the ability to see clearly without glasses
24.a good sense of Humor. otherwise the things my kids do would put me in the looney bin.

25. my mom! the traditions we have, the time she spends with us, the skills she's taught me.

26.Lance for humoring me and my black friday obsession

27. bargains and holiday hours.


29. Paxton


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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Narcissism at its finest


[nahr-suh-siz-em] noun
1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.

who doesn't love a mention, praise, or feature about themselves ? i personally think it's rad.
and while i don't always love a picture featuring me, i do enjoy a mention. that being said...

i got a couple mentions on a blog or two, facebook, and remember that new friend I made in line on thanksgiving...the one with the online radio show/podcast? yeah , well i got a mention on his show. Big Lip Radio and on their facebook fanpage.

warning, they bicker alot on this podcast. and it can be semi hard to follow because of it. but i hafta say I totally side with Cait.

now it's my opinion that , their demographic is not really mine and mine is totally not theirs but whatever it's still kinda cool.

In other news...

I'm crazy busy today getting my research paper written up. and I'm feeling like a total failure for not having a tree up, or christmas lights, HELLO it's not even December, but first things first.

Homework, then house keeping. THEN holiday delights. in that order.


we have family pictures today. it's always nightmarish at best. imagine getting 6 kids and the hubs ready, and then having them smile on cue? I'll be saying bah humbug for sure. the photgrapher is a genius, and can work his magic. fingers crossed we have something FABULOUS afterward.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Friday, November 27, 2009

Oh, you wanted a scooter too?

black Friday was a TOTAL SUCCESS! I'm still basking in the glory.(and recovering from sleep deprivation).

it's a group effort all the way. we are fans of the divide and conquer method. but every group needs a leader and let's face it,



This year the plan was wait in line at old navy for the free Rockband Lego game with $20 purchase,

We got there by 9:15 and claimed the front of the line, (FIRST!) my sister staked her claim on our space for the 3 am opening.with a table and chairs. she even brought her RV for restroom use. which was super handy.

yes it was that awesome! we sat around and chatted huddled in camp chairs and blankets. took pictures, video interviews for my shopumentary (shopping documentary) . and plotted our strategy , we divvied up our lists and assigned items for people to run and grab at the next stop.

we all got our games (they only had 25 total) and rushed through old navy buying our requisite amount to get the free game.

then we rushed to stand in line at Target by wait for the 5 am opening.

everyone had an assignment.

I personally was in charge of grabbing 16 of one secret item.

my friend had to grab 13 scooters (she cleared the endcap and then had to make them find more in back stock JUST FOR US!)

we cleared the shelves of a few other items and demanded more, knowing they had 56 in stock from our chat with the manager while we waited.

we got everything we wanted. and rushed to walmart where a friend had staked out half my list. but the rest was already gone. we hit another nearby walmart and bought the rest then headed to breakfast.

by then i was going on 27 hours with no sleep. i was kinda dull by then but it was a great ending to the adventure.

here is the back of the van when we got home.

by the time i got in bed at 9:45 am i'd been awake for 29 hours straight.

after a 3 hour nap where i dreamt about shopping i got up, showered and headed back out.

Bath and Body works has an awesome purchase with purchase.spend $40 and get a bag of full size items for $15. the bag is hot pink, of course i HAD TO GET IT!

Me and the girls.

here we are after we all got our wristbands! we were super stoked and it was totally worth waiting all night for it. really it was just dang fun hanging out, planning and anticipating the wonder. it's such a rush!

it was glorious! thanks girls for coming along and letting me run the show!

i can't wait until next year! only 365 days left.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Thursday, November 26, 2009

a successful thanksgiving morning!

Happy Thanksgiving !

so i got up this morning at 4:30 to go shopping. at the Big K. I never go there. but every year on thanksgiving day you can find me in line ready to buy something. anything.
one year it was a couple of measly Polly Pockets.

nothing big or extravagant or spectacular.

it's the experience, the anticipation and the practice for black Friday that keeps me going back every year.

i came squealing into the parking lot around 5:15 and there wasn't anyone in line yet.

i hopped out with my camp chair and blanket and mentally yelled


i sat down and broke out the ads to occupy the two hours before the store opened.
i made a new friend.

and someone recognized me and asked me about my glitter mug.

yeah, 'cuz i'm so rad.

when the store opened i was unprepared, but i recovered quickly,

and soon enough i was running down the aisle giggling!

(giggle/cackle it's kinda the same thing, right?)

anyway. i got what i was after and it was another successful thanksgiving morning.

i just painted my nails black in honor of black Friday!

come back tomorrow for the adventures. (there might even be video.)
this year's black Friday fun is going to be EPIC!
i can't wait!

BAH! HUMBUG i hafta go make more pies with kids.

hope you have a fabulous thanksgiving day.

and good luck with your shopping adventures!

thanksgiving random trivia- i giggle when i run.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Please Pass the Cranberries...

today my mom and Little brother gary came by to make the cranberries .
real cranberries in the round fruit shaped form.

it's so easy a little kid can do it. (or help anyway)

Pierce helped.
(sorry they are camera phone pics again, it seems i've misplaced my camera)

Then Gary and Pierce finished it off.

Wanna make your own cranberries?

a bag of real cranberries.
two apples (seeds removed)
one Orange (skin too, but cut off the hard ends)
a cup of sugar

wash everything
cut into quarters
then chop in the food processor.
we pulsed it so it was still kinda chunky but not too chunky.

add the sugar to taste and let settle overnight.
(i should have taken an after picture, oh well)

Tada! fresh homemade cranberries for Thanksgiving dinner.

my mom always makes it, and my kids usally help.

I confess i've never eaten it.
i finally had a taste of it today and it was pretty delightful. will i have any on my plate tomorrow? we'll see.

but Pierce and Gary had a great time making it.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I psssss'd on you too mom!

Hey, four eyes! yeah i'm talking to you!

what? you wanna see the board?

and you can't see the screen at the movies?


wow! then I'm glad you can see now!

Peyton and Liberty just got glasses! and they finally came in!

this is Liberty's 2nd prescription in 6 months. yeah she's going blind fast thanks to genetics (just like her dad)

AWESOME! ( I should have interviewed better)

Peyton went for the half rimless, anything kinda round and he looked like Harry Potter.
and yes he needs a haircut. but i've noticed shaggy haired boys are running rampant at school these days . the first thing he said when he put them on? "WOW now everything isn't blurry! and " i can read the clock on the microwave!"


Aren't they cute? he's older. she's taller. i used to think people were stupid when they'd ask if Peyton and Liberty were twins, now they look like they could pass as twins. funny how that's changed.


and Liberty's are black with hot pink trim and butterflies or flowers on the sides. FAAANNNCCY.


in other news...

the maid came yesterday. and within an hour, milk was spilled on the table and leaked onto the floor.

then ...

Pierce sprayed the hose into the house through the dining room door TWICE. you can imagine how mopping right after i've paid someone to mop chaps me.

Pierce streaked down the street with ONLY a shirt on. and danced half nude on the neighbors pillar. (while i laughed and tried to snap pics on my camera phone)

he rode down the middle of the road on his scooter as fast as he could while dad yelled at him to come back , in a shirt and a pull up. CLASSY!

Pierce likes to pretend to pee on people. the other day he was in the bath and one of the girls walked by so of course he pretended to PSSSSSSSSSSSSSS on her, i told him to stop PSSSSSing on people and he said," I psssss'd on you too mom!" then he laughed his thrilled with himself laugh. it resembles a cackle not unlike my own.



Hope told me she wished it was christmas already. i asked her why, and she said because she likes turkey. apparently she was momentarily confused. she's very excited about thanksgiving and playing with cousins at the park. (I'm not even sure she eats turkey but hyping it in Kindergarten has her excited.)

glasses? do you wear them? used to? need to? any kids of yours wear glasses?

do you have any streakers?

kids that like to pretend to pee on people? typical boy behavior?

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Monday, November 23, 2009


Loves...the look of a fresh mohawk on my littlest punk.

Loves...the smell of wood fireplaces burning, outside after dark.

Loves...the taste of rocky road out of the carton after bedtime for the chillun's

Loves...the thought of checking things OFF her list.

Loves...Planning the black friday strategy.

so, tonight was one of those nights, where wherever i went people stared at me.(do you ever have that problem?)

SERIOUSLY? it left me wondering, did have some something dangling from my nose? did i forget to do my hair? did i fail to wear a shirt? i don't know what it was but either there was something wrong with me, or I looked totally HOT and people couldn't get over how attractive i am.

yeah that's it. ;)

the guy at sonic was extra weird. stare, long pause, stare and smile. "hey, thanks for coming in we really appreciate your business". smile, and stare.

really? it was weird. not normal sonic behavior.

and the long pauses gave me flashbacks from back in the day when a guy would wanna ask me out but not know how to go about it.


if you stare at someone what do you stare at?

do people stare at you?

what do you love to smell? taste? touch? think about?

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Sunday, November 22, 2009

awesome/not awesome. thanksgiving week edition.

let's play awesome/not awesome.the post where i list random stuff and decide if it's awesome or not awesome.

awesome- black Friday is 4 days away. **squeal in delight**

not awesome- target opens at 5 am this year making me have to pick between walmart or target's deals. because no matter how fast we are, we will definitely miss out on something at one of the stores.

awesome- i finally printed my articles for my research paper.

not awesome- it's due by the 1st if i want it back to revise or get feedback on it. and being the type A student i am, of course i want it back.
so that means i'm squeezing doing that sucker in between now and then. preferably before . tuesday this week. a show of hands, who thinks i can bs a 14 page paper in 2 days or less? while painting my front room, putting my tree up, baking pies with 6 kids, black friday planning, cleaning out the van.crafting christmas gifts etc. it's enough to get Bah humbug tattooed on my forehead.

we have both families in town so we can do thanksgiving with both families.

Not awesome- we have both families in town so we can do thanksgiving with both families. means packing too much in between dinner at both places, rushing back and forth across town, and maybe squeezing in a movie.

Awesome- my friend told me about her christmas gift spreadsheet that she color codes every year to track what she's given to her kids, and how much she's spent. impressive!

not awesome- feeling like i'm not smart enough to put that together myself. i want color coded spreadsheets too. wahhhhhhh


NOT AWESOME- MISSING OUT ON A (cheap) POWER WHEEL JEEP TO GET BAKUGAN AND A GRIDDLE. or splitting up and missing out on the fun of shopping together. sigh. i'll be fretting about this all week.

Awesome- our tradition of going out for breakfast with the ladies after shopping like a fiend since the wee hours of the morning.

Awesome- my favorite cousin coming into town to partake of the wonder of BF shopping with me.

Awesome- the fact that she's saved my black friday wake up call for 3 years on her cell phone messages. because it makes her happy.

Awesome- the fact that my kids are stoked to make pies for our traditional thanksgiving dinner pie contest.

Not awesome- actually making the pies. seriously baking with kids is not my idea of fun. baking with one is fine, baking with 6? no thanks.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Wisdom to know the Difference.

The other day i stopped at an upscale boutique between classes , in search of lunch and a look around. I'd heard of the store but never been there myself.

After a look through the whole store, the one thing that stuck with me was a sign I found, it was wood with vinyl lettering (in a fabulous font and crystals added) that simply said,

"The Wisdom to know the difference".


I've thought about it again and again since i saw it.

I recognized the quote as a line in the serenity prayer.

It's interesting that sign was the one thing that spoke to me. While i found furniture and amazing home decor, an assortment of bling encrusted items, and fabulous Christmas decorations (none in my color scheme). I left thinking that besides some Christmas ideas i want to duplicate myself, that sign was the best thing there.

apparently i needed to hear that. to say it. to remember the serenity prayer.

I'm in that place.

in other daily news,

~i got a speeding ticket the other day.

~I've wrestled Pierce and dragged the kid to school 2 days this week, AND once screaming through the store while lugging my ginormous purse, and pushing a bike. So my arms feel like they've gotten a really great workout.( you know, the day after ache) My left arm is going to have a rocking bicep soon if we keep this up.

~the basement toilet flooded because it was clogged with the light up part of a flash pop, a bouncy ball and a Popsicle stick. while i was gone so the hubs had to take care of it. (lucky me)

~yesterday i got 100% on another math test and both of the assignments i did just before that. yay me.

~last night the hubs and i saw "the blind side" which i loved.

i still haven't put up a tree yet. because I'm still in search of a white tree, and funds to buy it. plus i still want to paint the front room.

Today I'm thankful for the wisdom to know the difference.

When was the last time you got a speeding ticket?

do you have any feelings about the Serenity prayer?

would you like to have a 3 year old?

are you secretly relieved when disasters have happened while you were gone and your spouse had to deal with it?

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Friday, November 20, 2009

crazymama's movie review- NEW MOON- no spoilers

I hafta say, i could swing both ways, (between Edward and Jacob) after the movie.

and why couldn't they just wear no shirt the whole time?

I'll admit i was saddened when Jacob came back with a shirt on, but everyone else was still bare chested.

and i don't care if i come off as totally cougarish, one word to describe Jacob? LICK-ABLE!

heavenly day.

ok but since when do they speak Spanish in the Pacific Northwest on the reservation? LOCA? seriously?

somebody should have caught that . it's like steel horseshoes in the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. it just doesn't fit.

I had a delightful time with the group i saw the movie with. it was a FABULOUS EVENING.

So.... what did you think?

are you still on your same team you were going for before or have you defected to Switzerland?

i say love the one you are with. (and make out freely with him too.)

did you see it?

when are you going?

are you wearing anything special?

are you going to take your tweens to see it? ( i told mine when it comes out on DVD they can watch it, probably not before)

Today i'm thankful for Fictional Characters, and friends to enjoy them with.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy birthday to my #1 Peyton!

Happy Birthday to Peyton!

my firstborn , my #1 , is 11 today!

how about 11 random facts about Peyton?

1. when he was around 18 months, he'd sing along with the Passions theme song. (you know the daytime soap opera? yeah that one)

2. he slept in my bed until he was 3.(even though by then he had 2 younger siblings who slept in their own beds)

3. he gave up his pacifier a couple months after Liberty was born,(because those were for babies, he was only 1) but he kept drinking a bottle until he was 3. (don't judge me, you try taking it away when there are 2 other babies in the house!)

4. he's had a broken arm TWICE. it was the same bone 7 years apart.

5. his talents include Super sonic burps, touching his nose with his tongue, licking his own elbow, and putting his feet behind his head. we celebrate all talents.
but we might not show them off in public.

6.he's a HUGE reader. Peyton loves a good book and has read tons of awesome books.

7. he's an AWESOME older brother. he's thoughtful and sweet to little kids, always trying to make them smile or laugh. he's a great babysitter. the perfect older brother. he holds his little sisters hand or carries her backpack home from school for her.

8. he's great with computers, he can hook up anything, types faster than I do and does all his own reports. He's played Lord of the Rings online for almost 3 years of course the savvy skills backfire when he constantly finds things he wants me to buy him on Ebay.

9. he's a loyal friend. if he says you are friends, you are friends for LIFE.

10. he eats whatever i make and always says thank you for anything I've provided him. he's always the first to say thank you for dinner every night.

11.he's a night owl just like his dad and a homebody just like his mom. He's the only one that prefers to be home to going somewhere to sleep over or go play.

he's my first baby and he'll always be my baby! last night he told me he's happy to be turning 11 and growing up, but he still wants to be my baby forever.

we Partied last night early because the cousin he shares his birthday with is turning 8 today and having the Baptism tonight. mix that with my new moon plans and the kid was sure to get the shaft, so i scrambled and got all the presents and dinner and cake and we partied with the same cousin, but it was all about Peyton for once. they loved getting together still (we've never not celebrated together since Nate was born) and this way they each get their moment to shine. PERFECTION! and the feelings of mother guilt for having plans on his big day were assuaged.

Peyton got his presents last night and they included the New Chaotic wii game, chaotic cards, a bunch of bakugan, and a New mountain bike. and for part of his birthday gifts we pre-purchased the new expansion for LOTRO " Siege of Mirkwood"


(GASP) somehow that makes me feel old.

I remember being 11. that means he can and will remember being 11 and there's no hope that he'll forget what i do or don't do, as the mother. GAH! that's alot of pressure. somehow it was much easier when i knew there wasn't much he was going to retain from the early years.

Today I'm Thankful for Peyton!

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

singing along at the top of my lungs

let's talk about favorite christmas songs, shall we?

i have my beloved playlist on the sidebar. it's runs the gamut. my tastes are eclectic at best.

ultimate fave song on there?

Christmas Wrapping

by The Waitresses i found the lyrics here.

"Bah, humbug!" No, that's too strong
'Cause it is my favorite holiday
But all this year's been a busy blur
Don't think I have the energy

seriously-doesn't that perfectly sum up the season for me in the first verse. yes. it. does.

yesterday i was singing along loudly to Adam Sandler's Hanukkah song and you know how he cusses in one of the versions? well if it's in the lyrics i sing it. the hubs was unimpressed. and thought perhaps i should remove that one from the playlist. sigh. it's not happening. he's welcome to not listen.

and if he's offended by that song, i wonder what he thinks of the Phoebe Buffet version of Jingle B!tch?


it was a late night last night giving mani/pedis to the girls.

they were THRILLED!

and they turned out pretty rad if i do say so myself.


today's agenda? i have loads of homework to do. and by that i need to start on my big research paper. i haven't even printed the articles and i suspect that i have to turn in notes and an outline in the next two classes. SUCK IT! and then i have math homework.

plus! birthday shopping for Peyton, he turns 11 tomorrow. YIKES!

and of course there is always cleaning to do and Laundry to deal with. DELIGHTFUL? um no.

?'s 4 u!

what's on your agenda?

christmas songs?

Explicit lyrics- do you sing along? or shun them?

would you consider yourself a master of the art of procrastination?

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday top ten reasons to panic

just 10 reasons why i may have panicked today. or the last couple days.some are legitimate and some are lame. take 'em for what they are...something to blog about.

10. realizing christmas is 37 shopping days away. and i haven't started yet.

9.realizing it's a woot off on woot. yes i am in love with that. and i might have a problem tearing myself away. and i might have panicked while trying to enter my card number in when buying some fantastic bargain i never knew i needed.

8. I might have panicked when i almost peed my pants twice today coming in from the car. both times juggling my giant purse, my cell my keys, a beverage (or 3) and a bunch of bags, OR my school binder.

7. realizing black friday is a week from friday.

6. realizing my ELDEST is turning 11 on Thursday and it conflicts with my new moon plans. GASP! plus i haven't shopped for him yet. i planned on doing it during preschool/library day in English. but Pierce didn't go to preschool.

5.having a 3 year old almost puke while he's standing over me. (thus the missed preschool)

4. after math class i panicked because i noticed I've developed a new (between the eyes) frown wrinkle. and it's severe and only getting worse. I'm in need of Botox.

3.noticing that the retail arena is offering considerably less fabulous variety this year on holiday decor. and feeling dismayed at the lack of white christmas trees available. UGH!

2. my sister calling me and telling me her kid has lice, and my kid might have gotten it too from playing together last night.

1. I walked in from school to an open door, the front room chair obviously moved to unlock it , and knives on the kitchen floor. and the hubs on a conference call asking about the safety and whereabouts of the child he was supposed to be supervising. indicating that he'd been unsupervised for an unknown period of time. awesome.

Thankful item # 17-i'm thankful for the opportunity to go back to school and get a higher education (even if it is going to give me wrinkles)

So did you have any reason to feel yourself panicking today?

Christmas shopping ? have you started yet?

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Monday, November 16, 2009

makes me chuckle every time it pops up.

have you noticed those cheesy suggestions on FB?

_(insert long lost friend's name here)_Help make Facebook better for him. write on his wall.


You haven't chatted with __(insert virtual stranger's/relative's name here)_ in awhile.

seriously so lame. and yet makes me chuckle every time it pops up.'s monday. i had an especially hard time getting out of bed today because it's COLD! i don't like venture out of my warm cozy covers on cold mornings. who does?

apparently the kids have the same problem. and Hope wanted to stay home all together.

so she's here, and Pierce is too , as usual. and the maid came, and darn it if i don't want to go get a pedicure today. i do. really really badly. and some shopping would be nice too. darn these kids. home today. bah humbug.

please note my christmas playlist is on the sidebar for all to enjoy. it's totally optional, you have to hit play if you want to partake of the wonder. it's the full range, classics, 80's christmas hits and the funny ones that include potty words , sung by re-tards . oh and a few Hanukkah songs.

am i the only one getting excited about New Moon this week? I'm totally stoked. i might even try crafting a shirt. (Dork fest!)

ok i hafta get going. have a fab day.

NEW MOON? are you a twilighter?
which team are you on? Jacob or Edward.

What is your christmas music style?

Cold mornings? make it easier? or harder to get up?

Facebook suggestions? have you noticed those and what did you think of them?

feel free to share...

today i'm thankful for my imaginary friends on Facebook and my blog.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Sunday, November 15, 2009

the all-consuming stress that comes from turning 40, lack of organization, and sinus infections.

Did you catch the Title of this post?

" the all-consuming stress that comes from turning 40, lack of organization, and sinus infections."

don't get confused here, i'm NOT even close to 40 , but the hubs is.

HE, is turning 40 next month. and I'm expected to throw together an extravaganza to celebrate his entrance into old age.

GREAT! no problem. too bad it's smack dab in the middle of the holiday season.

my thoughts regarding aspects of this shindig are all consuming, even invading my sleeping hours.

FOR REAL? seriously? yes. it's ALL CONSUMING!

prepare yourselves to hear about this, often.

i feel a considerable amount of stress encroaching. I'll be venting and or bouncing ideas off of you for this.

and no it's not a surprise. he knows all about it and has opinions. (thus the stress) if he'd just let me do it how i want to, it'd be fine but NOOOOOOOOOO.


by the way.

Sinus headaches are not my friend.

so that sinus infection i mentioned, a couple weeks ago, is still lingering. lucky lucky me. i was hoping it would just go away , since I've been to the Dr. so much recently for other things, i was avoiding going in for this.

i did purchase a netti pot. and used it and yes i cleared out some"stuff", but i didn't feel remarkably better. darn it.maybe with daily use.


and i've realized i am amazingly unorganized. especially if i have borrowed something , placed it somewhere safe and then can't for the life of me find it to return it. yeah, it's like that.

HINT: don't loan me anything. it's just better that way.


so i'm off to go search for that lost item , and ready to go take a nap since i haven't slept well due to party planning in my sleep and this rockin' sinus infection.

feel free to be jealous.


I'm behind on my thankful thoughts. and haven't posted since...friday? yeah well.

Friday i was thankful for hot dates with the hubs.

Saturday i was thankful for my costco membership.

today i'm thankful for modern medicine.


any thoughts? feelings? great ideas?

random tidbits of knowledge you might be dying to share?

Gossip? i'm always game for gossip.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fabulous Friday?

Fabulous? friday.

in this post....i answered my own blog survey questions, I mentioned:
christmas archives,
holiday gift plans,
posted links
and bragged about the yard looking rad.

if this interests you, click over and comment.

let's see... the yard guys came and did the front and back. whoohoo. our winter lawn is looking AMAZING!

then. i took Pierce to school where he screamed and cried and didn't want to stay. it was heart breaking. i wish he could just stay home everyday all day. but he needs to go and get his speech services. and i normally have school too. plus he has fun once he stops freaking out.

Peyton is home with the pukes. he was bummed it's so quiet here all alone with no other kids here.

I spent some quality time in my archives today looking for links to some of the answers from yesterday's survey. and man it seems like i had lots more to post about. i think i'm inhibited by the posting to my FB everyday. and maybe unknown readers lurking. although my traffic is in the crapper since it's that time of year anyway.

I think i've got my sibling gifts planned and ready to be taken care of. i ordered them , i just have to get them and finish them.

i'm obsessed with thoughts of christmas. cards, gifts, decorations.

and i need to bust out my big research paper before thanksgiving to get it turned in so i can make revisions and finish that class up early. it's not technically due until the last day.

here are my answers from yesterday's survey...

~ What is your favorite thanksgiving food?

last year i posted about my thanksgiving food issues HERE

Candied carrots, Stuffing, homemade mashed potatoes with brown gravy. IN. That. Order.

~Which is your Favorite black Friday store to hit first?

I love walmart. the craziness, the rush, the strategy involved. then next on my route is TARGET (pronounced Tarjay)

~Favorite shopping website? i like Woot. they even have woot kids now and shirt woot, even wine woot (if you drink wine). it's a deal a day. you can buy up to 3 items, with flat rate $5 shipping on whatever you buy ($5 bucks shipping for 3 mp3 players, or a dyson vacuum.) Check it out

i sorta love it.

OH and Kid's woot is having a woot off, meaning they sell alot of things one at a time. i'm giddy over it.

~Do you decorate before or after Thanksgiving?

in the past i always waited until after but every year i kick myself for it.

this year I'm determined to get it up well before Thanksgiving weekend.

~What is your Christmas color scheme?

Fuchsia, lime green, turquoise or aqua blue and silver.

i want a white tree this year to go with it. we'll see on that.

i have lime green (for the boys) and fuchsia (for the girls) sequined stockings.


wanna see some of my decorations? here here and here

I'm just wondering....

What are you obsessed about?

do you have a winter lawn? and who mows yours?

gifts? how do you work that with your extended families? in-laws? and siblings?

hey i hope you have a Fabulous Friday

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Survey Says?

OK. sooo, it's been awhile since I've had much blogger interaction with my 'friends' (real and imaginary) , readers, other bloggers, etc.

So I'm asking you people the questions....that I'm dying to know the answers to.

~ What is your favorite thanksgiving food?

~Which is your Favorite black Friday store to hit first?

if you aren't a fan of black friday how about your ...

~Favorite shopping website?

~Do you decorate before or after Thanksgiving?

~What is your Christmas color scheme?

give me your answers, and I'll divulge mine later after school. or tomorrow. or tonight or something.

today I'm thankful for ...a hubs with a steady pay check. we all know what a blessing that is in this economy.

FYI this website has 4 for $10 antibacterial hand soaps on special. (including holiday flavors). plus cheap wallflowers, and $5 candles.

they make great teacher or neighbor gifts.

and i posted the blackfriday link to the target ad in Yesterday's post.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Crazymama's confessional

forgive me blogger for i have sinned. it's been 2 days since my last confession...

(you know i mean since i last posted).

I've been occupied.

class yesterday proved to be delightful! MOSTLY BECAUSE I GOT A PERFECT SCORE ON MY SAMPLE RESEARCH PAPER!

I'd been anxiously awaiting the return of that paper. and i was pretty stoked to get such a good grade. since, you know, i whipped it up the night before it was due. and wasn't on a topic i cared to write about.

yesterday i was thankful for the maid coming to clean, on a day i had class no less, and on the day of a shindig at my house.

i found the Vampires Assistant book at Costco yesterday. I'm dying to read it, but the hubs started it first.

THEN last night after the meeting i went to was over, i hung out with two super fun girls. it was a rad night out. we should do it again soon.

this morning i hopped out of bed bushy haired and raring to go, to SAVERS 50% off day.

i scored some totally awesome deals. I Love a bargain!

and later today we are hitting a movie with the kids. and who knows what else. the house stays clean longer the more we are gone.

fancy that.

well, have a fabulous Veterans day.

thanks to all the men and women who have served this great country.

what's up with you? how have you been?

any fun plans for today?

how do you celebrate veterans day?

Oh and best part of today aside from the bargain extravaganza? the Target black friday ad is posted online.

you are welcome.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Monday, November 9, 2009

like an addict waiting to score

I confess I get Giddy, instantly become Thrilled and

over-the-top Excited about phrases like...



Free gift!

Early bird specials.

___(insert any # here)% off

Special hours.

Limited time only!

I have an OVERWHELMING need to fulfill my shopping fantasies

as soon as i see those words.

like an addict waiting to score, my heart races, my palms sweat, I become agitated.

to say obsessed is not an exaggeration.

It's the thrill of the chase that i love.

i have been known to go, and not buy one thing,

but just love the thrill of racing through the aisles


Black Friday is 19 days away.


today I'm thankful for cotton candy sunsets.

I'm in awe daily of the vibrant colors the sky glows in Pinks, oranges, reds and purples.

wispy candy colored clouds or the Sky full of flames.

often i snap pictures with my camera phone.


what's your favorite kind of sale?

any catchphrases that get you hot and bothered?

Sunset? what color is your fave?

and does everywhere else have such fabulous sunsets?

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Saturday, November 7, 2009

a Joy to have around

Today i went shopping at the mall with my girlies and Pierce while the hubs took the big boys to the SCOUT-O-RAMA!

when i told Joy it was time to get ready to go she said," OH, i have to look CUTE, in case i see Rigg's at the Mall!" ( yeah cuz that happens in real life all the time. she watches too much Disney channel, like where Candace runs into Jeremy on Phineas and Ferb)

Later we had gone into Wet Seal to look at something for Liberty and while she was trying that on, Joy was checking out a mannequin that was sporting some purple ripped skin tight skinny jeans, layered with a top and sweater and belts and whatever is TOTALLY IN at Wet Seal.

after studying it for a few minutes, Liberty came up to look too, and Joy said , "WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? NO ONE IS GOING TO BUY THOSE! THEY ARE RIPPED! Who buys jeans with holes in them?"

Then. while shopping we took a snack break and sat down to eat soft pretzels. and Joy pointed out a sign in a store window with 75% off, she started explaining that stores keep advertising sales so people will want to go in and buy things and spend money. i have no idea where she learns these things but she was right on with that assumption.

While Joy's incessant talking was overwhelming at some point, and annoying sometimes, I admit I was FULLY entertained by the running commentary from her, from the moment i announced it was time to get ready, to the end of our shopping trip where she analyzed sales trends.

She kills me. she's so dang funny.

Today I'm thankful for Joy. she keeps me entertained. I'm grateful for her intelligence and her intuitiveness. I love her spunky personality and her sensitive nature. she is a Joy to have around.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Friday, November 6, 2009

an iron grip and ditching the short bus.

I've been getting alot of this lately.
someone is still worried about mama. and not wanting to be left behind.



he's got a iron grip. with both his legs and hands.

i've also given up on his morning bus ride to preschool. it's a fight everyday. and then when i do have to drive him I'm irritated . if i plan on it, it will be less hassle and less stress for both of us.

Today i'm Thankful for Pierce. unconditionally. love this kid.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thanks for the memories.

It's that time of the year that holds lots of good memories. With lots of events that trigger those memories. as i see posts about carnivals and homecoming dances, as the evenings cool off some memories inevitably come rushing back.

Today I'm thankful for the memories from the past. The friendships made and relationships started long ago.

while i was full of teen angst and self-esteem issues i still have LOADS of memories of good times and hot dates from back in the day.

it seems there are more from this time of the year than others.

i have great memories of Homecoming dances, Harvest dances. dates to the State fair. dates to haunted houses (who doesn't love an excuse to cling scared to their date?)


what time of the year triggers the most memories of good times from back in the day?

got any dance pictures you are willing to post?

what's your fave fall memory/event?

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© 2009 crazymamaof6

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